"Village Chief? What are you doing here?" Aunt Zhou woke up early in the morning and was feeding chickens in the yard. When she saw the village chief coming, she quickly wiped her hands on her bib, "You sit down first, and I'll get a glass of water." "

Shu Jue and others used concealment charms, but she didn't see them.

Aunt Zhou came out with warm water and said, "Village Chief, has something happened?" She saw that the village chief's face was not very good, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Couldn't it be Xiaoyi? She had seen it this morning, and Xiaoyi was still tied to the bed by her.

"No, it's just that the village has been a little uneasy recently... Sigh!" The village chief took a sip of the warm water and looked around: "Where's Xiaoyi? Why haven't you seen the child?"

He is well-known as a good old man in the village. If anyone in the village is in trouble and wants to help, he will try his best to help.

At that time, Aunt Zhou's family was almost unable to open the pot. Xiao Yi was just growing up. The village chief saw that it was not easy for her to raise a child by herself. He discussed it with some people in the village and pooled some money. Bought two lambs at a cheap price.

In the past, life was difficult for everyone in the village, but it was only under the leadership of the village chief that the village got better and better. Aunt Zhou was grateful to the village chief in her heart.

But when it came to her own child, Aunt Zhou thought about it and finally decided to hide Xiao Yi's matter.

She smiled unnaturally: "Xiao Yi has been in poor health recently and is resting in the house."

"Are you not feeling well? You have to be careful. Xiaoyi's child can also get married. It will be difficult to find a wife when he is not in good health."

The custom in southern countries is that men have to have their hair in their twenties, and they are officially considered adults only after they have their hair.

Although most people get married relatively early, there are some who get married in their twenties.

Therefore, although Xiao Yi is nearly twenty years old, she is still not married. She just had a look with a girl from a neighboring village.

Aunt Zhou is not very satisfied with the girl. The girl is seventeen or eighteen years old. She heard that she is lazy at home and cannot find her husband, so she has not gotten married until now.

If her family Xiaoyi doesn't say anything else, you can't bring back an ancestor when you get a wife, right?

The smile on her face was a little forced: "Xiao Yi is not very old yet. He is not taking the exam for the Juren exam recently. My idea is that it won't be too late to marry him after he passes the exam."

Although the Southern Kingdom now promotes universal cultivation of immortality, it has not neglected learning. It has only included cultivation of immortality into the assessment and it has become an additional martial arts test. The results of the literary and martial arts examinations are half of the total score of each station, and are aggregated to determine the ranking.

The village chief nodded and said nothing more.

He knew Xiao Yi. The child had always been good at studies and had become a scholar at the age of fifteen. Normally, there would be no problem in taking the exam.

But now I just don't know if what Shujue and the others saw and guessed last night is true.

The village chief sighed lowly: "Xiao Yi, is that child seriously ill?" In the past, if the village chief came over, Xiao Yi would come out to receive him with a smile, but now that they have been talking here for so long, he has not yet When he came out, the village chief's heart sank little by little.

"Yes, he is seriously ill." Aunt Zhou's expression was genuine. She only hoped that Xiao Yi would get better soon. No matter how long it took, she felt that she would not be able to hide it. "Then I'll leave first. When Xiaoyi recovers, tell me and I'll come over to see him." The village chief drank the warm water and stood up to leave.

"Why is he worthy of you coming to see him in person? When he is well, I will let him go to your house to report that he is safe." Aunt Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to send the village chief away.

Before the person reached the door of the yard, he suddenly heard a roar coming from the house.

Like a beast, hoarse and unpleasant, with a hint of murderous intent.

"What's the sound?" The village chief reacted faster than Aunt Zhou. When he heard the sound, he rushed into the house in three steps. Aunt Zhou wanted to stop him, but was a step late and could only watch him enter the house.

"This..." Following the source of the sound, the village chief arrived at Xiao Yi's room. When he saw Xiao Yi clearly on the bed, he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Village Chief... Xiaoyi is ill. He will recover soon." Aunt Zhou ran in and hurriedly stood in front of the village chief, lowering the bed curtain to block her sight.

But the bed curtain couldn't block the sound coming from inside. Hearing the beast-like roar coming from the bed, the village chief's legs became weak.

"You said...this is Xiao Yi?" How could it be Xiao Yi? Xiaoyi is such a clean child, but the person lying on the bed is not Xiaoyi, but a monster!
"Sister Zhou, you... you are confused!" The village chief's eyebrows almost knitted together, "Now that it's been like this, do you still want to hide it from us? Tell me honestly, did your sheep kill him? of!"

"No, no... it's not Xiao Yi. My Xiao Yi is such a good child. He would help me with my work when he came back from school when he was a child. He knew that things were not easy at home, so how could he kill his own sheep?" Zhou The aunt's eyes were red, and she spoke with a heavy nasal voice. She reached out to grab the village chief's sleeve:

"Village Chief, I beg you, please don't tell this matter to other people in the village first. When Xiao Yi is well, when Xiao Yi is well, I will take him to the door to say thank you, okay, Village Chief!"

After saying that, she knelt down in the direction of the village chief and kowtowed several times: "Village Chief, you also watched our Xiao Yi grow up. What a good boy he is!" If what happened to Xiao Yi If other villagers find out, what will they do to Xiaoyi?
They will definitely send Xiao Yi to the government, and then Xiao Yi's life will be over!
"Sister Zhou, you know me. As the village chief, how can I..." No matter how much he likes Xiao Yi, he can't show favoritism! This might harm the whole village!

"Sister Zhou, I will say more nice things for Xiao Yi in front of other people. This matter should be treated as a matter of our village and will not be brought to the government." The village chief gritted his teeth. This was already his biggest selfish concern. gave in.

After all, there is still a way to accept one's fate. Fortunately, the deceased widow has no relatives, otherwise there may be trouble.

"Village Chief..." Aunt Zhou looked at the village chief, her mouth slightly open, wondering why he was so cruel.

"Take good care of Xiaoyi." The village chief couldn't bear to look at her red eyes and turned around to leave.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, Mrs. Zhou suddenly grabbed a stick next to her and hit him on the back of the head.

At this time, she only had one thought in her mind: she couldn't let the village chief tell Xiao Yi's story!

The village chief heard the movement behind him and wanted to get away.

Seeing that it was too late, Shu Jue tore off the concealment charm on her body and snatched the wooden stick from Aunt Zhou's hand.

"Sister Zhou, what are you doing?" The village chief looked at Aunt Zhou who fell to the ground in disbelief, his eyes full of pain.

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