"It's me." Lin Dingzhi responded with an indifferent look that was neither humble nor overbearing, as if the person standing in front of him was not one of the twelve demon generals, but just an ordinary demon.

"Very good." Yuezhong grinned, scarlet eyes appeared: "Did you transfer this disciple? Are you an old man who knows fortune-telling? Can you guess that I will come?"

Yue Zhong was a little dissatisfied that he could not go on a killing spree, but at this moment he looked at Lin Dingzhi with some interest.

He has never seen an alchemist who can tell fortunes, and he doesn't know how he calculates fortunes?

Lin Dingzhi didn't answer him, which in his eyes was acquiescence.

"Tsk, that's boring. Don't be dumb." Seeing that he didn't seem to want to pay attention to him, Yue Zhong frowned dissatisfied, reached out and grabbed a disciple next to him.

The disciple looked horrified, his neck was strangled, and he kept kicking his feet.

Yue Zhong's red eyes stared at him: "If your sect leader doesn't answer my question, you answer it."

The strength of his hand was very tight, and the neck of the disciple was red. He opened his mouth wide, stared at him, and squeezed out a few words through his teeth with difficulty: "Demon, tribe, Damn, die!"

The sound was not loud, but everyone present was a monk, and even Lin Dingzhi below could hear it clearly.

Yue Zhong was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed: "We haven't seen each other for so many years, but you Dan Sect disciples are still as tough as ever! Let me see if you are really tough!"

After that, just like a child treating a doll, he broke the disciple's arm forcefully!

The disciple's screams shocked Lin Dingzhi's mind. He looked at Yue Zhong, who was having fun with this: "You demon clan, don't bully others too much! Our Dan Sect is also a thousand-year-old sect!"

"Oh? Then what?" Yue Zhong casually let go of his hand and threw the disciple down like trash.

The disciple's hands were broken, and the pain was so painful that he almost lost consciousness. He was unable to control the sword at all, nor could he gather spiritual energy to protect his body.

In addition, Yue Zhong deliberately threw him down with force and exerted some force on him, causing him to fall extremely fast. Even if the other Qing Hongzong people wanted to catch him, they could not catch him and could only watch. Then he was thrown down and hit the ground.

That disciple was only in the foundation building stage, and immediately lost his breath after being thrown down.

Lin Dingzhi's eyes turned red: "You demons will suffer retribution!"

Yue Zhong plucked his ears indifferently: "Retribution? What retribution? Even if I slaughter your entire world of immortality now, so what?"

His smile was tinged with bloodlust: "But don't worry, I won't kill them all at once."

The next moment, no one saw when he moved, and others were already in front of Lin Dingzhi: "Oh, after talking to you for so long, you still don't know my name, right? Remember, my name is Yue Zhong, Demon King The most important weapon is me."

He smiled harmlessly, and his crooked eyebrows made him look like a young man who was inexperienced in the world.

But the next second, his hand penetrated Lin Dingzhi's chest: "But I'm not very interested in your name, so you can go and die. Don't worry, when the time comes, I will send those Dan Sects away Disciple is reunited with you."

Lin Dingzhi's pupils suddenly dilated. At that moment, he couldn't feel the pain. He could only vaguely feel that something was passing through his body.

The surrounding disciples and elders didn't even react, and Lin Dingzhi's heart was ripped out by Yue Zhong.

His body fell heavily to the ground.

The gap between levels is so obvious.

Lin Dingzhi's consciousness gradually blurred. Screams and Yue Zhong's wanton and crazy laughter could be heard around him. His vision was shaky and he could no longer see clearly.

He also held a piece of communication jade in his hand, which said "Voice is being sent".

There was a soft "ding dong" sound, and the voice transmission was successful. Lin Dingzhi mobilized the last bit of strength in his body to turn the communication jade into powder, and then there was no more sound. Qing Hongzong accepted some Danzong disciples, and at the moment when their sect leader died, the voice reached everyone's communication jade.

Yue Zhong's arrogant laughter made them extremely angry, and they wished they could go to him immediately to fight for their lives.

But thinking of the sect leader's instructions before leaving, they had to grit their teeth and swallow their anger.

Only then did they finally understand the meaning of what Lin Dingzhi said at that time: No matter what happens, just stay alive. You are here, and the Danzong is here. If you want to take revenge, you have to be hard-fisted and rush out without thinking. Don't say that it is A disciple of my Alchemy Sect.

It turns out that the sect leader had expected such an ending.

The disciples who came into Qinghong Sect were all sure that they had nothing to do with the demon clan. Some of them knew the truth when they came out, but most of the disciples didn't know.

After listening to the speech, hundreds of people were silent and silent. The emotional disciple's eyes were red and he was sobbing softly.

Even the atmosphere around the elders was a bit dull.

Li Yinyin stared blankly at the communication jade. The portraits of the first master and the second master in the chat box had turned gray.

None of them will come back.

After a while, she stood up suddenly, walked to the front of the crowd, and passed several elders.

"Disciples of the Dan Sect, the demons killed our Dan Sect elders and brutally murdered our sect master. Is this the end of the grudge?"

Hearing her voice, many disciples raised their heads to look at her.

"I think everyone is familiar with me. My master died in the Phoenix Swamp and no bones were left. The sect master took pity on me and took me into his sect. Now he has also been poisoned by the demons."

"If we continue to be depressed like this and let the demons do whatever they want, how many of our relatives and friends will be persecuted by the demons in the future?"

"In the past, I always thought that I was just an alchemy cultivator, how to contend with the demons. It was the sect master who told me that no matter what my identity is, I can pick up the sword and protect what I want to protect."

"So today I want to ask everyone if you are willing to join me, pick up the sword and kill all the demons!"

Li Yinyin held a wooden sword in her hand, which Lin Nianjiao got for her.

Both of them were masters of alchemy and swordsmanship, and they had many topics in common. Lin Nianjiao gave Li Yinyin a lot of advice on her cultivation, and also enlightened her unknowingly.

Although Li Yinyin now feels sad in her heart, she doesn't show it on her face.

"I am willing to guard Danzong with Junior Sister Yinyin." The first one to stand up was Shen Xingzhan.

With him taking the lead, more disciples followed suit and stood up.

The death of the sect leader made them sad, but it also allowed them to turn this emotion into a force.

The alchemy cultivators began to practice sword practice with the swordsman of Qing Hongzong. Their physiques were not as good as those of the sword cultivators, but they were all able to endure hardships.

I continued to practice when my palms were worn out, but my physical strength could not keep up. I took the elixir and continued to practice. I did not sleep every day and practiced day and night.

The disciples of Qing Hongzong were deeply touched and followed him.

The last time I did this was when my junior sister was in the sect. I don’t know what happened to her...

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