Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 104, Hello, I am a traitor expert.

Outside the master bedroom of Liu Mansion.

Shen Qing checked several times, but she still didn't believe that the two bodies in front of her were Lin Mici and Tang Zongjiu.

"Mrs. Tang, you have to believe it this time, right?" Liu Changqing laughed.

In the end, it was Liu Changqing who had the last laugh!

Liu Changqing felt extremely happy.

"Master of the Dazhai," Tong Jiu reported, "the imperial navy attacked our main ship all the way, and the village on the ground was completely broken up."

Tong Jiu's voice was a little low, and he tried his best to control his anger.

In order to kill Lin Muci, Liu Changqing, Tang Zongjiu and Shen Qing actually buried the entire water bandits with tens of thousands of people.

"It doesn't matter." Liu Changqing said to Shen Qing, "Just think of it as my betrothal gift for marrying Mrs. Tang."

Are ten thousand lives a betrothal gift?

Tong Jiu cursed in her heart.

"You really make me sick." Shen Qing bluntly expressed his disgust for Liu Changqing.

"Hahahaha!" Liu Changqing laughed, "It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!"

The days when Gu Wanting hid in her place to enjoy freedom seemed to be a kind of "last words", which was Gu Wanting's last memory of his dying "self".


Is Gu Wanting really so hard-hearted towards Liu Changpeng?

But Shen Qing didn't dare to say so.

This was an emotion she couldn't understand.

"You want to lock me up?" Shen Qing's voice was cold.

"Ah no no no," Liu Changqing shook his head, "How could I be willing to lock you up?"

"As long as you touch me, next time my father's cavalry will personally come to crush your south." Shen Qing said.

Tong Jiu was shocked when he heard this, but he stood very far back and pretended not to hear.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Liu Changqing didn't want to reveal Shen Qing's identity to anyone. Seeing that Shen Qing was speaking freely, he naturally wouldn't let Tong Jiu stay any longer.

Tong Jiu lowered his head slightly and left the room.

"Your Highness, isn't it nice here?"

Shen Qing has a special status, so he doesn't mind talking to this woman more.

Who doesn't like beautiful women?

"Here, you can get whatever you want without any worries."

Liu Changqing started talking.

Shen Qing never spoke.

If she had known better, she should have asked Gu Wanting how he escaped.

I don’t know if Su Fang and the others successfully passed the news to the imperial capital.

Tang Zongjiu must not be out of danger yet, otherwise he would have come to rescue her long ago.

Shen Qing had lived two lives and had never encountered such a situation before, which made her somewhat irritable and at a loss.

"Your Highness, don't think about it. No one will come to save you, even if your servants pass the news to the emperor. Wait until the emperor comes..."

Liu Changqing paused: "You were already mine by then."

Shen Qing's green onion-like fingers couldn't help but begin to turn white.

She sat quietly without moving, her eyes always looking in the direction of Hong Lin, her heart focused on Tang Zongjiu.

This is the place where Gu Wanting has lived for more than ten years. It is easy to trap himself.

But Shen Qing's thoughts were never on herself. She had to find a way to go to the red forest.

The only way to leave here is to kill Liu Changqing.

"So I don't have much patience to wait for you to accept me." Liu Changqing stood up.

"I can give you time to think about it, but you should know that the outcome is the same."

After speaking, Liu Changqing left the dormitory to Shen Qing alone.

When he was young, Liu Changqing survived an eagle. In his opinion, women were far more difficult to endure than a falcon.

But this time, Liu Changqing decided to deal with the person first no matter what.

Because he, Liu Changqing, is the head of the Liu family and the head of the water bandit village, starting from the release of the people from the Princess Mansion today, the matter cannot be kept secret for long.

Shao Xingyue will come here soon after his victory.

Therefore, he was only prepared to give Shen Qing one day to think.

Tomorrow night is the moment when Shen Qing becomes his woman.

But the biggest difference between him and Liu Changpeng is that he never lets women affect his judgment and decision-making.

He always believed that men who were easily influenced by women were stupid.

"Creak -" with a sound, the door closed softly.

