"A high-level demon..." Yu Mingli's consciousness gradually returned. The pain coming from her body made her frown slightly, and she asked the system to help her block the pain.

The system didn't give any prompts when Yao Zhu appeared before, but the demons that appeared this time made the system aware that something was wrong.

There was silence in the room, and only Yu Mingli's heavy breathing could be heard. After a while, she struggled to get up and put on clothes for herself.

[Host, where are you going? ] When the system saw that she was silent, it immediately became anxious.

Although it can pull out Yu Mingli's soul and take her away, it still requires her consent.

Yu Mingli said nothing, stood up unsteadily and wanted to go out.

Her body was not fully recovered yet, and she had been lying on the bed for too long, so her legs and feet were a little unruly.

Just when her hand was about to touch the door, the door opened first.

Elder Yu looked at his daughter standing in front of him, unable to hide the shock in his eyes.

Because he couldn't worry about his daughter, he took time to check on her health every day during this period. Knowing that her injury was serious and that it would take a long time to wake up, Elder Yu had already been mentally prepared, but he did not expect that she would wake up so soon!

When he thought of her injury, the shock in Elder Yu's eyes was immediately replaced by worry. He stretched out his hands to support Yu Mingli and led her back to the bed.

"Xianli, your injury is not fully healed yet. Please take care of yourself during this period of time and don't worry about other things." Elder Yu sat down on Yuhuangli and examined her carefully again, his brows following. The wrinkles get worse as time goes by.

"I know you are worried about the world of immortality, and you were so seriously injured to save people." Elder Yu sighed longly, with helplessness and worry mixed in his eyes, recurring. "It's a good thing that you care about the common people, but as your father, I would rather you be selfish."

Yu Huangli opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't refute, just lowered her head: "I know, Dad, I won't be like this in the future. But now I want to see the sect master, I have something very important to say to him."

Elder Yu nodded, "Just wait, dad will ask the sect master to come over."

Qing Hongzong——

Lan Xi woke up from her nightmare.

From the moment the power of precognition appeared on her, she locked herself in her room and did not go out all day long. Now it has been more than two months.

In the past two months, she had not seen anyone, and even ate in her room.

She was like a dirty thing that could not be seen in the light, hiding in a dark room for so long.

The nightmares became more frequent and clearer.

The killing in the dream seemed to have really happened. Warm blood splashed on her face, and the smell of blood filled her nose.

Lan Xi sat up blankly and opened the door for the first time in a long time.

Fragments of moonlight fell on the ground through the branches, and the overlapping mottled spots swayed with the night wind, accompanied by a smell of rusty iron.

Lan Xi looked up, the night was dark, and there was another full moon tonight.

The face exposed in the moonlight looked like that of an old woman in her seventies.

She stared at the full moon for a long time, then walked towards the door of the courtyard.

In Pei Xingmo's courtyard, the lights in the main hall were still on. He felt it the moment Lan Xi stepped into the courtyard.

"Lan Xi of the Lan clan, please see Sect Leader Pei."


The moment he saw Lan Xi, Pei Xingmo was a little surprised in his heart, but it didn't show on his face. Lan Xi didn't wait for him to speak, and took the initiative to tell all the dreams she had during this period.

"So, you are saying that the demons will attack the Dan Sect? And they are high-level demons." In front of Pei Xingmo was an unfinished chess game. The chessboard was criss-crossed, and Bai Zi was losing ground.

Lan Xi nodded, "Yes, the demon clan is targeting Dan Sect this time. I don't know the master of Dan Sect. Please tell Sect Master Pei to tell them so that they can be more prepared in the near future." The Dan Sect in the dream has become a purgatory on earth. No one survived the wanton massacre by that demon clan.

Lan Xi hated her own power of foresight. She could clearly know what would happen in the future, but she was unable to deal with it and could only obey fate.

"I understand, thank you for reminding me."

The matter was so important that Pei Xingmo did not delay and summoned Lin Dingzhi immediately.

Lin Dingzhi, who was in Danzong, looked at the message he sent, and then looked at the pale Yu Mingli sitting on the bed. For a moment, it seemed as if all the strength in his body had been drained, and his legs, feet and arms were weak.

First, Yu Mingli woke up from a serious injury and said that there would be a catastrophe in the world of immortality. Then Pei Xingmo sent him a message, saying that Dan Zong was targeted by high-level demons.

Even if he didn't want to believe it, he still had to believe it.

What's more, Pei Xingmo also said that the person who told him the news was the Lan tribe who had the power of foresight.

Leaving Yu Mingli's place, Lin Dingzhi calmly called several trustworthy elders to discuss.

The Dan Sect has been passed down to this day, and now there are elders in the sect who participated in that war.

After hearing what Lin Dingzhi said, their first reaction was not to believe it.

"Whether this is true or not, it should be good for us to think of a countermeasure first."

They also had to admit that in front of the top demon generals, they were just like ants.

The lights in the meeting hall remained on all night, and on the next day, most of the disciples of the Dan Sect evacuated, led by several elders led by Elder Yu.

Only Lin Dingzhi and a few elders who were determined to stay were left, as well as some disciples who knew about it but were unwilling to leave.

Lin Dingzhi stood at the door of the sect and turned his back to look at the empty Dan Sect.

The lively scene of the past is still vivid in my mind, but now the disciples have been condemned to leave, and the building is empty, leaving only silence and desolation.

Lin Dingzhi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He didn't leave, and his colleagues said, "If the demons don't come, there must be someone in the sect to guard him."

But the fact is that if the demons come, there will always be a few people to vent their anger.

According to the new high priest of the Lan tribe, the demon clan came for Dan Zong this time.

Even if Dan Zong knew about this disaster in advance, he could not avoid it. If they hide, what will happen to the rest of the world of immortality?

If you don't kill anyone in the Dan Sect, if you offend the demon clan, the entire world of immortality will suffer.

He had no choice.

The Alchemy Sect can be without him, and the world of immortality can be without him, but those disciples are the hope of the Alchemy Sect and the future of the world of immortality.

"Hey, are you standing here to greet me?" A voice suddenly sounded behind him. Lin Dingzhi looked back and saw the demon boy walking slowly through the void.

He obviously only took a small step, but the distance seemed to have shortened by a hundred feet.

Seeing this scene, Lin Dingzhi's eyes were somewhat dejected.

They were right, they were really ranked very close to the wall.

The first time he came here, Yue Zhong let go of his spiritual perception and found that the people in this sect had almost left.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Dingzhi: "Old man, are you the sect leader?"

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