"It is said that that gentleman was a prince when he was in the human world. He was betrayed and died by a close relative, and the relative who betrayed him was his mother."

"Mother?" Shu Jue didn't understand. "If he can become the emperor, then wouldn't his mother be the queen mother? Why treat him like this?" It can't be that he doesn't like the position of the queen mother, right?

"Of course it's because he has a brother. I think it was because the brother liked the adult more, so he made a choice between the two. Not only his mother, but also his wife also turned against him at that time. Gave him a fatal blow, so that gentleman now hates women very much."

The last sentence was a reminder to Shu Jue.

Shu Jue was a woman, and Song Ren hated women. If an ordinary woman went to find him, she would be thrown out without even being able to see his face.

"Is there such a thing? Then it's too miserable for him." Being betrayed by two trusted people in a row was not a pleasant feeling, and Shu Jue felt a little sympathy for Lord Song Ren.

"So, you should think about it again. Regarding the matter of finding him, if you really have something important, you can go to Baisui City to find Lord Liu Qingfeng. That Lord has a gentle temper. Even if what you ask for cannot be achieved, he will He will also be polite to others.”

Shu Jue chatted with the house owner for a few more words, and then the house owner left.

Chen Shujin floated in: "I suggest you go find Song Ren. That Liu Qingfeng looks easy to talk to, but is actually a smiling tiger, which is difficult to deal with. As for Song Ren's misogyny, can't you Qiao Zhuang dress up a little?"

The next day, Shu Jue was standing on the street wearing loose men's clothes and an exaggerated mustache. Next to her, Su Yan was dressed the same as her.

People were coming and going, but everyone who saw her couldn't help but look sideways.

"Is this a new look?"

"I don't know. I've never seen them before. These two look a little unfamiliar. They seem to be new ghosts."

The news that there was a new ghost spread from one to another, and soon everyone in the city knew the news and came to watch the big and small.

Su Yan shrank her neck: "Sister Immortal, what's going on with them? Why are they looking at us like that?" This look was like a wolf seeing a sheep, it was scary.

However, it was also good for them to spread the news. Before the two of them arrived at Song Ren's house, ghost soldiers had already come to "invite" them.

The invitation was polite, but they still had weapons in their hands. If they didn't agree, they would be tied up directly.

Shu Jue followed them obediently, and a lot of ghosts were still talking behind them.

"Are you the new ghost that's going viral in the city?" Song Ren looked at the two ghosts dressed in nondescript clothes in front of him... No, there's also a human race?

He sneered: "Do you think I can't see your human identity by using ghost energy as a cover?"

After saying that, he raised his hand towards Shujue, and a strong suction force went straight towards her.

At the same time, Shu Jue also felt a suffocating sense of oppression. Seeing this, Su Yan stood up and stood in front of her. At the same time, a burst of ghostly energy erupted from her body, which knocked away Song Ren's moderate strength. .

"Oh? You can still use power? Did you come in with this human?" A light flashed in Song Ren's eyes, and his body leaned forward slightly: "As a ghost, you hang out with humans. Do you know that you have already Committed a capital crime? But now as long as you tell me clearly how you got in, I won't hold you responsible, okay?"

"No, I think you are quite shameless. You actually have rules that the previous Ghost Emperor didn't make." Su Yan protected Shu Jue like a little chicken. Song Ren secretly put pressure on them, but she couldn't help it. Return it regardless of whether it's light or heavy. In just a few words, the two ghosts had tested each other no less than twenty times.

The more he probed, the more Song Ren frowned.

The kid in front of him cannot be more than a hundred years old, but his strength has far exceeded the level of a ghost king.

Judging from the situation, she seemed to have been living in the territory of the human race before, and even hung out with a human monk. What happened during the period when the ghost race channel was closed?

Song Ren was full of doubts in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He only said coldly: "You kid is quite capable, but you can't protect her from me."

The coercion poured out. This time he used 80% of his strength. Su Yan was no longer able to defeat him, and his momentum instantly weakened. His originally solid body also trembled, and his face finally had the same blush as a normal human being. It also faded away at this moment, and the whole face was as white as paper.

"That's all." Song Ren stood up and looked down at them, "I don't know how a human got in, and what's the purpose of coming in, but if you fall into my hands, you can only admit defeat."

He waved his hand and called to the guards behind him: "Tie them up."

He paused for a while and then said: "Tie up that human with a fairy-binding rope. Don't keep the two of them together, especially the human. Watch it closely."

From beginning to end, he was not even willing to listen to Shu Jue say a word, which showed that he really hated human beings.

After being thrown into the prison, Shujue was neither noisy nor fussy, and was extremely well-behaved. It wasn't until the door was closed that she leaned against the wall, shook her body, and the rope that originally tied her loosened.

"You are really brave." Chen Shujin floated in, his body seemed a little more transparent. "You're not afraid that he won't arrest you, but will just do something."

Shu Jue spread her hands and looked at her innocently: "Don't you still have the whole story?" She had some plans, and it would be more convenient for Chen Shujin to help implement them.

But thanks to Song Ren's extra effort to tie her up with the immortal rope, otherwise it would be really hard for her to break free now.

"Oh, come with me." Since no one could see him, Chen Shujin went straight to Song Ren's house.

I don’t know what he, who is still considered the Ghost Emperor for the time being, thinks, but he actually agrees to Shu Jue’s method of becoming a thief.

That's right, Shu Jue's idea was to steal.

If she couldn't steal it herself, wouldn't there be Chen Shujin? With him covering, is there anything he can't get?

There was no one guarding the bottom of the cell. Shu Jue opened the cell door and walked out in a big way. He also let Su Yan out. Then his eyes shone: "Let's go and see if there are any good things in Song Ren's house." ." Those are things that humans can't see. It would be great if they could just go along.

But she couldn't, Su Yan was still here, and it would be bad if she spoiled the child.

Chen Shujin had already found the hiding place of the token fragment before. He originally thought that Song Ren would hide the thing in the study. However, he sensed the scent of the token in the study for a long time and finally found the token beside the rockery in the garden. Card.

To be more precise, underground.

Who is a good person who buries something so important like that? !

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