"But why me?" Shu Jue was puzzled.

Linshuang was able to be reborn because she practiced hard.

As for her?

In her previous life, not to mention hard work, she had almost no cultivation.

The dual spiritual roots of water and fire made her feel like she was suffering from cultivation, not to mention that her heart was focused on Chu Yunchen at that time. Where did she find the time to practice?

When the demons came, Master would still be there to protect them. This was what she thought at that time.

"Maybe because you are her descendant." Yinyue thought for a while and answered truthfully.

"But didn't you say before that the Shu family is a family of divine servants?" Shu Jue remembered what Yin Yue said when she just got the jade pendant.

Yin Yue nodded: "It was true a long time ago, but it was not called the Shu family at that time, and Lin Shuang only heard her mother and concubine mention it, saying that their women are the key to the divine world."

"But she didn't mention the surname of her mother-in-law's family, so I just told you that it was the Shu family. Anyway, it's not much different. I hope you understand what I mean."

Shu Jue nodded.

To be honest, it's a bit complicated.

She never understood why Linshuang carved the jade pendant with the character "Shu" in it, and why Yinyue called her the ancestor of the Shu family.

But that doesn't matter.

What Shu Jue is more concerned about at this time is: If the human race is still defeated in this life, will anyone in the human race have a chance to be reborn?

Yin Yue's answer is: unlikely.

"When he was seriously injured by Linshuang before, the Demon King's cultivation level was almost that of a true god. Even ordinary gods had to avoid him. If he is allowed to wake up and have a chance to grow, he may become a being who works side by side with the law of heaven or even controls it. "

This kind of absolute strength cannot allow the human race to stand up.

Hearing this, Shu Jue's heart rose: "So we must kill the Demon King so that we humans can achieve real victory?"

"Yes." Yinyue's short answer made Shujue's heart beat like a drum.

She looked at the back of her hand where the bones were still exposed, and raised her hand to look at the wound carefully.

Yin Yue thought she was going to be pessimistic again, but unexpectedly she clenched her fists tightly and said, "He is not a being like the law of heaven. I have already blasted thunder from the sky. How can I still be afraid of him?"

Yin Yue suddenly didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Stop making fists, you'd better rest well. Look at the wound, it's broken. After a while, your fourth senior sister will come in and see you again."

Shu Jue: "..." Obediently took out a pill and drank it, then bandaged the wound.

In the afternoon, she refused to lie on the bed no matter what. Lin Nianjiao asked her to continue lying down and observe. She immediately lifted the quilt and stood up to perform the sword dance.

"Look, Fourth Senior Sister, I'm so good." She jumped up and down, but suddenly realized that something was wrong with the way Lin Nianjiao looked at her.

"What's wrong? Fourth Senior Sister?" She shrank her neck in fear, and Lin Nianjiao's eyes seemed to want to eat her alive.

"Little Junior Sister, is your body different from ours? Can you give me some flesh and blood...oh no, blood or flesh will do, let's study it?"

Shu Jue: "?!"

Lin Nianjiao was kicked out by the law enforcement elders because it interfered with Shu Jue's rest.

When she went out, she looked at Shujue with resentment in her eyes, as if she had been let down.

"Shu Jue, what happened to you yesterday?" The law enforcement elder mainly wanted to ask Shu Jue how he could be struck by lightning twice in one day.

After he went back yesterday, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Finally he realized that it was Shu Jue who had saved the sect from disaster. Lei was clearly targeting her that day!

Shu Jue scratched her head, feeling a little guilty in her eyes: "Elder, please take a look at my cultivation first..."

The law enforcement elder took a closer look and realized that Shu Jue was already at the late stage of Jin Dan! "What's going on? Are you on drugs?"

In the world of immortality, there are indeed medicines that can improve cultivation, but they have huge side effects.

Thinking about it, Shu Jue is not someone who takes that kind of medicine.

"No." Shujue continued to scratch her head, and the hair on the back of her head was messed up by herself: "It became like this after being struck by lightning yesterday."

It should be Lei Lingen's contribution. After all, during the fight yesterday, it swallowed the thunder that entered Shujue's body, swallowing it hard.

The law enforcement elder was directly petrified.

He had never heard of this kind of promotion method.

Previously, some disciples wanted him to find time to help ask Shujue if she had any tips for practicing.

This can't be said to be upgraded with lightning strikes, right?

Who can be as tough as her?

The law enforcement elder was so speechless at this time that he forgot to ask Shujue about the purple light surrounding her arm yesterday.

He once saw the word Leilinggen in a book, and it said that the owners of Leilinggen are those who can defy nature.

But thinking about it, he thought it was impossible. After all, Leilingen only existed in legends.

How can this kind of spiritual root, which is similar to the sky thunder, exist in the human Dantian? It's scary just thinking about it.

After the law enforcement elder left, Shujue's room finally became quiet.

She was just about to move her butt when she suddenly noticed something hard next to her.

Turning around, I saw that it was the strange book.

"Reappeared?" Shujue picked up the book and read it naturally.

This time there is no plot in the book, but information about the Twelve Demon Generals.

The twelve demons will be headed by the title of Yue, and then they are: Yue Zhong, Bifan, Taotie, Qiongqi, Xiangliu, Yaozhu, Fudou, Zhuhuai, Chaos, Yinjiuzhu, and Zhuyan.

Among them, Tao Huan is the formation master, Xiang Liu is the alchemy master, and Yin Jiuzhu is the weapon refiner.

Shu Jue also learned a piece of news from the book: the corpse of Linshuang's mentor was not devoured by the demons. Yin Jiuzhu took his ribs and used the ribs as material to refine a halberd. That halberd was the one Fu Dou used most.

Seeing this, Shu Jue was so angry that her hands were trembling.

Linshuang's mentor is also considered her ancestor, but now her ancestor's ribs have been refined into a weapon by the demons, and the blade is pointed at his fellow clan!

Shu Jue gritted her teeth and continued looking down.

What is written next are almost all about the temperament of the twelve demon generals, whether they are violent or warlike, and they are all about killing people for fun.

For such a race, if the human race really fell into their hands, the fate could almost be imagined.

After reading the contents of the book, Shu Jue did not put the book directly next to her this time. Instead, she closed the book and stared at it for a long time, and asked: "Can you understand what I am saying?"

There was silence in the room, you could hear a needle drop.

Turning the pages of the book, the content behind is still blank.

Shu Jue's eyes darkened a bit: "Can you understand what I'm saying? Or is it just a dead thing?"

The book still had no response.

Seeing this, Shu Jue snorted coldly: "Since it is a dead thing, just burn it."

After saying that, she lit a flame in her other hand and gradually moved towards the book.

As for the hand holding the book, she used the spiritual power of lightning to cover the entire book.

As the flames gradually approached, the hand holding the book actually felt the force coming from the book.

The book was struggling, trying to leave Shu Jue's hands.

Seeing this, Shujue's face completely darkened: "Who asked you to come here? Tell me!"

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