"It's not that I don't want to save him, it's just that the blood of the person who drew the talisman is needed to break the curse."

After hearing this, Aunt Zhou collapsed to the ground, the last trace of light in her eyes gone.

"How could this happen, how could this happen..." She covered her face, tears falling from her fingers and cheeks: "It's all me, I was the one who harmed Xiao Yi..."

If she hadn't trusted others and hadn't given Xiao Yi the talisman water to drink, Xiao Yi would have been the first person in the village to be elected.

She killed her child with her own hands!
"Auntie, don't be like this. I can ask my senior brother if I can suppress the curse in his body first." In this regard, Yan Beizhou should know better than her.

"Really? Thank you, Immortal! Thank you, Immortal!"

Shu Jue didn't delay and sent a message directly to Yan Beizhou.

"Curse?" The reply came quickly, and Yan Beizhou and Shu Jue thought of going together: "Could it be the fault of those people from the Feiyue Sect?"

"I think so." It's really frustrating to know clearly that something is wrong with the Feiyue Sect, but not being able to confront them head-on.

But there is no other way.

It would be okay if Yue Chong didn't come. With Xuannio and his wife joining the battle, they could at least severely damage Feiyue Sect, but Yue Chong came.

Now I can't do anything but talk about it, and I have to prevent him from going crazy and looking for trouble in some sect.

With the current strength of the world of cultivation, there is absolutely no way to use Yue Zhong.

"Junior sister, please tell me your address. I will go over and help him draw the suppression talisman."

Shu Jue sent the address.

"I will arrive in about four days. In the meantime, keep an eye on him and don't let him get stained with blood again, otherwise I won't be able to do anything about it."

When she heard that it could be suppressed, Aunt Zhou immediately breathed a sigh of relief and kowtowed to Shu Jue.

Shu Jue ran all over the place to avoid her kowtow, "You don't have to do this. Although we can suppress him, we can't suppress him forever. If we can't find the person who drew the talisman, his result will still be the same."

Aunt Zhou shook her head when she heard this: "You immortals have done Xiao Yi a great favor by being able to suppress it. If there is really no way to break the curse..."

That is Xiaoyi's life...

Seeing that her mood had stabilized, the village chief cleared his throat and said, "If Xiaoyi's curse is broken by then, this punishment will be indispensable."

As for how serious it is, it depends on whether the villagers are willing to forgive him.

He said that if this matter does not go to the government, he will definitely not break his promise.

It's just a little unfair to the widow.

The village chief sighed. Putting aside his partiality, Xiaoyi's talent in cultivation was second to none in the whole village.

Plus he did it unintentionally...just...forget it.

Let’s burn more for the widow every year from now on.

When he made this decision, Shujue and the others didn't say much.

If the people in the village were willing to forgive Xiao Yi about what happened in their village, it would be hard for them to say anything.

And Xiaoyi is indeed quite unlucky.

Four days passed by in a flash, and with Shujue and the others watching over them, nothing happened.

Yan Beizhou came here in a hurry, because Shu Jue had greeted him in advance, and he came directly to Aunt Zhou's house with the concealment charm attached.

After tearing off the concealment talisman, Shujue immediately saw him, her eyes lit up: "Third Senior Brother!"

Yan Beizhou nodded: "I'll check on his condition first."

Xiaoyi's condition has gotten much worse these days.

The blood on his face has spread to his body. Yan Beizhou loosened his clothes and saw that the blood had not spread to his heart. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and immediately started drawing talismans on the table.

Not long after, the three talisman seals were drawn.

Aunt Zhou looked at the talisman and asked hesitantly: "Immortal, do I need to boil water?"

"What are you boiling water for?"

"Don't you need to burn this talisman and then drink it?"

"No need." Yan Beizhou shook the talisman seal. The material for drawing the talisman was made from the blood of several monster beasts and the juice of spiritual plants. It dried a bit slowly.

He looked at Aunt Zhou and said truthfully: "Under normal circumstances, you cannot drink talismans. The kind of talisman you mentioned is most likely an evil talisman that can harm people."

Aunt Zhou's face turned pale, her lips moved, but she didn't say anything.

"Okay." Three talisman seals were affixed to Xiao Yi's body, one was on his heart, and the other two were affixed to the palms of his left and right hands respectively.

When the talisman touched his skin, it gradually disappeared at a very fast speed, as if it had been integrated into his body.

Not long after, the redness on Xiaoyi's body and face gradually receded, and her eyes returned to normal.

His whole body twitched, and he heard a hoarse voice coming from his throat: "Mother? Village chief? And..." Why are there so many strangers at home?

A tingling sensation came from his wrists and ankles. Xiaoyi struggled to get up, only to realize that he was tied up.

His body was limp, and he fell down weakly soon.

"What's going on? Mom, where is my cultivation? My cultivation has disappeared!" After realizing that his Dantian was empty, Xiao Yi suddenly fell into panic.

Aunt Zhou's eyes turned red again when she heard this: "Son, it's my mother who is sorry for you, my mother has harmed you!"

She told everything in detail, and Xiaoyi's expression changed from initial fear to anger, and finally to regret.

He looked at his hands that were still tied, his eyes full of disbelief: "I, I actually killed someone? How could I kill someone?"

"No, it's not you, son, it's all mother's fault. Mother shouldn't have let you drink that weird talisman water..." Aunt Zhou was always uneasy and full of guilt.

Some were to families whose animals had died in the village, some were to widows, and some were to their sons.

If her son can recover, she will use her old life to help her son apologize. After all, she made him drink the talisman water.

I just hope that my son can practice well in the future and kill more demons.

"Mom, it's not your fault, you are doing it for my own good." The village chief untied Xiao Yi's wrists, and he immediately hugged his mother: "My son will definitely find the person who gave you the talisman and let him Pay the price!"

The mother and son hugged each other and cried in the room, while Shujue gave the other people a look and called them out.

Just now, she thought of a possibility.

"You think, is it possible that our promotion of universal cultivation of immortality has angered the demons, so they deliberately sent people to curse these people?"

If the curse is successful, the cursed person will become a blade in the hands of the demons. If it fails, the cursed person will lose his mind and kill innocent people indiscriminately.

No matter what, this is a way to make human beings kill each other.

"What the junior sister said is very possible." Cheng An's face darkened. He had been thinking about this issue just now.

Who can guarantee that only Xiao Yi will be cursed in the southern region.

"If that's the case, it's going to be troublesome..." Yan Beizhou's eyes dimmed a bit: "Little junior sister, I'll leave it to you to watch over here. I'll go into the palace."

"The suppression talisman on his body can control him for half a month. I will be back within half a month."

"Also, I saw the method of drawing the tracing talisman in an ancient book a while ago. I will give you the materials to teach you how to draw it in a while. The person who gave him the talisman in the past few days is likely to come back again. You will trace the talisman. If you put the seal on him, you can find the person behind the scenes."

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