He talked a lot, and it took him a long time to realize that the faces of the two people were not very good-looking.

"What's wrong?" Yue Zhong realized later.

"Our formations have all been destroyed by the human race." Yue Xian said with a sullen face, a hint of gritted teeth in his tone.

But what Yue Zhong said just now reminded him.

Now that the key has appeared in the hands of other tribes, doesn't it mean that Zhu Yan made a mistake?

"This Zhu Yan is such a waste." Yue Xian's eyes dimmed a bit and he looked at Yue Zhong: "I remember that you seem to have a good relationship with Zhu Yan?"

"Whoever has a good relationship with her, she is a waste. It's hard to say how she got the position of one of the twelve demon generals." Yue Zhong is very repulsive to people like Zhu Yan. It can be said that except for the twelve demon generals, Yue title, there is no one he can look at seriously.

"In that case, then go and see that loser. If she can't do it, someone else can do it." Yue Xian lowered his eyes and covered up the fierceness in his crimson eyes: "Now the strength of the human race has been severely damaged. But they seem to be unwilling to give up and have thoughts of counterattack. You go to Zhu Yan and ask her to tell you the current situation of the human race. I don’t need to tell you how to deal with those who are taking the lead in resistance, right?"

"Why should I go?" Yue Zhong was unwilling to deal with Zhu Yan, that good-for-nothing, let alone a group of severely wounded humans.

Among the twelve demon generals, apart from Hu Dou, who ranks fourth, he is the most combative.

As soon as he heard that Yue Zhan asked him to deal with a group of sick humans, he felt uncomfortable all over.

"Do you think the human race is no longer powerful enough to be afraid of?"

"Isn't it?" Yue Zhong asked back: "I heard on the way here that people in the human race who are in the stage of becoming gods are known as masters. If you let me go, can I have a great time killing?"

"Oh? Really? If the divine transformation stage has really become the highest strength among the human race, then how come Zhu Yan can't get the key?" Yue Xian narrowed his eyes, and there was a fierce look in his eyes: "You will kill the human race If those people are arrested, I don’t believe that the people behind the scenes who are fighting with Zhu Yan for the key can still sit still.”

"What you said makes sense." Yue Zhong thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Then I've made a deal. You can't say that I'm bloodthirsty anymore. Anyway, there are so many human races, so I'll keep them in captivity as little as possible. Well, don’t those ordinary people reproduce very quickly? It doesn’t matter if we kill a few more..."

Yue Zhong's muttering was filled with dissatisfaction.

When he massacred a city, it stands to reason that the king should praise him. I don't know what the ax said in front of the king, which made him scolded in vain and even imprisoned.

Yuexian nodded perfunctorily.

Only then was Yue Zhong satisfied, and turned around to find the formation and prepare to leave for the human race.

"You just let him go like that?" Xiang Liu looked at his retreating back with a bit of disbelief in his voice.

With Yue Zhong's temperament, the first thing he would do when he went to the human race was probably to go on a killing spree.

Yuexian glanced at him meaningfully and said calmly: "It's better to let him beat those humans, otherwise the demons will be looked down upon by them after staying in the seal for so many years?"

Shujue, who was in the tomb of the ghost emperor, didn't know that her unintentional behavior had awakened Yue Zhong, and she was still being hunted at this time.

But what was chasing her changed from ghost winged insects to man-eating vines.

She finally got rid of the pursuit of the Phantom Winged Insect. Just when she was about to take a breath and sigh, "Fortunately there are no mechanisms in the mausoleum," she was keenly aware of something moving on the wall next to her.

Like a snake, it meanders, but it sticks tightly to the wall.

Her eyes widened slightly out of curiosity, and then she saw the vines crawling all over the wall.

It directly made her scalp tingle.

What was flowing on the wall was not water droplets, but dark red liquid, slowly dripping onto the ground as the vines squirmed.

No wonder she cried because there was always a rancid smell on the tip of her nose. Now she finally found the root cause.

Before she could take a breath, the vine suddenly moved and struck at her direction with lightning speed.

Shu Jue quickly dodged and slashed the vine to the ground with his sword.

In the end, it was cut off, but the vine was still alive and wriggling on the ground, as if looking for an opportunity to attack again. It's just that the speed is slower.

Shu Jue's heart tightened and she immediately started to run for her life.

It would be easy to say that if she could still use spiritual power, she could just burn her on fire, but now she is only a little stronger than ordinary people at best.

Apart from being good at swordsmanship and having some good physical strength, he is useless at anything.

But the sword technique obviously has no effect here.

There are so many vines that even if they can be chopped down, there is no telling how long it will take.

Shu Jue considers herself to be a relatively well-aware person.

The demon-devouring rat has been following her since she came out, not daring to run away.

Shujue originally had the idea of ​​letting it lead the way, but it turned out that it was just a road-crazy, and in the end she simply didn't bother to care about it and let it fend for itself.

She ran like crazy in the huge space, and the fat-headed and big-eared mouse was chasing after her.

Even Shu Jue has no way to contact Yin Yue now. At this point, Yin Yue Sword is just a sword, not to mention that Qing Luan, her contracted monster, is also completely disconnected.

After running all the way, Shu Jue finally figured out some patterns.

The mausoleum is criss-crossed by large and small roads, but some roads have luminous pearls on their walls, while others do not.

Shu Jue guessed that the roads with Luminous Pearls lead to more dangerous places.

Just like when she first came in, she ran into a ghost winged insect, and then was chased by vines for half a mile.

She tried to take the road without night pearls.

Those paths were not completely dark. Every once in a while, faint candlelight could be seen on the walls, swaying gently as people came, and even her shadow jumped on the walls.

"It's really weird. Why does this candle smell so weird?" Shujue murmured to herself.

She decided to go to the main tomb first, and there should be new discoveries there.

But before she found the main tomb, she noticed something was wrong with the candles on the wall.

No, not candles.

To be more precise, it is like an oil, exuding a faint fragrance.

This reminded Shujue of the rumors he had seen in the ancient books in the library:

There are sharks in the South China Sea, and the oil refined from their bodies can burn for thousands of years without burning.

The most precious thing for the sharks is not the shark oil, but the shark beads.

It is said that the Shark Pearl has the strange power to resurrect the dead, but no one has confirmed this statement.

After all, no one has ever seen this race of sharks, and even the rumors are from thousands of years ago.

Even if there were, they would probably have been exterminated long ago.

But it can be seen that the lamp oil here did not exist thousands of years ago.

Something seemed to flash through Shu Jue's mind, too fast to be grasped.

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