Chapter 59

Rough words or not, the Emperor of the Southern Kingdom felt that there was nothing wrong with what Shu Jue said, so he immediately ordered the secret guards to go to the homes of those important ministers and invite them to come and work overtime.

Seeing the secret guard dressed in black jumping down from the rafters, Shujue once again crossed out the words she had read before.

The secret guard came and went without a trace. She clearly saw the man standing on the beam in an inelegant posture and planned to alert the emperor.

Several elders had just returned home from court and had a meal. Before they had time to digest, they heard that the emperor had something important to ask them to go into the palace to discuss.He changed his clothes in such a hurry and hurried into the palace that the horse's hooves were about to break.

Yi Ting said that the emperor wanted everyone in the Southern Kingdom to be exposed to cultivation. Several people had different expressions. Finally, the prime minister asked: "I dare to ask, but is it Prince Duan's suggestion?"

"What? Did King Duan suggest that this is important? Do you really think that I summoned you here to discuss this matter?" He had already made up his mind, starting with the few brats in the palace, and as for these habitual comrades Is he the devil's advocate?
If you don't agree, you are hopeless and just waiting to die.

Several important ministers were covered in sweat, and they knelt very neatly: "Your Majesty, I have no objections. I just heard that people started practicing this practice from a young age. Isn't it inappropriate for people of our age..." ?”

The emperor waved his hand: "It's okay, I have already considered these things. You don't have to worry. The Qinghong Sect where Prince Duan is located can ensure that all of you have the appropriate skills to practice!"

Ministers: Is this what they want to hear?
"Oh, by the way, I have to tell you one thing clearly. As for this cultivation, I am doing it for your own good. The demons will break through the barrier soon. You don't want the demons to come and you can only wait for those immortals. Come to the rescue?"

"What? Such a thing happened?"

"Yes, didn't you say that the demons were sealed more than 200 years ago?"

"Will this demon really come out?"

"Don't the immortals save us?" the official official said in confusion, with clear stupidity written in his eyes.The former Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs was admitted not long ago because he was greedy for relief funds. He was personally promoted by the emperor. He was also the youngest among these people, less than thirty.

The emperor casually walked around and hit him on the head: "Save you, save you! Are you gold? So many people are just surrounding you, right? It's a shame that you still got three yuan in the year, I really want to brainwash you Pry it open and see if the flood from Fog City a few days ago has completely flooded your brain!"

"Don't tell me whether you have these things or not." The emperor waved his hand and had already made his decision: "I am the emperor, Yu Gong, and I should protect the people of the Southern Kingdom. But if we really face a strong enemy, I can't Protecting everyone and saving themselves is also a means; privately, I am still young, and I do not want to be the first emperor to die in the Southern Kingdom, so I will take the lead in practicing."

"Then what if someone objects and is unwilling to practice..."

The emperor sneered: "Fuck him!"

When Shu Jue and Yan Beizhou sent the ashes to their homes closer to the imperial capital of the Southern Kingdom, it was already dusk when they returned to the palace. The imperial edict for universal cultivation had been delivered to the hands of the important ministers, and it took only an hour for them to convey the ashes. Every household in the imperial capital knew it.

It caused a commotion at first, but after realizing how powerful it was, the commotion subsided.

What else can be done?If the demons really come out, the immortals may not be able to care about them.

Even the emperor said that when the demons come, they can only protect their parents and children. Those relatives of the clan who don't practice need not care about their life or death.

The emperor has spoken so categorically, and if he objects again, he will be lighting a lantern in the latrine - seeking death?
The elders of the Qinghong Sect over there selected some age-specific exercises, and gave the recipe for refining the crystal ball to test cultivation to Shujue - Yi Qiubai had given her a lot of refining materials before, The material on her body is sufficient at this time.

But unexpectedly, after knowing that the demons were about to reappear in the world, the people of the Southern Kingdom did not seem to be particularly afraid.

Shu Jue went for a walk on the street the next day. Everything was in order, and the news did not cause much panic.

Yan Beizhou seemed to have guessed such a situation, and said with a smile: "The Southern Kingdom is different from other countries. Every emperor in the Southern Kingdom pays great attention to the people. If there are officials who bully the people, they will be killed if the palace knows about it. You will be punished with the death penalty." Even in the battle to seize the heir, the royal family is determined not to harm any ordinary people, and will only attack members of the royal family.

Yan Beizhou was the unlucky guy who was affected back then.

Because of this additional incident, the two of them had to stay in the South Country for a longer time.

Yan Beizhou delivered the remaining urns that had not yet been delivered, while Shu Jue stayed in the palace to study and test how to refine the crystal, and then the palace exploded.

The emperor was resting in the Queen's Palace when he suddenly heard a loud noise in the middle of the night. He was so frightened that he put on his robe and ran out in a hurry to ask what was going on.

Not long after, the commander of the Royal Forest Army came and told him that it was Shu Jue who was refining something and blowing up the furnace.

The emperor wiped the sweat from his forehead. At this moment, he missed his dear Nine Emperor Brother.

Just those few loud noises were probably heard by most of the people in the imperial capital. Those who knew it knew it was a furnace explosion, and those who didn't knew thought it was someone pouting in the palace!
In the morning of the next day, everyone's panda eyes should not be too neat, they all looked as listless as if they had been hollowed out.

"Ahem, I already said yesterday that all of us in the Southern Kingdom must become monks. If you have any good suggestions, you can put them forward today."

A minister thought about it for a long time and then asked: "Your Majesty, I have no objection to this matter of cultivation, but I heard that monks all have spiritual roots, and these spiritual roots are divided into good and bad. How do you know whether you have practiced cultivation?" Qualifications?”

"This is what I want to say." The emperor said seriously: "I believe everyone heard the loud noise yesterday?"

Everyone: I heard it, I heard it with both ears, I lost my soul.JPG
"The loud noises yesterday were caused by the immortals of Qing Hongzong refining the crystal balls for testing qualifications. In a few days, I will issue an order to let all children under the age of eight in the imperial capital come to test first. A few People of different age groups are divided into several batches, and after the test is completed, they will stay here for a while to teach my people of the South how to practice."

This is actually not the first time that the name of the sect "Qinghong Sect" has entered the ears of the people of the Southern Kingdom. A long time ago, they had heard that the emperor had a younger brother who was a direct disciple of the master of the Qinghong Sect.

Now that I hear these words again, Qinghong Sect is completely different from other sects.

Shu Jue worked all night and finally refined the test crystal ball.

She didn't expect that it would be so troublesome to refine such a simple thing, and it even exploded in the furnace once.

Fortunately, the Purple Jade Cauldron was of good quality, otherwise she would have suffered along with it.

There were children aged over six and under 15 at home. The adults sent the children to the square in front of the Dongcheng Gate early the next morning.

During major festivals such as New Year and Lantern Festival, this square couldn't be more lively.

“Today is the first time that this place is so lively even if it’s not a holiday.”

"Yeah, I don't know if that kid of mine can practice."

"Relax, there will always be someone in a family who can practice, right? Besides, didn't the emperor say that? If the whole family doesn't know how to practice, he will think of another way. After all, he won't let people wait to die in vain. How can we You have to trust the emperor."

 I got stuck and felt a little bit painful, so I went through the plot again.

  6000 will be updated tomorrow and the day after tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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