Liu Changqing found Tong Jiu after leaving.

But at this moment, his expression was not as relaxed as when he was with Shen Qing.

"How could he not be dead?" Liu Changqing's seemingly calm appearance was shattered by Tong Jiu's news.

"In the main building of the village, Yin Wenkun was blown to pieces, but there was no body named Tang." Tong Jiu recalled, "There were dead people in the weapons depot, but only a few, let alone the bodies of the imperial envoy. How many of them were there? He must have escaped."

"How is that possible!" Liu Changqing slapped the table hard.

What he was thinking about was the day when he and Tong Jiu went to find Liu Changpeng not long after Gu Wanting disappeared.

At that time, he and Tong Jiu were the ones standing below to be trained, but now, only others were kneeling in front of him to ask for his "favor".

He cannot and does not allow variables to exist in his plan.

"Look for it! Bring someone to look for it again!" Liu Changqing said angrily.

"Master of the Dazhai, our entire army was wiped out this time, and there are not many people left alive." Tong Jiu said, "They all need to rest."

"Rest?" Liu Changqing squinted at Tong Jiu, "If you want to see someone alive, if you want to see a corpse, if you can't find anyone, you can't rest!"

"But..." Tong Jiu still wanted to persist.

The water bandits are also human beings. These people have followed Liu Changqing as Liu Changpeng's lackeys for so many years, and they are still at odds with the imperial court, and they have not been abducted by the imperial court's "friendly" policy.

No matter what, the remaining water bandits are loyal to Liu Changqing.

And to treat these people, just because the two corpses were not found, Liu Changqing was allowed to treat his loyal ministers like this.

What on earth does he take these people for?

"No but!" Liu Changqing interrupted Tong Jiu, "But what? Go find someone to find the body for me!"

Liu Changqing shouted loudly in front of Shen Qing.

Tong Jiu's thoughts became more and more serious and she exited the meeting hall.

For a whole day, despite exhausting all methods, Liu Changqing and his men could not find the bodies of Lin Mici and Tang Zongjiu, which meant that the two of them were probably still alive at this moment.

How is this possible?

He even used the official network in the south to search for traces of Lin Mici and Tang Zongjiu.

If they weren't dead, where are they now?

If they died, where were their bodies?

Liu Changqing tried his best to search, but the two people seemed to have disappeared from the world and could not be found.

At night, in order to prevent Her Royal Highness from being disgusted with him, Liu Changqing specially dressed up and came to the dormitory wearing a big red robe.

Shen Qing still sat motionless at the table, and the food on the table was already cold.

"Your Highness, you'd better eat something," Liu Changqing said with a smile, "otherwise you'll run out of energy soon, don't blame me."

From yesterday to now, Shen Qing has not eaten at all.

She didn't dare touch the little bit of food here.

Fang Jixiang’s scene on that day is still vivid in his mind.

Seeing that Shen Qing's face was a little ugly, Liu Changqing was in a good mood.

"Of course, Your Highness, if you don't want to eat, I won't force you."

Liu Changqing walked up to Shen Qing step by step and looked down at the most favored princess of the Xi Kingdom.

A sense of victory filled every drop of blood in his body, making his whole body gradually heat up.

"I still feel pity for her."

With that said, he stretched out his hand towards Shen Qing.

Shen Qing raised his hand and patted his hand aside.

"It seems that you are really not afraid of the nine tribes being wiped out." Shen Qing's voice was like a cold pool in the ice and snow.

"Nine tribes?" Liu Changqing said, "Your Highness is my wife. Are you among the nine tribes?"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Qing suddenly pulled out a blunderbuss from behind and pointed it directly at Liu Changqing's forehead.

Liu Changqing's eyes showed surprise.

This is a small fire gun.

Although it is said to be small, it is actually as long as half a person's arm and as thick as two fingers.

This is the firecracker that Tang Zongjiu seized from Chaidashan's residence.

Shen Qing deeply remembered that Tang Zongjiu spent three whole days personally improving her one by one in front of her.

In the end, it turned into a firecracker used by Shen Qing for self-defense.

For this reason, Tang Zongjiu spent a long time teaching her how to use it bit by bit.

