Chapter 3 Life experience, breakthrough

The first time I saw Chu Yunchen after his rebirth was more than a month later.

The secret realm of the sect is jointly guarded by the four major sects and is opened every three years. All disciples whose cultivation level is above the foundation-building stage and below the golden elixir level can enter and practice.

Shu Jue was not very interested in things like secret realms in her previous life, but when Chu Yunchen went, she followed him in.

In this life, she wanted to try her luck in the secret realm. After all, it was clearly written in that inexplicable book that the secret realm was not another place, but a battlefield where humans and demons fought 200 years ago.After confirming that there was no great danger, each sect sealed the place for disciples to practice.

It's just that her cultivation level has declined and she is still in the Qi training period, so she cannot meet the basic requirements at all.

After thinking about it, Shu Jue could only go to Pei Xingmo's side to give him some advice.

"No." When Pei Xingmo heard what his young apprentice said, he paused to take the tea cup, and then glanced at the expectant girl below: "The secret realm will not be opened until one month. If you can't build it this month, Ji, then just stay in the sect honestly."

One month to build the foundation?Shu Jue's face was distorted because of the rare situation: "Master, foundation building is not as easy as you said..."

Pei Xingmo was resolute and refused to let go no matter what she said. He slowly took a sip of tea with an elegant posture and said, "It's just asking you to build the foundation within a month. It can be even more difficult than asking you to swallow Biyuan Grass alive." Can’t do it?”

"Wha... what about swallowing Biyuan Grass alive, Master, I can't do that kind of dangerous thing..."

Pei Xingmo put down the teacup heavily, and warm tea splashed out from the teacup: "You also know the danger? First you went to the Black Water Pond alone, and then you swallowed the Biyuan Grass alive. Now your cultivation level has fallen to the point where you can practice Qi and you are making trouble to go there. The secret realm..." He sighed: "Shujue, even if you don't cherish your life, you should live well for your mother."

Mother... Hearing these two words from Pei Xingmo, Shu Jue felt a little strange. "Master, do you know my mother? Am I not the orphan girl you picked up?"

"Your mother...she is very talented in her cultivation." Pei Xingmo took out a blood-stained jade pendant and handed it to Shu Jue.

It's cold in hand, and the jade pendant is engraved with the character "姝". Even an ignorant person can tell that this jade pendant is not ordinary.

"This is……"

"This is the ancestral jade pendant of the Shu family. Shujue, have you ever heard of Baihua Valley?"

Valley of Flowers?Shu Jue was confused. She had been running to the library every day and had learned a lot: "Isn't that a sect from more than 200 years ago?"

Baihua Valley only accepts female disciples, and it took in many homeless girls during the war in the mortal world. Just to fight against the demons, Baihua Valley was completely destroyed.

"When Baihua Valley was robbed, your maternal grandmother entrusted your mother to me. I taught her how to practice and watched her grow up. Finally, she left with a man and there was no news for many years..." Pei Xingmo looked at Shu Jue, and Shu Jue said I don't know what kind of emotion is in his eyes. Missing?Sad?

"Did you think your father was dead a long time ago?"

Shu Jue nodded in astonishment.

Pei Xingmo sneered, waved his hand, and opened the photo stone in the main hall.

A pretty little girl suddenly appeared in Shujue's sight. Shujue was wondering where she had seen this little girl before. A familiar face made her heart stop.


Also speaking with Shu Jue was the little girl in the image.

The man laughed and picked up the little girl: "Mingli, do you miss your father?"

"Mingli misses her father!"

Shujue half-opened her mouth, and there seemed to be something rumbling in her mind. She could only see the little girl's lips opening and closing, but there was ringing in her ears, and the blood all over her body seemed to freeze at this moment. , tears fell from the corners of my eyes without even realizing it.

"I advised your mother when she left." Pei Xingmo closed the photo stone and watched Shu Jue cry, but he did not wipe her tears as before. "Shu Jue, in your opinion, why do people practice?"

"For..." Immortality?Support justice?Protect a loved one?She pursed her lips for a long time, but Shujue couldn't say anything.Pei Xingmo shook his head: "Go back, Shu Jue."

When he walked out of the hall, Chu Yunchen happened to come in. Originally, he wanted to talk to Shu Jue about the recent rumors in the sect, but seeing her eyes red, he said nothing in the end.

"Master." Chu Yunchen bowed with his hands raised, "Junior sister, she..."

"It's okay, let her go. The secret realm will be opened in one month. I'm calling you here today. I want to tell you something..."

Shu Jue returned to her room and never left the house again.

A few days later, she actually didn't feel sad when she thought about the scene on the photo stone. It was just that the past life and the question asked by her master gave her a headache.

I originally wanted to look through the book, but found that the book became blank, only recording some recent events.

Shu Jue's heart moved.

Does this mean that things in the future may not necessarily happen?If she can strengthen the seal before the demons break it, right...

If that was the case, she had to go to the secret realm.

In her previous life, Yu Mingli obtained an ancient book of Talisman and Seal Script in the secret realm. Finally, I heard that she gave the ancient book to the Yunhe Sect's top disciple. In the end, the top disciple seemed to be interested in Yu Mingli.

Shu Jue took a sharp breath. The opportunity she got was her own opportunity. She didn't kill people and get goods, so does it count as robbery?Of course not.

So let’s play fair in this ancient book of talismans and seals.

She probably knew why she practiced, and to hell with things like immortality and supporting justice, she just wanted to protect the small world of Qing Hongzong, nothing more.

January flies by.

Chu Yunchen took the disciples who were going to the secret realm and listened to the elder's instructions in front of the Qingxiao Hall.

The crowd was bustling, and he scanned the circle with his spiritual consciousness. The junior sister was not there?
Thinking of not seeing her for a month, Chu Yunchen looked a little strange.

I don't know why, but after he recovered from his injury, he felt that his little junior sister seemed to have changed. She used to like to come closer to him, but now she can't even see him.

"That's all I have to say today. You are all disciples of my Qinghong Sect, and you are all the future of the Qinghong Sect. Remember, you must protect yourself at all times..."

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, completely lighting up the already dark sky.

Dark clouds quickly gathered in a few breaths, and that direction was clearly where the second peak was.

The elder who spoke widened his eyes. After saying the word "safety", he quickly rushed towards the second peak. Even after he was far away, all the disciples could still hear his cursing voice: "Which brat is in the residential area again?" Overcome the tribulation? Didn’t you say you shouldn’t stay in residential areas to break through? If the house is broken down, it won’t cost anything to rebuild it!”

Of course, Shu Jue, who was making a breakthrough, didn't know that he had been scolded. At this moment, he was guiding the spiritual energy to circulate with ease.

What if there are benefits to a decline in cultivation?I have experienced breakthroughs.

Coupled with her foundation-building experience in her previous life, she has already broken through three times.

It's just that Shu Jue closed her eyes at the moment and couldn't see the terrifying thunderclouds in the sky.

Before meeting Shu Jue, the elder thought it was some inner disciple who was about to form an elixir.

After discovering that it was Shu Jue, he shouted towards the first peak: "Sect Master, your disciple is going to be struck to death by lightning!"

(End of this chapter)

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