"What, you still want to give me treasures?" Shu Jue glanced over, Grizzly Bear's scalp went numb, and the words he wanted to invite Shu Jue to join the Fang Mercenary Group were blocked in his throat and he forgot to say it.

He has no treasure, really no treasure.

If you continue to show filial piety to this damn girl, your entire family will be emptied.

The bearded man over there was released from the ice and sat down directly on the ground.

The floor wasn't even warm yet, and his brother came to greet him with fists...

The crowd dispersed, except for the young man known as the White Wolf who stood still.

The young man looks about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a thin face but a pair of bright eyes. Compared with the grizzly bear's extremely rich dress, he was dressed as if he came from the poor: his clothes were made of ordinary cloth, and there was not a single protective magical weapon on his body.

"Did you call me just now?" Bai Lang was still struggling with how to talk to Shu Jue. After all, he couldn't take out as many treasures as Grizzly Bear, but Shu Jue spoke first.

Several people stopped in front of him and were indeed talking to him.

"S-Senior, I-I want to invite you to join our Wolfhunting mercenary group..." The young man seemed to have made a lot of determination when he said these words. He even lowered his head and did not dare to look at Shu Jue's face. Eye.

As soon as he finished speaking, as expected, there was laughter from around him.

"The Wolfhunting Mercenary Group, what kind of rubbish, dare to invite the masters of Yuanying Dzogchen to join?"

"Tsk, tsk, let me see, your Wolfhunter mercenary group is not nothing, you also have a thick skin, haha! Do you think so!"

"You don't even know what kind of person you are, so you just come to ask for help with a shy face. If I were you, I would have canceled the mercenary group long ago!"

Listening to the taunts, the white wolf's head lowered lower and lower, and the tips of his ears turned red. He didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or anger.

He couldn't even refute it, because what those people said was indeed true. The current Wolfhound Mercenary Group...

Shu Jue's eyes were light and she glanced past those people. The people who were heckled and taunted immediately felt as if they were being strangled by the neck and did not dare to say a word.

They had seen her attitude towards the grizzly bear.

Nowadays, the Fang Mercenary Group is the third-ranked mercenary group on the first floor. As the leader of the group, Grizzly Bear is very powerful. He is like a grandson in front of Shu Jue. They don’t think that their faces can be as big as Grizzly Bear’s. .

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the inn." After Shujue said that, he turned around and left. Bai Lang was stunned for a moment and followed immediately.

The inn was different from yesterday. When Shujue and the others came yesterday, there were only two or three people in the inn. Today when they came back, the inn was already full.

As soon as they entered the door, almost everyone's eyes were on them.

Seeing the white wolf following them, the surprise in the expressions of those people was even more undisguised.

Shu Jue ignored them. She nodded slightly to the shopkeeper as a greeting, and then walked straight upstairs with Bai Lang.

"Senior, you..." Bai Lang was confused about their attitude for a while.

Shu Jue's eyes signaled him to sit down. Just when he was feeling uneasy, she said, "You should also know that we just came in yesterday and we don't know much about this mercenary group."

White Wolf was surprised. Seeing Shu Jue's attitude towards the grizzly bear, he thought she had already understood these things.

However, he was surprised, and Bai Lang didn't show it, but explained patiently.

Mercenaries are the largest group among the first-level human race, serving those who are strong in strength and have no shortage of wealth.

The population on the first floor is about four to five thousand, of which mercenaries account for at least [-]%.

There is a mercenary guild in the center of the town, and people there will issue tasks. Some tasks are to collect spiritual plants from the mountains, some are to kill monsters to obtain materials, and some are to kill demons or assassinate humans. Basically, As long as there is a task released, there will be a mercenary group or an individual to take it.

And there are actually assassination missions? Is there anyone else taking the assassination mission?

"There is no city lord in this town, and there are no rules like outside. Everyone believes that whoever has the toughest fist is the boss. Human life is the least valuable thing here..." Bai Lang lowered his eyes and calmly said that. The remarks.

"More than ten years ago, the Wolf Hunters mercenary group was the top-ranked mercenary group on the first level. Later, because my father lost his life during the mission, the status of the Wolf Hunters plummeted." Falling from the clouds to hell is just a short journey. A matter of moments.

White Wolf, who was less than thirty years old, took over the mercenary group and took over his father's position.

He wasn't called White Wolf before. White Wolf was his father's name. After taking over the mercenary group, he didn't use another name. He still used "White Wolf". As long as the mercenary group still exists, White Wolf will always exist.

He has no mother. Old White Wolf picked him up at the gate of the mercenary group, adopted him, and taught him martial arts.

Now he is less than fifty years old, and he is already in the late stage of Jindan. He is already an excellent talent at this first level, but it is precisely because of this talent that other mercenary groups suppress him like crazy.

Not to mention assassinations, he has encountered explicit provocations by force countless times.

It's already so difficult to live alone, not to mention that there is a mercenary group behind him that needs his support.

The hunting of wolves is getting worse every year, and now there are only a few old friends of his father who are still in the mercenary group.

"So senior, I would like to ask you to join the Wolf Hunters mercenary group! Even if you are a guest, if I can use your reputation to support me, the situation of the Wolf Hunters... should be much better."

Bai Lang's eyes burned with enthusiasm: "If you are willing to come, I, I am willing to give you [-]% of the annual income of the Wolf Hunter Mercenary Group! [-]% is fine too!"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll be angry if you just tell me your purpose like this? You should also know that I was imprisoned because I committed something outside. I'm not a good person." To put it bluntly, he just wanted to use his power to show off his power. The potential.

She is a novice in Jindan, and her cultivation level is not as good as his. How can she lend him any power?

Shu Jue observed his expression calmly, but saw that he looked calm from beginning to end.

"Senior is not that kind of person." Bai Lang shook his head and glanced at Lian Huo and the others: "Actually, I have seen what happened yesterday... Senior and your senior brothers and sisters are all good people."

Being able to protect the two women behind him immediately means that his character will not be any worse, and he understands the principle that people are divided into groups.

As for being angry... Bai Lang was just gambling. He had always been honest, not to mention that the senior in front of him might become the guest of Wolf Hunter.

He came with the utmost sincerity. After all, he had nothing to offer except sincerity.

"Sorry, I can't join the Wolf Hunt." Shujue thought for a long time and finally shook her head.

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