At that time, Shen Qing also thought that the gun was too heavy and was too uncomfortable to hold in his sleeve.

"Junge, I'll be fine as long as you're here." Shen Qing frowned and said, "I'd better not take it with you all the time."

"No," Tang Zongjiu said with an unquestionable tone, "It won't be long, Feng Zhi, it will be over soon."

She knew that until the water bandits were completely eliminated, she would be everyone's back leg.

Therefore, Shen Qing felt that if she could make Tang Zongjiu feel at ease, it would be fine for her.

In addition, she didn't want to waste Tang Zongjiu's hard work and good intentions, so even if she really didn't want to in the next few days, she still took it with her.

Shen Qing really never thought that he would use it one day. Until now.

Shen Qing's originally bright eyes were now covered with a thick layer of fierceness.

"Your Highness." Liu Changqing smiled, "Do you know how to use it?"

There was no expression on Shen Qing's face, he just pointed the gun at Liu Changqing vigorously.

"Your Highness, you haven't opened the insurance yet."

Shen Qing was slightly stunned, but at this moment, Liu Changqing suddenly stretched out his hand and held the cold barrel of the gun firmly.


Liu Changqing suddenly shouted, "You shoot!"

Shocked by Liu Changqing's sudden tyranny, Shen Qing's reaction was half a beat too slow.

When Shen Qing's index finger pulled the trigger finger hard, Liu Changqing suddenly swung the muzzle of the gun upward.


A big hole was shot through the roof, and a puff of smoke suddenly came out of the hole in the wall.

Shen Qing felt that he couldn't do it with one hand, so he used both hands to hold the handle, trying to pull it back and give Liu Changqing a shot.

However, the power gap between men and women is inherent.

Shen Qing has never done anything involving heavy labor, so her hand strength cannot compete with Liu Changqing's.

Liu Changqing laughed a few times, feeling that Shen Qing, who tried his best but was powerless about what was about to happen, was so endearing to him.

The next moment, Liu Changqing took out the firecracker in Shen Qing's hand and threw it on the ground aside.

He straightened his clothes and sat down next to Shen Qing. Shen Qing immediately stood up and wanted to stay away from him.

But Liu Changqing was much faster than Shen Qing. He grabbed Shen Qing and pulled hard, causing Shen Qing's center of gravity to become unstable and fall down.

Liu Changqing stepped forward to catch Shen Qing.

Shen Qing was caught by Liu Changqing, and his stomach turned uncomfortably, making him extremely nauseous.

"Let me go!" Shen Qing struggled to break free, but was still unable to move Liu Changqing even a bit.

"Your Highness Princess, just accept it."

A woman who resists is more flavorful than a woman who is extremely submissive.

Liu Changqing did not use all his strength, enjoying the pleasure of Shen Qing trying his best to resist but still being controlled by him.

Suddenly, Shen Qing pulled out a dagger from her sleeve, and she pointed the dagger at her neck.

Liu Changqing raised his eyebrows.

There was no dialogue, no explanation, no begging for mercy, a trace of determination flashed in Shen Qing's eyes.

She thrust the dagger at herself.

These are the only ways women can protect themselves.

Although Liu Changqing is not as good as Liu Changpeng in every aspect, he has many ways to deal with a helpless woman.

As soon as Shen Qing took the dagger, he knew what he was going to do.

Therefore, his speed was very fast, and the tip of the dagger could only barely touch the surface of Shen Qing's tender white skin.

Liu Changqing held Shen Qing's hand.

The skin that can be broken by a blow and is as smooth as a baby is the softest among the women Liu Changqing has ever touched.

Liu Changqing's smile deepened.

"Your Highness, what else do you have in your sleeves?" Liu Changqing said in a frivolous tone, "Why don't you take it off and let me see it?"

"You really want to know?" Shen Qing suddenly smiled.

"Hey." Liu Changqing took the dagger from Shen Qing's hand. "I am looking forward."

In fact, Shen Qing had another way to save his life.

