After converting to Qingqing Dao, my little junior sister went crazy

Chapter 2 The third spiritual root?Senior brother didn’t realize the meaning of the sword

Chapter 2 The third spiritual root?Senior brother didn’t realize the meaning of the sword
After swallowing the bitter concoction, the herb scratched Shujue's throat and her eyes almost wrinkled.

Chill flowed from her dantian to her limbs. She shivered and clutched the sheets tightly. She felt that the big bed in the room had turned into cold stone, and the chill penetrated into her heart.

cold, so cold.

In an instant, all the strength in Shu Jue's body seemed to be drained away, her limbs became weak, and a thin layer of frost formed on her hair and face.

Shujue shivered and pulled off the quilt to wrap herself up, but the quilt couldn't relieve the coldness emanating from her body at all.

Biyuancao is not a high-level medicinal herb, but when it comes to coldness and medicinal power, looking at the spiritual plants in the entire world of cultivation, except for those heaven-level herbs, if it is only ranked second, there is no spiritual plant that can be ranked first.

Sensing something was wrong, the fire spirit root finally made some movement, and Shujue gradually felt a trace of temperature in her dantian, but the temperature reached a very terrifying level in an instant.

The temperature that was enough to burn a person collided with the cold air in the body. Shujue violently vomited out several mouthfuls of blood. Under the frost, the bloodless face turned abnormally crimson, and tiny blood streaks oozed out.

Cultivators below the foundation level cannot see inside, but at this time she can clearly feel the two spiritual roots in her body fighting each other, alternating between cold and warm. Sometimes she feels like she is in a thousand-year cold pool, and sometimes she feels like she is in a hot cave.

The destructive power erupted from the Tianpin spiritual roots should not be underestimated. Shujue's Dantian instantly became a sieve, and the cultivation accumulated over the years dissipated in an instant, and she fell to the initial level of Qi training.

At this time, in the yard that she couldn't see, the spiritual plants and the roof in the yard were covered with a thin layer of frost. The ordinary plants and trees could not withstand the ravages of the cold and were directly frozen; but the plants under the ice were clearly They were all wilted after being exposed to high temperatures.

Fortunately, her courtyard was not in the same place as other disciples, otherwise this vision would have been seen by others.

In just half an hour, Shu Jue felt as if half a lifetime had passed.

When the situation inside her body returned to normal, she climbed up shakily, wiped the blood on her face, and sat cross-legged without caring about the mess on the bed.

The Dantian that had been damaged by the spiritual roots felt a slight tingling sensation, but Shujue could feel that her water spiritual roots were slowly repairing the Dantian.

In addition, when absorbing spiritual energy, there is no burning sensation like before during practice. It seems that she has succeeded for the time being.

Using spiritual plants to suppress a certain spiritual root is not a long-term solution. Even if the medicine is as powerful as biyuan grass, it may only be effective for half a year.

Shu Jue let out a long sigh, and slowly used her spiritual power to nourish the water spirit root based on the medicinal power that had not completely dissipated in her body.

Early the next morning, Yi Qiubai took Lin Nianjiao, who had just returned, to see Shu Jue.

With just one glance, Lin Nianjiao screamed: "Little junior sister, how come your cultivation has regressed?" She took Shujue's wrist and checked her carefully: "Hiss! Your spiritual root...why is it like this?"

The junior sister obviously has two spiritual roots, so why does she seem to feel that a third spiritual root is growing in her dantian?

Lin Nianjiao's face was filled with surprise and uncertainty.

It's probably because she has been too worried about her junior sister these past few days. Things like spiritual roots will not change once they step into the path of cultivation. They are not just big cabbages. They can grow as long as they want.
"What happened to my spiritual roots? Fourth senior sister." Shujue felt it and found nothing unusual, but she would not doubt Lin Nianjiao's words.

Qing Hongzong was considered a sword cultivator sect, but Lin Nianjiao was an alchemy cultivator, and a very talented alchemy cultivator.

When she joined the sect, she was scrambled by several Dan Sect elders to accept her as a disciple, but she finally came to the Qinghong Sect.

