The world of cultivators and aristocratic families have not been peaceful recently.

The fact that Mu Qianqian wanted to sever ties with the Mu family and take her parents away caused a stir in the family. In order to make Mu Qianqian retreat, everyone knew that Mu Qianqian was driven to the back mountains to hunt monsters.

Once this incident came out, the Mu family became the laughing stock of the family.

Mu Xuanwu couldn't save his face and stopped showing off the Mu family's top-quality golden spiritual roots. He just closed the door and stopped seeing visitors. When the appointed time came seven days later, he took someone to pick up Mu Qianqian.

"Oh Qianqian, why are you doing this?" Mu Qianqian came out of the mountain on time, her hair was messy, there were many wounds on her body, and there was even a scab on her cheek.

She looked at the woman who took the lead in speaking. When the woman saw her looking over, she showed no intention of stopping. She continued to persuade: "We are all from the same family, so why bother? You are making people laugh for no reason."

There seemed to be a bit of blame in the words, saying that Mu Qianqian made the matter worse and threw the Mu family's face on the ground.

"Why bother? I just did one thing according to what he said, and now I have done it." Mu Qianqian took off the token from her waist and threw it to Mu Xuanwu: "As for a family, now we are not."

The woman's smile froze at the corner of her mouth, and the next moment she felt an overwhelming pressure fall on her, forcing her to kneel down.

Mu Xuanwu glanced at her lightly, with a hint of warning in his voice: "Boss, wife, what should and shouldn't be said, don't you understand?"

The woman trembled a few times and swallowed: "Dad...I also want to persuade Qianqian..."

Before she finished speaking, Uncle Mu covered her mouth: "Dad, I will talk to her properly when I get back." After saying that, he directly pulled the woman aside regardless of her struggle and gave her a fierce look: "Dad, I'm going to talk to her." You haven’t spoken yet, why are you running up to join in the fun!”

Mu Xuanwu caught the sign, and the points on it showed three hundred and five points, which was five points more than the agreed points.

Looking at this granddaughter who had not grown up beside him from a distance, he felt dizzy in his mind.

"Do you really want to leave the Mu family with your parents? What if your parents don't want to break off the relationship?"

"I won't bother you, Patriarch Mu. That's our own business." Mu Qianqian stretched out her hand expressionlessly: "Now, give me the divorce letter."

Mu Xuanwu snorted coldly and threw out a scroll from his sleeve: "In that case, you can take them and leave. They are in the Alchemy Hall now. But if you take them away today, then you will be together with Mu Xuanwu from now on." There is no connection with home anymore.”

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back, turned around and left.

With Mu Xuanwu gone, the others will no longer stay here and leave one after another.

After everyone left, Mu Qianqian vomited out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Points are difficult to come by for her, and injuries are inevitable.

Fortunately, she had a lot of elixirs refined by Shen Xingzhan in her storage bag, otherwise she might have stayed in that mountain forest forever.

But looking at the divorce letter in her hand, she felt a little more joyful in her eyes.

Now she can take her parents directly to Danzong to ask for medicine.

Mu Qianqian took out a healing elixir from her storage bag and swallowed it, then stood up and walked towards the Mu family's alchemy hall.

The bet between Mu Xuanwu and Mu Qianqian came to fruition the moment Mu Qianqian took her parents out of the Mu family door, which surprised those who were watching the excitement.

Almost everyone thought that she would not be able to accumulate more than 300 points within the stipulated time, and even if she was unlucky, she would risk her life. Unexpectedly, she not only came out, but actually left the Mu family with her parents.

That old guy Mu Xuanwu actually agreed? It's really strange.

When the appointed time came, brothers Lian Huo and Lianyan came to pick her up and told her that they were still staying at Yi's house. They also told her about Shu Jue's inexplicable disappearance.

"But don't worry. Senior Brother Yi and the Sect Master have confirmed it. The little junior sister's soul card shows that her life is safe now. She may have been teleported away by some formation."

"Xingzhan and Xuanniao are waiting for us on the Yunzhou. Let's set off now and go directly to Danzong."

Mu Qianqian nodded: "Thank you very much."

After she made such a fuss, her parents did receive attentive treatment at the Mu family. Their condition seemed better than before, and their breathing was stronger than before.

But she just couldn't rest assured. What the Mu family had done before and Mu Xuanwu's attitude had chilled her heart. She would rather trust the alchemists of the Alchemy Sect than strangers who were related by blood.

Yunzhou was speechless all the way to Danzong.

After hearing what happened to Mu Qianqian, the disciples of the Dan Sect were filled with indignation. They patted their chests and promised her: "Don't worry, because of your trust, our elders of the Dan Sect will definitely cure your parents."

Due to the special circumstances, Mu Qianqian stayed in Danzong, while Lian Huo and Lianyan went back to Qinghongzong first.

She informed the master about her parents' situation, and the master replied and reassured her that the sect would help her pay for the treatment of her parents.

A stone fell from Mu Qianqian's heart, and then she fell asleep peacefully.

When she woke up again two days later, there was a strange-looking girl wearing Danzong clothes sitting beside the bed.

"Are you awake? I am Li Yinyin, a disciple of Danzong. I heard that you encountered some things when you went to Phoenix Marsh this time. I came to you to ask if you can tell me some things on the way and what you saw in Phoenix Marsh?" Li Yinyin also knew that it was a bit rude to come over and ask someone about their family like this, but she had nothing to do.

Her face was still a little haggard, and anyone with a discerning eye could see the sadness in her eyes: "My master lost his life inexplicably in Phoenix Swamp. I want to know the truth, and I want to avenge him."

Li Yinyin never dreamed that leaving the cave would be the beginning of her nightmare.

He was obviously just locked in a cave for a few days, but in the end, the entire world of immortality seemed to have changed.

Feiyue Sect was occupied by demons, and their master died. Shu Jue is now missing, and Yu Huangli is seriously injured and unconscious.

Now only hatred is left to support her, like a soulless puppet, numbly spending day after day.

When she heard that the disciples who went to Phoenix Marsh were back, she couldn't wait to come out and ask about the situation.

She originally wanted to find Shen Xingzhan, but Shen Xingzhan went into seclusion as soon as he came back, so she could only stay here with Mu Qianqian.

"The thing is like this..."

Li Yinyin stayed in Mu Qianqian's room for a long time. When she came out, her whole person was different. Although she still looked haggard, her eyes still had a bit more of a living person.

After Elder Zhou died, Lin Dingzhi took her into his sect because he cared about her being alone. However, it was registered in the family tree that Li Yinyin was still Elder Zhou's disciple.

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