Yan Beizhou went to the palace. The morning court had not yet started, so he rushed into the meeting hall with his sword.

Some ministers were startled by him and almost called for an escort, but then they heard their emperor call out: "Beizhou, why are you here free?"

Beizhou? Isn't that the name of King Duan? That's okay.

"Brother Imperial." Yan Beizhou bowed his hands to the person above him as a salute: "There was an accident over there, little junior sister."

He told the story exactly as it was, and after listening to it, the faces of everyone present turned pale.

"This demon is really vicious!"

"I just said we shouldn't practice, right? If we don't practice, how can the demons notice us..."

"You can pull him down. If we don't practice, if there is a fight, you will be the first to die. Didn't you know that the unlucky Red Eagle had an entire city massacred?"

The ministers below exploded the pot and started talking, while the emperor above had a face as black as the bottom of the pot.

The demons made these little moves under his nose. What if they weren't slapping him in the face?
"May I ask King Duan, is there a way to distinguish the curse?"

"Of course." Yan Beizhou said: "Anything that needs to be burned and drank with water is basically not a serious talisman. Just try to avoid it."

As long as you can avoid it, don't worry about anything else.

After all, casting a curse requires another condition, that is, the person being cursed is willing to drink the talisman water.

This is why the man gave the talisman seal to Aunt Zhou instead of pouring the talisman water into the well or stream.

"I will make a decree right away. From now on, no one in the southern country can touch anything that is not given by you."

The emperor's head was a little big, and after much thought, the only people he could trust were the emperor's younger brother in front of him and the sect behind him.

Yan Beizhou nodded.

"Brother Emperor, I don't know if anyone has been cursed in other places recently. I suggest that Brother Emperor investigate carefully. If there is someone who has been cursed, I can help suppress it."

If the accident happened to another country, Yan Beizhou might not be so concerned about it, but it happened to be sad. His imperial brother and mother and concubine were both in the Southern Kingdom, and he could not just watch the Southern Kingdom suffer this disaster.

It is easy to find those who fail to cast a spell, but it is difficult to find those who succeed.

They look the same as usual on weekdays, but at the most critical moment, they may be controlled by the cursed person and stabbed in the back.

Yan Beizhou thought about it again and again, and finally came up with only one way: to use talismans to pull out the cursed ones one by one, and see if there was any way to unlock them.

The ancient book in his hand was given to him by Chen Shujin. There were many strange things in it. He could only hope that there was a solution to it.

There were hundreds of thousands of people in the southern country, and Yan Beizhou began a life of drawing symbols day and night.

Of course, he would definitely not be able to finish the painting by himself, so he found some trustworthy talisman masters to help him paint together.

When it comes to the human race, those talisman masters agreed without saying a word.

In fact, drawing more talismans and seals is also good for their cultivation. The more they use it, the bigger the sea of ​​consciousness will be, and the more they use it, the stronger their mental power will be. Although they are a little tired, who can always be comfortable on the road of cultivation?

Screening began all over the Southland.

The people had great trust in the emperor. If the emperor said he wanted to investigate, then there must be something wrong with someone.

Even if there are voices of opposition and dissatisfaction, they will soon be drowned out.

In a restaurant in a city in the South, a man sat beside a bed along the street. He snorted coldly as he watched groups of officers and soldiers pass by.

So what if we find them all? Those demons have more than just curses...

The figure flashed past, and there was only some money left on the table. Where was his figure?

Shu Jue has been staying at Aunt Zhou's house for the past few days, and several other disciples have gone to some cities to assist in the screening.

Xiaoyi was depressed for a few days and then cheered up again.

Although he is unable to practice in his current condition, he can still exercise. During the day, he would exercise and read books, while Shujue practiced beside him.

Yan Beizhou asked her to stare, and she really kept staring almost every step of the way.


When Shu Jue heard the voice, she opened her eyes and looked at the person: "Village chief?"

The village chief ran over, out of breath: "Immortal, something happened, the widow's house is haunted!"

"Haunted?" Shujue was confused and went to the widow's house to take a look.

Because no one lives in the widow’s house anymore, it’s still the same as before.

She died a bit miserably, and although no one was in the house, no one dared to go in and get things from her room.

But last night, someone actually came into her house to steal something!

The widow had a bronze mirror as a dowry, and the things reflected in it were very clear.

Yang Da's wife in the village has been coveting the bronze mirror for a long time.

Although the living conditions of everyone in the village are good now, the bronze mirror is a pity!
Yang's wife used to have a good relationship with the widow and often went to her home to chat with her.

At that time she really wanted that bronze mirror.

After the widow died, she hesitated for several days, and finally she wanted to take the bronze mirror home secretly.

As long as the family member didn't tell her, who would have known that she had taken the bronze mirror from the widow's house.

At night, after everyone had gone to bed, she sneaked to the widow's house, found the bronze mirror and was about to take it away.

Unexpectedly, she ran out with the bronze mirror in her arms and accidentally glanced at the bronze mirror. Just this glance almost scared her out of her mind!
Through the moonlight, she clearly saw a face reflected in the bronze mirror, with a pair of eyes staring at her fiercely.

Who else but the dead widow?

Mrs. Yang screamed, didn't want the bronze mirror, threw the things away and ran away.

As a result, he stumbled while running and fell into a ditch.

When she woke up the next morning, she found that she was at home. When she asked the head of the house how she came back, the head of the house looked at her with a strange look: "Why did you come back yesterday? Are you confused by your sleep? You were all over the place last night. You didn’t go out!”

Mrs. Yang was stunned.

She didn't go out? She obviously went out... and took away the bronze mirror.

The pain on her body when she climbed into the ditch last night seemed to be real, and she was still hurting now.

But her husband swore that she would never go out at night: "I'll sleep outside with you. How can I know if you go out? You even fell into a ditch. Are you really confused?"

Mrs. Yang was not sure after what he said. Maybe she was just dreaming?

Maybe it's because she wants the bronze mirror so much.

She put the matter behind her, but she didn't dare to think about the bronze mirror again.

Maybe it was really because the widow died miserably and even the bronze mirror was unlucky.

But not two days later, as soon as Mrs. Yang fell asleep, she felt her body sitting up uncontrollably.

She easily stepped over Yang Da, who was still snoring like a dead pig in his sleep.

She wanted to scream in horror, but found that her throat seemed to be blocked by something and she couldn't make any sound.

In an instant, fear spread throughout her body, and the hairs all over her body stood up.

Seeing that she had actually arrived at the widow's house, she rolled her eyes and lost consciousness.

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