Chapter 265 Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet
Seeing this scene, Tom's eyes turned cold: "These beasts, damn it!"

Tom cursed inwardly and squeezed the Poké Ball bomb in his hand hard. The Poké Ball bomb was activated instantly. Tom counted to three silently and threw the Poké Ball bomb towards the man-eating rats that were gnawing on the corpse.

The Poké Ball bomb landed and exploded instantly.

There was a loud "boom".

In an instant, the entire cave was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder, and all the man-eating rats that were gnawing on the corpses were blown into ashes.

Even the bodies of the mercenaries were blown into pieces, emitting black smoke and looking burnt beyond recognition.

Hearing the explosion, Fang Xiaocao and the other two were startled, thinking that something had happened to Tom.

He immediately picked up his gun and ran over quickly.

"Tom, what happened?"

Fang Xiaocao asked in a deep voice.

"Nothing, just some man-eating rats. I blew them up with a bomb."

Tom took a deep breath and spoke.

Fang Xiaocao noticed that Tom's expression was not right.

But Tom wouldn't tell, and she didn't ask.

If Tom wanted to say it, he would have said it long ago.

She doesn't need to ask!

Tom didn't want to talk, so it was pointless to ask.

"Is it safe outside now?"

Fang Xiaocao asked Tom.

"It's safe for now!"

"The mercenaries and the man-eating rats are gone."

"I just don't know whether they are all dead, or the mercenaries retreated and the man-eating rats gave chase."

Tom replied, frowning.

"So let's go now?"

Fang Xiaocao asked tentatively.

Tom thought for a moment and nodded.

"Just go now!"

"We will go straight through the place where the man-eating rats are and quickly head towards the place where the treasure is hidden."

After a moment, Tom said in a deep voice.


Fang Xiaocao acted promptly and gave the order.

Tom nodded and jumped out through the crevice.

Tom landed steadily and glanced at his feet. He saw a half-crippled, but still alive, man-eating rat. Tom sneered and stepped on the rat to death.

After killing the man-eating rat in seconds, Tom reached out and helped Fang Xiaocao down from the crevice. He immediately ran forward, with Fang Xiaocao following closely behind him. The hummingbird and Taotie followed at the end.

Running quickly along the cave, Fang Xiaocao and others soon saw the long-haired, skinny beauty of Taotie.

But the body of the white-haired man-eating rat that was killed by Taotie was missing.

Next to the pool of blood, there were many rat footprints.

Most of the mouse footprints were heading in the direction from which Fang Xiaocao and the others came, with only one row of footprints heading in the opposite direction.

"The body of that white-haired beast is gone."

Taotie exclaimed.

Hearing Taotie's words, Tom took a glance.

Pointing at the opposite line of footprints, he said, "It must have been taken away by the white-haired rat that you injured and escaped."

Hearing Tom's words, Fang Xiaocao nodded.

"Tom is right. Don't you say that intelligent animals are all very smart?"

"They are not even weaker than humans, and they would collect the corpses of their own kind, so there is nothing strange about that."

"Okay, let's go!"

"If the man-eating rats or mercenaries come chasing us along this road, we won't be able to leave."

Fang Xiaocao said in a deep voice. "Yes!"

"Let's hurry up!"

Tom nodded in agreement.

"Tom, lead the way!"

Fang Xiaocao said in a deep voice.

Tom took out the terminal, looked at the treasure map again, nodded, and led the way.

Fang Xiaocao and the other two maintained a V-shaped formation and followed closely behind Tom.

After running for half an hour, Tom stopped and looked at Fang Xiaocao, who was already out of breath. Tom estimated the distance he and his group had run and said, "Princess, we have run far enough. Let's rest here for a while."

Fang Xiaocao panted heavily, wiped the sweat off her forehead, and nodded: "Okay..."

"I...can't run anymore..."

Having said that, Fang Xiaocao sat down on the ground.

"Hummingbird, give Her Royal Highness the Princess a massage so she won't be unable to stand up later."

Tom instructed Hummingbird.


Hummingbird nodded and responded.

He walked over to Fang Xiaocao and started massaging her legs.

"Old Tom, I just don't think it's right."

Taotie came up to Tom and whispered.

"what happened?"

Hearing Taotie's words, Tom was stunned and looked at Taotie in confusion.

"That old white-haired rat never showed up."

"And we haven't seen any rat holes or habitats of man-eating rats along the way. Don't you find it strange?"

Taotie said worriedly.

Taotie was still thinking about the white-haired man-eating rat. Along the way, Taotie was paying special attention to see if there was any trace of the man-eating rat.

Now that they had stopped to rest, Taotie finally expressed his concerns.

Hearing Taotie's words, Tom frowned slightly.

He stood up and looked around.

There was a glimmer of suspicion in his eyes.

Tom felt that Taotie was right.

It is indeed a problem.

At this moment, a white shadow flashed by.

A smell of blood hit me in the face.

Tom was startled and looked carefully.

Then a big white-haired rat with a broken tail appeared, with its fangs flashing coldly, and pounced towards Fang Xiaocao.

Seeing the appearance of the big white-haired rat, Tom immediately realized that this big white-haired rat was the white-haired man-eating rat that was chopped by Taotie.

"Your Highness, be careful!"

Tom shouted to warn, but it was too late for him to rescue. He could only hope that the hummingbird beside Fang Xiaocao could hear his warning, react in time and stop the white-haired man-eating rat.

Hearing Tom's shout, Hummingbird reacted immediately, picked up a stone from the ground, held it in his hand, and smashed it behind his back.

Fang Xiaocao also reacted. Seeing the white-haired man-eating rat's ferocious face, Fang Xiaocao almost subconsciously took out a few steel nails from his waist and raised his hand to throw them at the white-haired man-eating rat.

At the same time, Tom and Taotie also rushed to rescue Fang Xiaocao.

The hummingbird's stone missed the white-haired rat, but one of Fang Xiaocao's steel nails shot into the rat's eye and knocked it down.

The white-haired man-eating rat let out a scream, fell to the ground, and immediately climbed up. There were steel nails stuck in its eyes, and blood was flowing. Its intact eyes stared at Fang Xiaocao, revealing its big buck teeth.

Fang Xiaocao was attacked, which scared Taotie and the others. Taotie roared, "You beast, you're looking for death!"

Taotie swung the dagger and stabbed the white-haired man-eating rat fiercely. The white-haired man-eating rat also recognized Taotie. When the two enemies met, they were extremely jealous of each other.

The white-haired man-eating rat let out a sharp roar and pounced towards the Taotie.

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