"I..." Aunt Zhou was sitting on the ground ashen. The moment Shu Jue took the stick away, she suddenly woke up. She actually had such thoughts? How can it be? The village chief is not only the benefactor of their family, but also the benefactor of the entire village!

She lowered her head and stopped talking.

Cheng An opened the bed curtain and began to observe A Yi's condition carefully.

However, in one night, his condition was much worse than what Shujue's spiritual consciousness detected last night. Red bloodshot streaks appeared on his face. The bloodshot needles almost covered the entire face. It looked so dense and terrifying. .

And his eyes were completely invisible, as if only the whites of his eyes were left.

The village chief also looked over. This time he looked carefully and was still shocked.

Apart from the human form, how can anyone tell that the person on the bed is a human being?

He was so skinny that there was only a layer of skin left, his face was as white as paper, his mouth was open, and he made a "ho ho" sound in his throat. Whenever someone approached him, he let out a low growl like a wild beast.

Shu Jue looked serious: "He seems to be under a curse."

"Curse?" This was the first time Cheng'an and others heard this word: "What is that? Is it a talisman?"

"Absolutely," Shu Jue nodded: "The talisman is painted with the blood of the deceased. The deceased must have died with resentment, plus a part of the death energy. If the talisman is burned and mixed with water and drank, it will be cursed. "

After listening to her words, Aunt Zhou sat there blankly for a long time, her face turned earth-colored, and she was heartbroken. She kept crying in her eyes and kept mumbling: "How could it be? How could it be possible? He lied to me? He lied to me!"

"Who lied to you? What is going on?"

"It's him..." Aunt Zhou heard Shu Jue's voice and turned her head to look at her, as if grasping a life-saving straw, her eyes gradually became focused. She crawled to Shu Jue's side, raised her hand and grabbed Shu Jue's skirt: "Immortal, you are capable, right? You can definitely save my little Yi, right? You can save Xiao Yi, right?"

She was trembling and talking incoherently, her hands were shaking: "Please, Immortal, I will kowtow to you. As long as you can save Xiao Yi, I will even die to apologize for my sin!"

"You get up first." Shujue dodged nimbly, and a trace of spiritual power spilled from her fingertips to lift her up: "First, tell us what's going on?"

"A month ago, I was washing clothes by the river. A man came to me. He gave me a talisman and said that my Xiaoyi is the most talented in the village. The talisman can improve Xiaoyi's talent. It’s better, it’s faster to practice.”

Aunt Zhou, who was caught in memories, had regret in her eyes: "I also drank the water soaked in the talisman seal. I drank it and gave it to Xiao Yi when it was fine."

She covered her face and sobbed: "As a result, Xiao Yi screamed and felt pain all over his body after drinking that water. I thought it was what the immortal cultivators said about washing the muscles and cutting the marrow. I said, 'My dear, it will be over with patience.' How could I have imagined that? That night I heard something moving in the sheepfold, and when I went over to see it, I saw that it was Xiaoyi holding a sheep and biting it!"

"At that time, Xiao Yi seemed to be unconscious. His eyes were all red. As soon as I called his name, he fainted and fell to the ground."

"Xiao Yi returned to normal the next day. I saw that he seemed to have no memory of the night. I thought it was an accident, but I didn't expect that he went out again that night..."

For two nights in a row, he went out and killed other people's animals. Aunt Zhou had no choice but to lock the house at night to prevent him from going out. Sure enough, it worked, and no more animals died in the village.

She was relieved at first, but within a few days, something happened in the village.

When she heard that the widow had died, her heartbeat skipped a few beats and she hurried back home.

At first glance, the window in Xiaoyi's room was opened, and Xiaoyi was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, his whole body felt weak and his mind went blank. He quickly looked for his son secretly.

Fortunately, Xiao Yi came back later. After he came back, he asked Aunt Zhou if he had wandering disorder. He seemed to have slept outside all night last night. Aunt Zhou saw a scratch on her son's arm with her sharp eyes. Xiao Yi didn't know what it was and said carelessly: "It must have been an accidental fall last night, right?"

In order to prevent Xiaoyi from living in panic, she didn't say anything about it.

When Xiao Yi became like this, she didn't dare to ask the doctor to take a look. After all, it was too evil. After she died, she didn't dare to tell anyone about it and she kept this secret tightly.

When Xiao Yi was about to lose her mind again, she finally made up her mind and tied him up in his puzzled eyes: "Xiao Yi, don't blame mother for being cruel. Mother can't let you go out anymore. Just stay here." Just stay home and get through it."

Unexpectedly, that was the last time Xiao Yi called her mother after drinking Fu Zhuan Water.

After that day, her child never regained consciousness.

At first he just lay on the bed in a daze, not moving or talking. When Aunt Zhou gave him water and food, he would eat it obediently.

He didn't even have to go to the hut, it was like a piece of wood.

Then he started to become manic, making wild beast-like noises from his throat.

Aunt Zhou was so frightened that she didn't dare to loosen the rope for him.

When feeding him, he would always show his teeth at her, as if he wanted to tear her apart. He was full of the wildness of a beast, and he no longer recognized Aunt Zhou at all.

He would even struggle wildly, trying to loosen the rope. Aunt Zhou had no choice but to tie him up with an extra rope.

The rope was rough, Xiao Yi was a scholar, his skin was thin and his flesh was tender, and his wrists and ankles were bruised and bruised.

Aunt Zhou saw his body bleeding with sadness, but there was nothing she could do.

She couldn't let go of the rope. In his current state, the whole village might suffer, regardless of whether he could be found if the rope was let go.

She had suspected many problems, but she never suspected that there was something wrong with the talisman and seal. After all, she had also drank the water.

She only thought that her son was sick, and that the recent trouble was due to evil spirits. She even planned to secretly find a senior monk to check on him.

Before she could go to invite the eminent monk, Shujue and the others came.

"Do you still have an impression of what the person who gave you the talisman looks like and what kind of clothes he is wearing?"

"He is a young man." Aunt Zhou thought for a while and looked at one of the disciples. "She is about the same height as him. He looks quite delicate and thin. As for the clothes... he is wearing very ordinary clothes, blue clothes."

"It seems that he should be a person from the world of immortality." Only people from the world of immortality can have access to Fu Zhuan. Shu Jue even felt that this matter was inseparable from the Feiyue Sect.

"After drinking the talisman water, a person may become a demon, or he may lose his mind like him."

Aunt Zhou sat on the ground and cried.

Her son used to be normal during the day, but now he has completely lost his mind.

"Immortal, you must save my son!"

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