Chapter 144: Snake Raid

ask? What request?

Shujue was stunned for a moment before she came back to her senses. It might have been talking about taking the other two eggs out together.

Shu Jue originally wanted to agree to this great thing, but considering how difficult it is for a high-level monster to give birth to an heir, they took all the eggs away. How could Qingluan, a mother, not miss her child?

How about packing it up and taking it away?

Thinking of this, Shu Jue found it hard to do anything: "Senior, I should have agreed directly to your request, but have you ever heard of a saying from our side? How can an adoptive mother have a biological mother? It is true that we will take good care of them, but we can leave them when they are young. There is a difference between a monster that has lost its parents and a monster that grew up with their parents."

"Do you want us to go out with you?" Before she could continue her deception, Qingluan saw through her purpose, and Shujue's face turned red.

That's the bad thing about dealing with intelligent beasts.

Qingluan made his words clear, and Shujue stopped beating around the bush and admitted openly: "Yes, I really want you to go out with us."

After briefly explaining the situation outside to Qingluan, Shujue actually had no idea.

According to the current situation in the world of immortality, when it goes out, it will be a tool man, and it will still be the kind of thankless tool man.

Shu Jue thought for a while and then added: "This is also a factor, and there is another reason. You are Yinxing's mother, and we don't want anything to happen to you."

Silver Star is the name given by Shen Xingzhan to the contracted monster beast that has not yet broken out of its shell. He named it Silver Star because of the fine silver streaks on the eggshell.

Although it hasn't broken out of its shell yet, Shen Xingzhan has to wipe the eggshell with warm water every day, and he also makes a small nest for Silver Star.

Upon hearing this, Qingluan's eyes softened a bit.

No mother would not wish that she could be with her children and watch them grow up.

Qingluan was slightly shaken in his heart.

In fact, it is not impossible to sign a contract with the people in front of you just to go out. It is an equal contract anyway. If either party regrets it after going out, it can be directly terminated.

But neither Qingluan nor Shujue wanted their relationship to be maintained by a contract.

In Shujue's view, after signing a contract, they become partners who can fight side by side; in Qingluan's view, after signing a contract, they become family members.

Qingluan looked at Xuanniao, wanting to discuss the matter with him.

However, before it could speak, there was a sudden tremor in the mountains. The movement was so loud that Shujue could hardly stand.

A crack suddenly appeared between Qingluan and Xuanniao, and a huge snake head burst out of the ground. The scales on the snake's head glowed with a faint cold light, and it was caught off guard and attacked!

Its body is huge, and the size of a human being in front of it is not even comparable to one of its eyes. When compared with it, Qingluan, who originally looked huge, turned out to be pitifully small.

Qingluan spread his wings and jumped into the air to avoid the blow. His voice sounded obviously angry: "Tengshe, why are you so crazy? This is my territory, get out now!"

Monsters all have their own territory, and high-level monsters have a stronger sense of territory. Qingluan's behavior obviously annoyed Qingluan. While it was talking, it fanned its wings and used the wind as a blade. Countless green blades flew towards the snake. And go.

However, in the face of such an attack, the snake did not dodge and raised its huge head - the blood-red eyes like human red lanterns appeared in front of everyone.

The snake's whole body is wrapped in silver and gray scales, and there are fin-like things on both sides, which look like wings but are not big. The head is somewhat similar to the dragon in ancient books, and there are even two protrusions on it, like horns. generally.

White beards fell on both sides, and the snake's mouth opened wide, revealing two sharp fangs.

It looked at Qingluan, mucus flowing out from its wide-open mouth, dripping on the ground, corroding all the surrounding plants. It seemed as if it couldn't sense the scolding and attacks. A pair of vertical pupils stared at the prey flying high above.

Shu Jue and others were stunned. Looking at the huge snake body, they could only reduce their sense of existence again and again.

It’s so scary. Is this thing an eleventh-level monster? It looked like it was about to soar.

At this moment, they didn't dare to speak anymore and could only communicate through voice messages.

Lian Huo: "Little junior sister, what should we do now?"

Shujue's eyes rolled wildly: "I don't know either." Although she has a technique that can temporarily improve her strength, it can only bully seventh-level monsters. Eleventh level? Isn't that like a newborn child hitting an adult?

A few people didn't dare to move. They were stuck like wooden stakes. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Qingluan led the snake away.

There was a big difference in level between the black bird and the snake, and it couldn't be of much help in the past. Now it was staying with Shujue and the others, and did not chase after them to cause trouble.

Qingluan and Tanshe didn't know how far they had walked, but they could still feel the aftermath of the impact at the edge of the cave.

Xuanniiao was so anxious that he couldn't do anything at this time.

"How about we take the eggs and leave?" As soon as Shujue said these words, she was immediately hit on the head.

It's a black bird.

Although it couldn't communicate with Shujue and the others, it could understand what she said. When he heard that she wanted to take away her other children, Xuanniiao became anxious.

Shujue covered her head, knowing that it was not using any force. She said: "What I mean is that you are looking for another nest. You see, the snakes now know where you live. It is not safe to stay here anymore. "

Xuanniao tilted his head and thought for a while and felt that what she said made sense, so he nodded.

Shujue and the others entered the cave, packed the eggs, and followed the traces of destruction to find them.

The vegetation on the road was completely destroyed, and the towering ancient trees were either pushed directly or uprooted. Along the way, a deep ravine was dug out by the snakes on the ground.

Both spiritual plants and ordinary plants were spared and died in the poisonous venom of the snake.

"Junior sister, have you seen the state of the snake? It doesn't seem normal?" Lian Huo recalled the appearance of the snake, and finally realized that something was wrong.

It was clearly an eleventh-level monster, but it didn't speak. It only made a "hissing" sound similar to that of an ordinary snake; and its eyes were full of red, like...a demon?

Shu Jue nodded and expressed the same opinion as Lian Huo.

Tan Snake behaved like a wild beast that had lost its mind, not even a monster, and only relied on instinct to attack Qingluan.

A painful scream interrupted their thoughts, and the black bird seemed to be stimulated by something. It didn't even care about the eggs in Mu Qianqian and Lian Yan's arms, and flew forward in a hurry.

Shujue and the others quickened their pace and ran forward, and saw Qingluan and Xuanniao lying motionless on the ground, while the tangy snake's fangs with dim light were slowly approaching Qingluan, and the eyes in its vertical pupils were The violence is visible to the naked eye.

"Bold snake, don't stop yet!"

 There should be an extra story about the world in the inheritance tower

  (End of this chapter)

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