Chapter 60

The young emperor arrived at the square in a low-key and inconspicuous carriage, and his seat at the top had already been arranged.

Shu Jue and the emperor rode together, while Yan Beizhou came alone with his sword.

They arrived less than half an hour earlier than the time stated in the imperial edict, but when they arrived, the square was already overcrowded.

Even Shu Jue couldn't help but sigh when he saw it: "Third senior brother, you see, ordinary people are also very active in cultivation." So many people came, it was like a sect election.

"That's because the Southern Kingdom is special." Yan Beizhou finished delivering the urn yesterday and was already a little tired after rushing back overnight. He said in a light voice: "If you look around the world, you will never find another emperor who is as easy to talk to as my brother; in other countries, Most of the people are not interested in cultivation, or even resist it."

The idea that there is enough spiritual energy in the world and that all people can cultivate immortality was actually proposed more than 200 years ago after the war, but it was not recognized by ordinary people at that time.

Firstly, it is because the demons are a nightmare-like existence for ordinary people, and they are afraid of them; secondly, because they are used to enjoying the protection of monks with peace of mind, so when someone proposed that all people should cultivate, those people almost He refused directly without thinking: "Don't you immortal cultivators always talk about protecting the common people? It is your responsibility to protect us."

Shu Jue was silent for a long time after hearing this, and shrugged nonchalantly: "If you don't want to cultivate, then you won't cultivate. If the time comes, they will really fight the demons and they will be lucky."

The emperor sat at the top, and Lin Hai and others below him had already begun to organize the children to conduct tests in an orderly manner. He shouted to the square with the simple loudspeaker that Shu Jue took out from the storage bag:

"Children who want to take today's talent test, please line up in two teams in an orderly manner!"

"Children who want to take today's talent test, please line up in two teams in an orderly manner!"


The little carrot heads looked at their adults, and after receiving the approval, they all ran and lined up happily.

They saw that big brother just now, he stepped on the sword and flew over!
If it were them standing on the sword...

I can't even imagine how happy I would be living day by day.

The adults all stood on one side in a tacit understanding, and the children stood on the other side. The two teams were quickly lined up, and the speed was so fast that Shu Jue was amazed.

These children have not received any special training, but their execution ability is really...

He doesn't cry or fuss, he's so good.

Shu Jue instantly transformed into an old mother and nodded happily.

There are a total of five princes and one princess under the emperor's knees, all of whom are of an age that can take part in the test.

In order to set an example for everyone, the emperor deliberately let his children be the first to take the test. He looked at his cubs with a smile, "Who among you is willing to take the test first?"

The princes looked at each other, then quickly looked away, bowing their heads and saying nothing.

The first person to be tested seemed to be a being that attracted much attention. They also learned yesterday that ordinary people may not have spiritual roots. If it is tested that they do not have spiritual roots, wouldn't they be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of their lives?

Looking at his sons who shrunk like quails, the emperor was furious. He took a deep breath and was about to let the eldest prince go first. A small hand was raised first: "Father, the sons and ministers have to go for the test first." !”

Yan Jinglan happened to have just celebrated her sixth birthday a month ago. She was wearing a goose-yellow tutu, with two flower buds on her head, and her hands and face had the baby fat that only children have. She stood on tiptoe, He craned his neck and stared at Shujue.

Yesterday Shu Jue specially refined two test crystal balls, one for her and one for Yan Beizhou.

At this time, the two brothers and sisters were standing on both sides. In front of them was a long queue, with little heads sticking out from the queue one after another, wanting to see who would be the first to test.After receiving his father's approval, Yan Jinlan strode towards Shu Jue with his head held high, looking at Shu Jue with bright eyes.

She quite liked this child Shujue. Shujue smiled at her and said, "Just put your hands on this."

Yan Jinlan put his hand up, and his whole face almost touched the test crystal ball.

Shu Jue stretched out her hand to pry open her head. The next moment, golden light filled the entire crystal ball, mixed with a small amount of green light.

"Yan Jinlan has a heavenly golden spiritual root and an earthly wooden spiritual root!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

Although they didn't know what Tianpin meant, it seemed very powerful, especially the golden light in the crystal ball, which was so sparkling that it seemed to blind the eyes of anyone standing closer.

The originally quiet crowd suddenly boiled like boiling water, and several princes were even more excited.

Even Liu Huangmei, who doesn't seem very smart, has such a talent. They are all the children of their father, so they must not be much different, right?
The emperor could see through their thoughts at a glance and glared at these hopeless sons calmly: "Why are you still hanging around? Go to the back and line up!"

As for setting an example, of course one is enough.

The emperor did not expect that his daughter would give him such a big surprise.

What was Yan Beizhou's look in his eyes just now?Satisfied!
The emperor was also satisfied and was going to give the eldest princess a title, Lan Guifei...Lan Guifei is good at raising children, so giving her the title of concubine is not too much, right?
The princes were stunned, but they didn't dare to go against their father. They all went to line up angrily. They were still upset that they had not been the first to stand up and share their father's worries. It was really a mistake.

With Yan Jinlan taking the lead, the children who followed were obviously much more active in testing.

There were a total of more than 490 children in the Southern Imperial Capital who met the test requirements, and all the tests were completed in just one and a half hours.

Among them, most of them are capable of cultivating, 360 people, and those with Tianpin spiritual roots plus Yan Jinlan make up a total of seven people, one of whom is still a single spiritual root, an earth spiritual root.

The third prince is the most talented among the princes. His Mizuki Xuanpin spiritual root is not bad, but it is still far inferior to Yan Jinlan's Tianjin golden spiritual root.

I heard that the princes cried loudly after returning and begged their mother-in-law/empress for comfort, but the mother-in-law/empress asked them to have a good relationship with Xiaoliu...

Several princes cried even more sadly when they heard this.

Xiaoliu is not smart, and lack of intelligence is contagious. They don’t want to become idiots!

That night, Lan Guifei's imperial edict came down.

From the noble concubine to the virtuous concubine, she did nothing but gave birth to a good daughter. The other concubines in the palace were so envious that they did not know how many veils they had torn into pieces, but they could only be envious and spoke so harshly like before. It is no longer possible to be sarcastic and sarcastic.

Just kidding, if a demon really comes, they are counting on Yan Jinlan to save their lives!Who makes it impossible for me to give birth to a wonderful daughter?
There were eunuchs in the palace who had registered the names of the children who could practice. Shujue told them to come back to the square at the same time tomorrow and she would pass the exercises on to them in batches.

During the night, she worked non-stop to make test crystal balls. She made more than 50 crystal balls in a row and stopped only when the materials in the storage bag were exhausted.

And Yan Beizhou was not idle. At Shujue's request, he developed a formation that could activate the test crystal ball without using spiritual power. He drew the formation on a talisman and waited a few days to combine the crystal ball and the talisman. The seals were handed over to the magistrates of each county.

By the time the two of them finished their work, it was already bright and the emperor had already set off for the square. Shu Jue rode Yan Beizhou's sword and went to the square with him.

 Chapter 1~
(End of this chapter)

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