After converting to Qingqing Dao, my little junior sister went crazy

Chapter 113 Separation, invitation from Lan tribe

Chapter 113 Separation, invitation from Lan tribe

The moment they entered the border town, an old man from the tribe slowly opened his eyes.

This old man is very old, and her face is full of traces of time. Her complexion is yellow and her eyes are deeply sunken, and there is some shrewdness hidden in her cloudy eyes.

"Lan Xi, go ahead and greet our guests."

"Hey, okay! Wait, high priest." Lan Xi came in holding a velvet turban, and carefully wrapped the turban around the old man.

With her gray hair hidden under the turban, Lan Xi supported the high priest and walked out slowly...

The twelve-member team had different opinions on which tribe to go to first - one of the two tribes was the Lan tribe and the other was the Wei tribe.

Several people headed by Chen Yu advocated going to the Wei tribe first, while those headed by Chu Yunchen advocated going to the Lan tribe first.

"It is rumored that the people of the Lan tribe are indifferent and indifferent to worldly affairs. If we go there, we will probably be rejected." Chen Yu looked at Chu Yunchen and his group with disapproval in his eyes, "The Wei tribe also occasionally has contact with the outside world. , it is obviously much easier for us to start with the Wei tribe."

What's more, I heard that the high priest of the Lan tribe is a tricky old guy, and Chen Yu is unwilling to deal with such a person.

If he hadn't been ordered to come, he wouldn't have had any contact with the people from the Wei tribe.

But Lin Dingzhi asked him to come by name, so he could only swallow the reluctance in his heart.

But when he arrived, he discovered that there was actually someone in the team who was a direct descendant of the sect leader like him, and even some of the disciples of the Dan Sect had a faint tendency to obey his orders.

Chen Yu was very dissatisfied. He was also a direct disciple of the sect leader, but his status in the hearts of those Dan sect disciples was not as high as that of Chu Yunchen?

At this time, Chen Yu looked at Yu Mingli who was standing next to Chu Yunchen, and his tone was a little tough and cold: "Little junior sister Mingli, before I went out, I promised Elder Yu that I would take good care of you. Are you sure you want to follow him? If you follow him out, If it’s an accident, don’t blame me when the time comes.”

Yu Mingli's eyes were slightly cold when he heard this: "Senior Brother, I should be the one to ask you this. You know that there may be demons coming out, but you insist on being separated from us. What are you thinking?"

If it weren't for the wrong timing, she really wanted to ask what was in Chen Yu's mind.

"Ha..." Chen Yu sneered. His originally delicate face was now ruined by the shadow. His eyes when he looked at Yu Mingli no longer pretended, and his face was full of disdain:

"Since you don't want to come with me, I won't say more. I hope you have better luck and don't get torn to pieces by the demons!"

After saying this, he turned around and left with the people.

Watching the group of people leaving, Yu Mingli vaguely felt that something was wrong, until the system said in her heart: [How strange, host. Chen Yu usually doesn't seem to be brainless. Why did he suddenly lose his mind after entering the city? 】

Yes! Something started to go wrong when we entered the city!

Yu Mingli suddenly realized that Chen Yuren was usually a bit hypocritical, but he would never show shame in front of so many people.

Especially since he is Elder Yu's daughter, he is even less likely to offend himself.

And Chu Yunchen - after all, he is also a direct descendant of the Qing Hong Sect leader. According to Chen Yu's temperament, even if he can't make friends, he will never make enemies.

"Yunchen, don't you think it's a little weird?" Yu Mingli turned her head and saw Chu Yunchen looking directly at her, which was a look he didn't usually see.

Her heart skipped a beat and she took a step back without leaving a trace: "Yun Chen?"

"Ah?" Chu Yunchen finally reacted: "What did you just say?" "I said - do you think there is something weird here?" Yu Mingli observed his expression carefully, but saw that he was in a daze for a moment, and then He nodded firmly.

"It's definitely weird."

It was strange that after coming in, he uncontrollably wanted to hold Yu Mingli's hand several times, touch her head, and even want to hold her in his arms.

The thought startled him.

Mingli didn't even know what he was thinking, how could he do such a thing? She had obviously made up her mind before, and Nascent Soul would reveal his feelings to her later...

"I find it very strange when you say that." Su Chiqing touched her stomach and sighed sadly: "You may not believe it, but my stomach feels hungry." But she has obviously become inedible! She hadn't felt this hungry in a long time.

As Su Chiqing spoke, he kicked a tree nearby.

As a result, the snow on the trees was not frozen, and fell softly, pouring into her neck and making her tremble with the cold.

The remaining six people more or less noticed something was wrong, except for Yu Mingli - the system said that because she was not the original, she would not be affected.

"Let's go to the Lan tribe and have a look. Maybe we can know why." Yu Mingli had some guesses in her mind, but she was not sure.

Several people quickened their pace and walked towards the Lan tribe according to the map.

It's really too cold here, and the spiritual energy circulates slowly. Even if you take pills, your recovery will be much slower than normal.

In order to prevent emergencies, several of them did not have swords, and they did not even use their spiritual power to resist the severe cold, relying on constant temperature pills to survive.

"Eh? Is there someone in front of you?" As soon as Su Chiqing finished speaking, her stomach began to growl. She sighed and silently tightened her belt.

It’s all fake, it’s all fake, she’s not hungry, she’s not hungry at all… It would be weird if she’s not hungry! She really wants to eat sauce-flavored elbow! I really want to eat the whole roast goose!

The other people's condition was not much better than hers, and all of them looked quite strange. Only Yu Mingli's expression was normal, and she seemed out of place with them.

"Are you the distinguished guests from the world of cultivating immortals? I am Lan Xi from the Lan clan. The high priest asked me to come to welcome you." Lan Xi was wearing a thick coat, and the exposed skin was as white as snow. The tip of her nose was slightly red due to the cold. Her eyes were different from ordinary people's. They actually had different pupils, one was black and the other was slightly blue.

"Have you, the high priest, known for a long time that we are coming?" Yu Mingli noticed the key point in his words.

Doesn’t it mean that the two tribes here are just ordinary people? Can you even figure out when they will arrive?

[It’s very normal, host. Just like the wizards you met in some worlds before, it’s not unusual for ordinary people to be able to do calculations, right? 】

That seems to make sense?

The aura on Lan Xi's body was clean and there was no demonic aura. Yu Mingli glanced at the beads on her wrist and decided to follow her.

The tribe’s houses are made of ice, and there’s even a fire in the small, square house for warmth!

Several people followed Lan Xi into the tribe, and she led them directly to the center of the tribe, the only two-story igloo.

Lan Xi opened the door and bowed slightly: "Please come in, the high priest is already waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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