"It's okay, little junior sister, your fire spirit root seems to be suppressed by the water spirit root. What did you do?"

"I swallowed Biyuancao."

"Oh, that's it...what did you say you swallowed?" Lin Nianjiao's eyes were as wide as bells, her voice sounded like she was splitting, and she stretched out her hand to open Shujue's mouth. "Do you think those things are the jelly beans I make for you on weekdays?"

Shu Jue dodged her claws and patted her Dantian: "Fourth Senior Sister, the Biyuan Grass is already here."

Yi Qiubai looked at her serious movements with mixed emotions: "Didn't you find the biyuan grass specifically for senior brother?"

"Huh?" Shu Jue turned to look at him: "When did I say that I helped senior brother find it? I just remembered the method of suppressing spiritual roots that I saw in an ancient book a few days ago, and wanted to give it a try. "

"..." Thinking of what his senior brother said when he visited him a few days ago, "Junior sister has gone to look for biyuan grass", Yi Qiubai was silent.

What is the reason that makes everyone think that the junior sister is looking for the Biyuan Grass because of the senior brother?As the eldest brother of the Qing Hong Sect, it was natural that Biyuancao was found in the end. The elders of the Alchemy Hall prepared the elixir and immediately sent it to him to watch him take it.

Hearing that Chu Yunchen's injury was healed, Shu Jue just nodded lightly.

She was very busy these days. She got up in the morning to practice swordplay and listen to lessons, spent the afternoon in the library, and practiced in the evening after taking Bigu Pill.

As the sect's junior sister, Shu Jue has always been known as the "mascot".

Everyone knows that she has special spiritual roots and has suffered a lot in her cultivation, so she is lazy on weekdays. Even if she doesn't practice, she eats and drinks every day and no one will say anything. After all, she was raised by the sect master.

But recently...

"Junior sister, senior brother is practicing swordsmanship at the Sixth Peak today."


"Aren't you going to have a look?"

"What do I think he did?" Shujue looked at the disciple who was speaking, with the word "weird" written in his eyes: "He didn't even realize the meaning of the sword. What insights can I gain from watching him practice swordsmanship?"

The disciple was stunned and wanted to say something, but found that what she said made sense.

"He hasn't even realized the meaning of the sword. How can he give me any insights?"

The words were spoken in the morning, and the disciples in the sect learned about it at noon.

By the next day, except for Chu Yunchen himself, all the disciples of Qing Hongzong knew what Shu Jue said.

Chu Yunchen was practicing his sword well when he suddenly noticed that all the disciples next to him were almost gone. He thought that was the end of the day. He put away his sword and was about to go back, but he found that all the disciples had run towards the fifth peak.

At this moment, Elder Qiu was teaching on the fifth peak.

Elder Qiu was famously strict in Hongzong of the Qing Dynasty. Anyone who was distracted in his class or failed to answer questions would be punished.

Because the sect supports disciples to choose their own courses, Elder Qiu’s classes are always crowded.

Throughout the morning, Elder Qiu watched as his empty class was filled with seats, and students who arrived late consciously squatted in the back to listen.

Elder Qiu: "?" He calmed down and continued teaching.

For most sword cultivators, Elder Qiu's class is obscure and difficult to understand. He only talks about theoretical knowledge in cultivation, and what he talks about today is sword intention.

Shu Jue sat below, holding her chin and listening carefully. The disciple sitting next to her was still the same as yesterday, and he secretly glanced at her from time to time.

Not every sword cultivator can understand such things as sword intention.

Some people can realize the sword's meaning as soon as they start practicing, and some people can't touch the threshold of the sword's meaning even after their lifespan is exhausted.

During the years when Shujue was a Piao in the previous life, Chu Yunchen, who was the "first disciple of the Qing Hong Sect", did not realize the meaning of the sword.

It was already three days later when Chu Yunchen found out about Shu Jue's "bad words".

He drew his sword, and the words "He didn't realize the meaning of the sword" were heard in his ears.

He picked up the sword and heard the words "He didn't realize the meaning of the sword."

He held the sword flower, but the words "He didn't realize the meaning of the sword" were still in his ears.

Chu Yunchen: "..." He must be crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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