After converting to Qingqing Dao, my little junior sister went crazy

Chapter 188: It’s really not intentional to report 1 silk

"The guards here come to patrol about once every half an hour, but their perception is stronger than that of the ordinary ghosts, so the time for you to act is about as long as a cup of tea."

"So I have to dig out the token fragments over a cup of tea?" Shu Jue choked as she looked at the top layer of stones.

She was naive and thought it was really buried in the soil.

Chen Shujin nodded matter-of-factly, which made her want to gnash her teeth, "Excuse me, what should I use to dig soil now, oh no, dig rocks? And there seems to be a formation on the rocks."

No wonder Song Ren was so confident that he placed the fragment here, fearing that as long as the stone was touched, he would feel it.

"The formation is not a big problem." Chen Shujin waved his hand nonchalantly, and a larger gray barrier covered the space where they were.

Although he is on the verge of death now, this little power has no impact on him, and because the ghost clan has a distinct class power, and Song Ren's formation master level is not high, the barrier he has set up is very difficult for Song Ren. The array laid out has an absolute impact.

Even if the information that the fragments were taken away could not be completely isolated, Song Ren could still receive the information later.

"As for the digging tools, I think the moon-guiding sword in your hand is quite suitable. It's no joke to cut iron like mud." Chen Shujin raised his eyes and his eyes fell on the silver sword at Shujue's waist. superior.

For a moment, Shu Jue's face was distorted.

Not to mention that Yin Yue Sword is her wife as a sword cultivator, even Yin Yue can be considered as her half master.

Let her dig the soil with half of her master...

"It's okay, Shujue, just let go, I'll control it myself." Yin Yue's voice reached her ears, and Shu Jue let go of her hand and watched the Yin Yue Sword move.

With three strokes of the long sword, the hard stone was cut into pieces, and a big hole was dug in the same place.

Shu Jue and Su Yan were also busy digging with their bare hands.

But after digging for a long time, there was no trace of the fragment.

Shu Jue looked up and was startled.

Unknowingly, the hole dug out turned out to be taller than her height!

When asked how long it would take Chen Shujin to dig out the fragments, he would answer "immediately" or "quickly", and then he would go down another two feet, still getting nothing.

"No, the time is almost up." Shujue was counting the time. It was almost time for inspection and he had to leave quickly.

"There's something down there." Yin Yue poked a hard object and felt it looked like a token.

So I dug a little deeper.

As a result, the two people digging the soil heard a soft "click" sound with their swords.

Su Yan: "What is the sound? Sister Xianren, did you hear it?"

Shu Jue: "It seems... there's something cracked underneath?"

Song Ren was in the main hall at this time, and the man in a lake-blue gown toasted with him.

Before I finished the glass of wine, I felt the whole hall tremble, and the dust on the beams fell.

Liu Qingfeng put down his wine glass and looked at this scene in surprise: "What's going on? Brother Song? Is there a thief in your mansion?"

Song Ren's face turned livid: "There was no thief."

He found a few guards and sent a message to them. The guards returned not long after they left.

They couldn't communicate, so they could only look at Song Ren hesitantly, with questioning eyes.

Song Ren waved his hand: "Let's just talk about it. Is it because they made the noise?"

Several guards thought of the empty cell and the big hole in the garden, and trembled: "Sir, they not only ran away, but also... dug through the mansion..."

"What?!" The wine glass in Song Ren's hand shattered, and at the same time several murderous intentions emerged in his eyes. The ghost clan has a secret, which is related to the ghost emperors of the past dynasties.

After the death of the Ghost Emperor, there would be no remains left behind, so the emperor's confidants like Song Ren would prepare a tomb for them.

But no one knows that because of the special terrain of Fengdu City, the tombs of the ghost emperors of the past dynasties were built under Fengdu City.

It is equivalent to saying that Shu Jue's plan directly dug up all the tombs of several generations of emperors...

Looking at the dark corridor, Shu Jue and Yi Jian Yi Gui fell into deep thought.

They really didn't expect that the floor in Song Ren's house was so unplanned.

It was directly penetrated by them.

Shu Jue and Su Yan looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Chen Shujin, who was slowly floating down.

He looked thoughtful and said slowly: "There is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear?"

"Good news." Shujue had a headache. How bad could the bad news be? It was nothing more than being caught by Song Ren.

"Then I said, the good news is that now I can confirm that the fragments of the token are indeed here."

Without waiting for Shu Jue to ask, he added: "The bad news is - underneath are the tombs of the ghost clan's emperors."

"...That's really a reward. I didn't mean it." Shu Jue silently glanced at the distant sky above, and countless curse words appeared in her heart.

It really could be a little worse!

There was no need to think about how angry Song Ren would be. He might even sacrifice her to heaven on the spot if he caught her.

Shujue walked in dejectedly.

Since we have already entered anyway, we might as well see if we can find the token first, and then see if there are any other exits.

Just do it, Shujue walked along the corridor like a mouse digging a hole.

Song Ren, led by his subordinates, arrived at the entrance of the cave. Looking at the big black hole, the veins on his forehead jumped, and his back teeth were about to be broken: "Come here, go and check the exits of the imperial mausoleum for me." Guard! If you see them again in Fengdu City, shoot them without mercy!"

Shujue shivered in the mausoleum. Why did he seem a little cold?

The tomb of nine generations of emperors is extremely exquisite inside.

At first Shujue couldn't see any light inside, but after a while, she saw a bright white light.

On the road ahead, at intervals, luminous pearls are placed on the wall.

Each one was bigger than Shu Jue's fist, and the light emitted by the beads was as bright as day, at least she had no problem seeing in it.

Shujue counted them as she walked. If the night pearls hadn't been fixed and she couldn't open the storage bag, she would have had to dig them all out.

Qing Hongzong was so short of money.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, I finally saw the end of the corridor, where a stream lay in front of Shujue.

The water in the stream is living water, still flowing. The entire water surface exudes a faint blue light, which is eye-catching in the overall dark environment.

"Tsk, you're in trouble, run away!" As Chen Shujin's words fell, the lights suddenly moved.

This quiet place suddenly heard buzzing sounds.

Those lights seemed to have eyes and flew towards Shujue.

"This way! Stay away from the stream!"

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