Chapter 114 Betrayal

"Welcome all distinguished guests from afar."

Several people followed the sound, and there was a hunchbacked old man sitting in the dim hall. She was wearing a large cloak, and her entire face was hidden under the shadow of the cloak.

The hall is quite spacious, with dim candles burning on both sides. Except for the tables and chairs in the middle, the rest of the hall is empty.

The high priest raised his head, stretched out his withered old hands from his sleeves, and made a "please" gesture: "Please sit down, immortal masters."

Yu Mingli and the others looked at each other, each found a seat, and then sat down. The high priest continued to answer their questions:

"As you can see, I am the high priest of the Lan tribe. You must be curious about how I learned about your arrival."

"Our Lan tribe has been inherited from more than 800 years ago. The high priest is born with the ability to divine divination. It is this ability that allowed us to survive the war between humans and demons more than 200 years ago."

"At the beginning of last month, I divined an unprecedented disaster for the Lan clan. I calculated that there was still a glimmer of hope in this disaster, and this chance of life will come today."

Yu Mingli and others understood, Chu Yunchen glanced at a few people, and after receiving confirmation from their eyes, he also expressed his intention.

There was a hint of "it's true" in the voice of the high priest: "Every immortal master should have felt it. After entering the pass, you felt that the desire and malice in your heart were infinitely amplified."

"More than two hundred years ago, Lin North Border City was not called Lin North Border City. It was famous as the City of Sin." The high priest raised his head, the hat of his cloak fell down, and her whole face appeared in everyone's sight. .

She is old, thin, and yellow. In addition, there are two centipede-like scars running across her face. From the middle of the entire face, her face is divided into four sides, as if the entire face is made up of four different parts. It was sewn from human skin and looked extremely ferocious.

The hat fell, and a gasp was heard in the hall.

"The temperature in the northern border city was not like this at first..."

The ancient books of the Lan tribe have been passed down from generation to generation in the hands of high priests. Now the paper has become yellowed and worn, and some of the handwriting is even blurred and illegible.

The high priest handed the ancient book into their hands. The book was thick and heavier than they imagined. : "This ancient book could not be passed on to others. Today, the immortal masters have come to solve the problem of the demon clan. This matter is related to the survival of the tribe, so I will make the decision to hand this ancient book into your hands."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand and bowed her head to Yu Mingli and the others and bowed deeply.

Yu Mingli and others quickly imitated her and returned the favor.

"The high priest of the Lan tribe is really... a good man." After coming out, Lan Xi led everyone to the guest room that had been prepared. Su Chiqing, whose stomach had been growling with hunger for a long time, finally had a hot meal.

The house made of ice and snow is fully furnished, and the ice bed is covered with thick quilts.

"It's really strange. Didn't it say that the Lan tribe has no contact with the outside world? This quilt looks like new, and all this food... Where did they come from?" You can't grow vegetables in the ice and snow, right?

"Don't worry, let's take a look at this first." Yu Mingli opened the ancient book.

Chen Yu on the other side led a few people to the Wei tribe.

He had seen Yu Mingli's map before and memorized the approximate location. Now he was relying on his memory to find the way.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Yu, are you sure this road is the way to the Wei clan?" One of the sword cultivators questioned as he looked at the increasingly remote road.

The daylight in this city was short, and seeing the sky getting darker little by little, he became a little anxious. There are no monsters near the tribe, but that doesn't mean there aren't other places.

The ice field in the northernmost part of Linbei City is a dangerous place listed as a taboo place by many monks. The monsters in it are monsters that have lived for many years.

A drop of sweat fell from Chen Yu's forehead. Looking at the exact same scene around him, he swallowed: "I, of course I am sure! I have seen the map, there is no way I can remember it wrong!"

how could be? He remembered that the Wei clan should be nearby...

He turned around and looked around, but suddenly found that there was a strange man following behind them!

The man was wearing a black robe, with a charming face, and his long hair was an exaggerated red, which looked like a flame in the snow.

What frightened Chen Yu the most was the dark lines at the corners of the man's eyes. They were - magic lines!

He opened his mouth, and all the sounds he wanted to make were stuck in his throat. He could only open his eyes wide in surprise, and raised his hand slightly to point at the man, shaking uncontrollably.

"What's wrong? Fellow Taoist Chen Yu, your expression..." Jian Xiu, who opened his mouth to question Chen Yu, frowned and turned around with the others to look back. However, the moment they turned around, warm blood instantly appeared here. Blooming in the ice and snow!

There were several muffled "bang" sounds, and Chen Yu didn't even see the man make a move. The bodies of the people around him exploded instantly and were shattered to pieces!

The liquid with the smell of rusty iron splashed all over him in an instant, and quickly solidified.

A few drops splashed on his eyelashes, and his vision was completely filled with scarlet.

"You smell of elixirs... Are you a human alchemy master?" The red-haired man moved at some point and suddenly appeared in front of Chen Yu: "Human alchemy master, what are you doing here?"

The aura around the man was so powerful that it made Chen Yu's legs weak even without deliberately exerting pressure.

"Don't speak? Are you mute?" The man frowned, stretched out his hand to clamp Chen Yu's chin, and forced him to open his mouth. The sharp nails pierced the skin of his face, making his face almost distorted in pain.

"I said! I said!" Chen Yu was trembling all over. After the man's palm left, he collapsed and knelt down in front of him.

"Yes... the sect sent me here... I am a disciple of the Dan Sect, and the sect asked me to come because... the Qinghong Sect suspected that there was a demon teleportation formation here... he wanted us to destroy the formation. "

Tears and snot continued to flow down due to extreme fear. Chen Yu didn't bother to wipe them away. His teeth were chattering as he spoke.

Unexpectedly, after listening to his words, the man seemed to have heard something funny, and laughed out loud: "Destroy the formation? Just you? The human race has declined, and it has become like this? Can you entrust trash like you with such a heavy responsibility?" "

When the word "garbage" came to Chen Yu's ears, it was undoubtedly a shame.

He is the eldest brother of the Dan Sect and the envy of all the disciples. In just one day, he has fallen like this?

It's all that bitch Yu Mingli! And Chu Yunchen!

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have met this terrifying man.

Hatred grew crazily in his eyes, and his eyes turned red. "Why are there only us? There are several others. They have already gone to another tribe. When the time comes to find the formation, they will definitely..."

(End of this chapter)

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