Chapter 143 Persuasion

"Are you going to the second floor?" Dai Linshan accepted the elixir, feeling a little reluctant, and took out a bag of spiritual stones: "If you go to the second floor from the entrance, you need to pay spiritual stones. I heard that The gatekeepers there are at the stage of becoming gods, so don’t confront them head-on when the time comes, just give them these spiritual stones.”

Shu Jue shook her head and pushed back the bag containing the spirit stones: "Sister Lin Shan, we are leaving the inheritance tower."

At this time, she was not hiding anything, and simply told what happened outside. Dai Linshan froze when she heard that the town outside was actually massacred by demons.

"You mean... the town outside has... ceased to exist?" Dai Linshan's voice was trembling.

She has never left the Heritage Tower and doesn't know what the world outside the tower is like, but she knows there is a bigger world outside.

The people in the tower work hard to practice, aren't they just so that one day they can see the scenery outside?

But now Shu Jue told her that everyone outside was dead, and only the wife of the city lord was left, controlling the inheritance tower, wandering around alone, looking for a way to resurrect the dead.

Shu Jue nodded: "Although the town has been destroyed, there is still a wider world. That is where I live. Now it is facing the threat of demons, so we come out to experience it."

It's a bit convoluted to talk about this. The world where Wan Yanqing lives is a domain that exists within the world, which can be regarded as a small world, and the inheritance tower is a small world that exists within a domain, with links within it.

"How old are you...?" Dai Linshan suddenly thought of a question.

"I am sixteen this year, and my senior brother is forty-three this year..."

Dai Linshan was shocked. These people were all under a hundred years old!

She smiled again: "I believe that with your talents, the demons will not succeed."

Shu Jue pursed her lips and raised the corners of her lips: "I hope so too."

This may be the last time they meet. Dai Linshan and Gui Teng's people prepared a table of delicious food, and everyone laughed and diluted the sadness before leaving.

Early the next morning, Shujue and the others formally bid farewell to everyone.

Dai Linshan hesitated to speak at the front of the crowd, and finally made her request: "Shu Jue, if possible, I want you to help me take someone out."

Last night, she had asked Tu Xue to go back to the mountains. She asked him to hide at the entrance of the mountains in the hope that Shu Jue would have the opportunity to take him to see the outside world.

She actually wasn't worried about Tu Xue staying alone in the mountains, but if she was asked to leave Tu Xue in Guiteng, she didn't want to either.

After all, there was still a gap between the two because of Xueying's death, even though Tu Xue repeatedly assured her that he had never harmed any human race.

Shu Jue couldn't guarantee that she would be able to take Tu Xue out, she just said, "I'll try my best."

At the agreed place, they saw the gray-haired boy, whose beautiful appearance even overwhelmed the heroine Yu Mingli.

Thinking of Yu Huangli, Shujue was stunned again.

It's been... it's been a long time. Do they know about his disappearance? How's it going outside? Have the demons made any moves? Master, brothers and sisters, are you all okay?

Over there, Lian Yan, a familiar person, had already talked with Tu Xue. When he learned that they were going to take him out of the inheritance tower, the shock on Tu Xue's face was very obvious.

Did he hear it correctly?

Take him out?

Moreover, don't they mind that they are half demon blood...

Tu Xue felt her heart beating a little faster.

"We can take you out, um... I can't say that we will definitely be able to take you out." Shujue didn't say it too fully: "But if you want to go out, you need to swear an inner demon oath to prove that you haven't done anything before. I have maliciously harmed humans, and I will never treat humans as food in the future.”

It's certainly a lie to say that he doesn't mind that he has demon blood.

But Tu Xue himself does not have the ability to choose his origin. If he could, who would want to have half human blood and half demon blood in his body?

He looks like an alien everywhere.

But considering Tu Xue's talent, she discussed it with Lian Huo and others, and finally decided to try to see if she could take him out. Nascent Soul, who is less than twenty years old, has already quite terrifying talent.

Tu Xue did not hesitate after hearing their words. When he made a vow, a golden circle lit up under his feet as the words fell, and the oath was established.

Tu Xue himself has not changed much, which shows that he has indeed not maliciously harmed humans in the past ten years, let alone cannibalized human flesh and drank human blood.

Seeing this, the grudges in the hearts of Shu Jue and others disappeared.

As for the future? As long as he has any dissatisfaction with the human race, what awaits him is the thunder that can chop him to pieces.

Tu Xue didn't speak, but he looked at everyone with expectant eyes, as if asking them when they could leave.

Lian Yan explained: "We have to wait a moment, we have to meet old friends."

After hearing this, Tu Xue's eyes flashed with confusion. Aren't they walking into the mountains? Where else can I walk with old friends in this mountain?

He didn't ask, and Shujue and the others didn't take the initiative to explain. It wasn't until an hour later that a cry sounded, which was regarded as an answer to his question.

A huge firebird appears in the sky, bringing a wave of heat.

Those eyes looked down at the few people in the jungle, seeming to ask them what they were doing here.

"We are leaving. Come here to say goodbye to you." Shu Jue waved her hand in the air.

Xuanniao called and left.

When they arrived at the entrance of the cave, Qingluan had been waiting for a long time.

"Are you leaving now?" Its voice was still gentle and slow, and its gorgeous feathers shone in the sunlight.

It can be seen that it has recovered well.

Shu Jue nodded: "We have been here for so long, and now it is time to leave."

Shen Xingzhan took out the egg of the young bird and said, "I didn't know when we would see each other again in the future, so I came here to say goodbye."

Qingluan's eyes swept over them, and when he fell on Tu Xue, he was stunned: "He is a demon? Why are you going with the demons?"

Monsters do not participate in the disputes between humans and demons, but conscious monsters like Qingluan Xuanniao know that humans and demons have always been at odds.

No, it's more than just discord, it's been a hostile relationship for thousands of years.

But now Shujue and the others are actually accompanied by a demon?

"He can only be regarded as half a demon." Shu Jue told the truth, but she was also thinking in her heart: Tu Xue's gray hair is too conspicuous, can she find a way to cover it up?

Isn't there a pill that can change people's faces? Can you get someone to change the hair color? After all, not everyone in the world of immortality can accept Tu Xue who is half demon blood.

Tu Xue just stood there, so well-behaved that even if Qingluan mentioned him, he didn't move at all, just like a wooden stake.

"That's it." Qingluan understood. The black bird beside him kept flapping its wings, as if to remind it of something.

There was a smile in Qingluan's voice: "Okay, I'll tell you right now." She looked at Shujue: "It just so happens that you are here this time. Do you still remember the request I made before?"

(End of this chapter)

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