The book was still struggling, with no other changes.

She originally thought that the book appeared by coincidence, but Shujue also discovered that it was unusual among the coincidences.

This book appears without any warning every time, and the prompts above are also random.

Until the fire in Shu Jue's hand was about to touch the corner of the book, the book disappeared!

Right under Shu Jue's nose, without any warning, she felt her hand empty.

Looking at her empty hands, Shujue narrowed her eyes and opened the window to look outside.

The weather is beautiful today, the sun breaks through the clouds and falls leisurely.

But a thought suddenly appeared in Shujue's mind: Is the opportunity for her rebirth really just because of the demons?

No one could answer her question.

The sect competition was still going on. Shujue was unable to participate in the weapon test due to physical reasons. She originally wanted to participate in the personal martial arts test, but considering that her body was recovering so quickly, she gave up in the end.

There were also competitions on formations and talismans, but she could only abstain in tears, turned around and sneaked out of the Qing Hong Sect while all the disciples were watching the competition.

In fact, you can't blame her for being so excited. Cheng Anna sent a message saying that countless ghosts appeared in the city that was massacred by the demons. He had never dealt with such a thing.

After the law enforcement elder learned about this, he remembered that there had been a ghost around Shujue, so he asked her if she was willing to deal with the matter.

Of course Shu Jue is totally willing.

Only the law enforcement elder and Pei Xingmo knew about her departure. Lin Nianjiao and the others only found out about it later.

Shujue was already very familiar with the sword. He took out his own snow-covered towel and lay on it after a long time, as if he was back to the leisurely time before.

"The little girl's sword-wielding skills have made great progress, not bad." The sudden voice frightened the snow covered under Shu Jue's body to tilt, and she almost hit the mountain next to her.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw the old ghost beside her, grinning at her with big yellow teeth.

Who is Jiu Xiao who came to Qing Hongzong with her a few months ago?

Shu Jue opened her mouth, wanting to ask him why he hadn't left yet, but as soon as she said it, she said, "Old ghost, why do you insist on Qing Hongzong not leaving?"

Old ghost: "?"

"My name is Senior Jiuxiao, you know!" He pretended to be mature and smoothed his beard, his eyes rolled around: "The little devil didn't come back with you?"

"No, there's something wrong with her."

Shu Jue didn't say anything, and the old ghost didn't break the casserole to ask the truth. He just sighed: "I also wanted to leave back then. I didn't expect that not long after I left your Qing Hongzong, I was almost arrested. I finally returned to the Qing Dynasty. Hongzong, your master told me that you had already left due to something else."

"Old man, I have no choice but to squat in Qinghongzong."

However, he has not always been in the Qinghong Sect, he just stayed in the mountains closer to Qinghong Sect to practice. In the past two days, he heard from the passing disciples that Shu Jue was back, so he came out to take a look.

But there were many people in Qing Hongzong, and he couldn't find Shu Jue, so he could only squat outside and wait for her to come out.

"Someone is catching ghosts?" Shu Jue was a little surprised. Ordinary disciples would probably kill ghosts when they encountered them. How could they catch ghosts?

The old ghost nodded: "Yes, he is a ghost hunter, and he has quite a few tools."

Who can catch ghosts? Shu Jue frowned and subconsciously thought of the group of demons headed by Zhu Yan.

It hasn't been long since the Danzong incident, and I don't know if those demons will make any other moves?

Shujue shook her head. Now was not the time to think about this. She looked at the old ghost: "Senior Jiuxiao, what are you looking for for me?"

"Yes." The old ghost nodded: "Recently, I have found that my cultivation speed seems to be much faster? Is there any movement from the ghost clan?"

"There is indeed some movement over there from the ghost clan, but I can't tell you about it for the time being." Shujue thought about it for a while, and still suggested: "Senior, you should stay in the Qinghong Sect for now, and don't come out. Over there with the demon clan Something is wrong." The old ghost has already died once, and no one can compare to him in cherishing life.

After hearing what Shu Jue said, Feng Fenghuo left.

At this time, Cheng'an and the others were already fighting with several demons in the town.

Not long after he sent the message, these demons arrived.

But the strange thing is that this time their target is not Cheng An and the others, but these ignorant wandering souls next to them.

These ghosts have just been formed, and their memories are still chaotic. It will take about half a month for them to absorb the memories and become normal ghosts.

Seeing the monks headed by Cheng An, they subconsciously moved over and surrounded them.

Cheng'an and the others had never seen ghosts, but they vaguely felt that these ghosts were not malicious, so they allowed them to follow. The monks in their group searched the town carefully, trying to find the whereabouts of the demon——

That demon probably didn't leave here.

The corpses of the residents of the city were lying in various directions, and their pale-faced souls followed Cheng An.

At night, Cheng An and the others randomly found a ruined temple with no corpses to rest. The dark outside was deathly quiet.

They were followed by a large group of ghosts, and those who couldn't get in were wandering outside the ruined temple.

Cheng An tried to communicate with them, but these ghosts seemed to have no self-awareness. Following them seemed to be an instinct, so he could only give up.

It was foggy outside in the middle of the night, and the sound of footsteps woke Cheng An from his semi-cultivation state.

As soon as he left the ruined temple, he met several pairs of scarlet eyes.

It's a demon.

One of the demons was holding a ghost with a dull expression in his hand.

They won't resist, and they won't even dodge when the demons catch them.

In a blink of an eye, the demons captured several ghosts right under Cheng An's nose.

I don’t know where they caught the ghosts. I just saw them making a throwing motion, and the ghosts disappeared inexplicably.

How could Cheng An let them just take away the souls of the tribesmen? He went up and flicked the hand of one of the demons away with his sword, and started fighting with them.

The sound of fighting woke up several other people, and they immediately joined the fight.

Those demons seemed to be no match for Cheng'an and the others, but if you look closely, you can see that they are not invincible, they just focus on catching ghosts.

After hundreds of rounds, Cheng An and the others did manage to defend some ghosts, but their situation was not good and they suffered more or less.

The ghosts who were protected behind them had dull eyes and just stood there, as if no matter how hard the two sides fought, it had nothing to do with them.

"Ahem! No, Brother Cheng An, if this continues, the ghosts will be captured by them!"

"Wait a minute, the sect is sending people!" Cheng An gritted his teeth and looked at the demons in front of him, wishing to tear them into pieces alive.

Unexpectedly, after listening to his words, the leading demon man said: "Okay, so many ghosts should be enough, let's retreat."

As soon as the words fell, several people disappeared directly from Cheng An and others.

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