Bai Lang's eyes dimmed instantly, but he still smiled and said: "Senior, if you are willing to come to hunt wolves, you can contact me at any time."

After sending the white wolf out, Lian Yan hurriedly returned to the room, "Little junior sister, why did you disagree just now? I looked at the white wolf and it seemed that he was pretty good and quite sincere."

At least Lian Yan's stereotype of these people in the inheritance tower was reversed.

He originally thought that the people in this inheritance tower were like Grizzly Bear's brother, not good birds, but the appearance of the white wolf made his eyes light up.

There are not all evil-minded people in this tower!

Shu Jue shook her head: "We won't stay here for long. If I join the Wolf Hunters now and support him with my special skills, he will only face stronger backlash after we leave."

After Bai Lang went out, many people were waiting to see his joke, but they saw him being sent out by Lian Yan with a smile on his face. For a moment, everyone was not sure what Shu Jue's attitude was.

"Xiao Ye, are you back? Didn't you say today that you were going to find the senior who just came to the first floor to invite her to join us in hunting wolves? How's it going?"

The Wolfhound Mercenary Group was also a large mercenary group in the early years. The venue was a courtyard with four entrances. Now there are only a few people left in the huge courtyard.

Bai Lang skillfully helped the middle-aged man up on the bed so that he could lean on the quilt behind him: "Uncle Guo, of course I can do this. You drink the medicine first."

"Okay, Xiaoye, it's up to you to hunt the wolf." After Guo Zhongxian drank the medicine, he started panting violently. Seeing this, Bai Lang hurriedly put him down and let him lie down.

If he hadn't saved his father back then, Guo Zhongxian wouldn't have become like this. Over the years, White Wolf has taken care of him as his half-father.

Bai Lang silently put away the medicine bowl and opened the window, allowing sunlight to pour in.

It's just that although the sun is big, you can't feel any temperature even if you stand under it.

It is false sunshine after all.

Bai Lang went out with the medicine bowl and stood in the middle of the courtyard. The sky was still cloudless day after day. He had seen this kind of sky since he was a child.

The small kitchen was full of the smell of potion residue. Bai Lang cleaned the bowls and put them away.

Alchemist is a rare profession on the first level, and the cost of elixirs is also ridiculously high.

Before the decline of hunting wolves, there were alchemists who served as guest elders in the regiment.

But that was all a long time ago. Now the medicine Guo Zhongxian drinks is all collected by White Wolf and then boiled by himself.

After doing all this, Bai Lang checked the surrounding formations and walked out towards the mercenary union.

I'm running out of spiritual stones, so I have to earn some quickly.

"Hey, who do I think it is! It turns out to be a lost dog! What? Come to take over a mission? Come on, listen to the barking, and I will give you this F-level mission!"

As soon as Bai Lang entered the mercenary group, everyone in the hall downstairs looked at him.

If Shu Jue, the person who started taunting someone, would definitely be recognized here, wouldn't he be the unlucky guy who was frozen into ice pimples by her?

"Get out of the way." The taunting white wolf pretended not to hear. He walked straight to the task board and spotted an F-level task. He was about to tear it off when his other hand moved faster than him. , preemptively tore off the task.

"Black bear, you!"

"What's wrong with me? Why don't you let me accept the mission?" Black Bear smiled provocatively at him: "Isn't this mission posted on the taskbar just for people to take it? Could it be that you want to follow me? Oops, as expected. A veteran mercenary group! I'm so scared!" White Wolf's forehead was throbbing with veins. Looking at the arrogant Rouqiang in front of him, he gritted his teeth and turned his attention to another task list.

Just as he reached out to tear it off, Black Bear once again got ahead of him and took the task paper into his hand.

"Oh, there's nothing I can do. It seems like you're not as fast as me." Black Bear raised his brows proudly and deliberately waved the two task sheets in front of White Wolf.

As soon as they made a little noise, a circle of people gathered in the hall, completely surrounding the two of them, leaving only a large space in the middle for the two of them to confront each other.

Compared to the huge black bear, the white wolf looks smaller than him.

There were constant sneers from all around:

"It's so funny that he invites a master from Yuanying Dzogchen to join the mercenary group? If I were that master, I would have to be blind to see them hunting wolves, right?"

"That's not the case, right? Isn't Bai Lang's skin still visible? If he lowers his body and serves other masters, he can still win people's favor even though he can't do it."

"There's no point in just standing like this! White Wolf, if you are a man, go out and have a fight with the black bear!" Fighting is not allowed in the mercenary union, and everyone who has any grudges goes out to resolve them.

The white wolf's eyes were red with anger, his hands were clenched into fists, and his joints were turning white.

If he could attack the black bear, he wouldn't let him humiliate him until now.

If he got involved with hunting wolves because of his impulsiveness, he would never forgive himself in his life.

He took a long breath, turned around and prepared to leave through the crowd, but felt a cold air blowing against his face.

A clear female voice came from far away: "Hey, is it you again?"

Sensing this chill, Black Bear immediately felt a dull pain all over his body.

After hearing Shu Jue's voice, his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

This voice... this voice...

The crowd consciously made a way for Shu Jue and the others. The moment they saw her, the black bear almost jumped up with an "ouch".

Regardless of the fact that he was teasing Bai Lang a few seconds ago, he directly thrust the two task sheets into Bai Lang's hands, turned around and wanted to run away.

Not only was he frozen yesterday, he was beaten severely by his brother when he came out today. Now that he saw Shujue, he felt cold and painful all over his body. He even forgot the rule of not fighting inside, and acted like a mouse after a cat. Yes, I just regret that I don’t have two more legs.

Yesterday, his brother said that if he offended someone again and was frozen, he would take Bing Gupao back as a sacrifice.

Bai Lang looked at his back as he left dejectedly, feeling relieved in his heart.

"Senior, are you here to take over the mission?" The excitement was gone, and everyone didn't want to offend Shu Jue. The birds and beasts dispersed, and the white wolf quickly ran to Shu Jue, the admiration in his eyes almost overflowing.

Shu Jue pretended to be calm and nodded.

"Is this your first time taking on a mission, senior?" Thinking of what she said yesterday that she had never heard of a mercenary group before, Bai Lang acted as an explanation: "The mercenary union releases missions from time to time. These missions are divided into a, b, c, Levels d, e, and f, among which level f tasks are the simplest. The higher the level of the task, the more difficult it becomes. Of course, the corresponding rewards are also higher."

"There are S-level tasks on top of A-level tasks, but now we don't have anyone on the first floor who can take on S-level tasks."

"Not everyone can accept tasks above C level. Before accepting the task, the mercenary union will evaluate the tasker or the mercenary group based on the comprehensive strength. Only those who pass the evaluation can accept the task."

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