Before Tang Zongjiu said goodbye to Wen Songhan, for the sake of safety, he asked Wen Songhan to prepare a dose of poison for each of the women in their group, including Su Fang and Aunt Li.


At first Shen Qing thought he was a little worried, but today Shen Qing finally learned the lesson.

"You won't be able to wait any longer." Shen Qing's tone gradually became softer, and the next moment, she sprinkled the poisonous powder on Liu Changqing.

The white smoke stayed between Shen Qing and Liu Changqing for a while, then dissipated in the air.

Liu Changqing's face suddenly became stiff, and after a moment, he suddenly stood motionless.

Shen Qing pushed hard and pushed Liu Changqing to the ground.

"You poisoned me!" Liu Changqing exclaimed.

Shen Qing picked up the dagger on the ground, and just like what she told Tian Xinru, she told herself that she must kill this man.

If you don’t kill today, you won’t have a chance later.

And even if she escapes now, he will still chase her after the poison wears off.

Because Honglin is Shen Qing's only destination.

Shen Qing raised the dagger and pointed it at Liu Changqing's chest. With a fierce look in his eyes, he stabbed straight in.

With a sound of "Pah!", Liu Changqing took the blade with his bare hands and stopped the dagger in mid-air.

Liu Changqing was not poisoned!

Shen Qing's pupils shrank sharply.

"I thought it was some kind of poison," Liu Changqing stood up, "it turned out to be cartilage powder."

Liu Changqing was lucky enough to feel his whole body.

"This poison is very powerful." Liu Changqing actually sighed, "It can bring down the royal guards around you."

So why are you okay?

Shen Qing remained silent, his heart was already in turmoil, but his face remained calm.

Since her rebirth, she has become more and more proficient in using the skill of "not changing her expression".

Because she learned one thing: the calmer you are in the face of danger, the less likely you are to be harmed.

For example at this moment.

"Do you really want to know why I am still safe despite being poisoned?" Liu Changqing looked at Shen Qing's calm face.

From the moment he met Shen Qing, he couldn't help but admire and admire every aspect of this princess' performance.

Especially now.

His original plan was that if Shen Qing resisted strongly, he wouldn't mind making her suffer.

But Liu Changqing didn't expect that Shen Qing would be so calm.

Shen Qing's silence did not anger Liu Changqing, but made Liu Changqing's mood gradually improve.

Who wouldn't love to tame such a woman?

"I'll tell you." Liu Changqing said, "Don't tell others."

There was a hint of ridicule in the conversation, as if they had known each other for a long time.

Shen Qing's stomach was churning, and he wanted to vomit but couldn't.

"I am immune to all poisons." Liu Changqing said softly.


Shen Qing couldn't help but feel his breath stagnant.

Seeing Shen Qing believing it, Liu Changqing laughed "hahahaha".

"I like you more and more, Your Highness Princess." Liu Changqing stood up straight and walked towards Shen Qing.

"Okay, how can I tell you this kind of thing? It's getting late, and I don't have the patience to play the chaste and fierce girl game with you. Let's take a rest early."

Shen Qing kept retreating.

"It's just a comparison. Who can satisfy you more, me or Tang's consort?"

Liu Changqing smiled lustfully and approached Shen Qing step by step.

"How can you be compared to Tang's Prince Consort?" Shen Qing finally spoke.

"You are short, ugly, and stupid." Her sharp eyes glanced at the corners of Liu Changqing's gradually smoothing mouth.

"You can't do it, you can't do it anywhere!"

"Shut up!" Liu Changqing reached out and grabbed the Shen Qing and dragged it to the bed, "Can I let you experience it tonight?"

Suddenly, Liu Changqing's voice paused.

To be precise, his neck was stabbed through with a long knife like a skewer.

Suddenly, Liu Changqing spurted blood from his mouth and nose at the same time.

Shen Qing was caught in the shower.

She immediately pushed Liu Changqing out as if throwing away trash.

With a "pop", Liu Changqing fell to the ground.

He was not dead yet, his neck was bleeding, and his whole body was still twitching.

"You weren't scared, were you?"

Tong Jiu squatted down and pulled the dagger out of Liu Changqing's neck. With this pull, another tube of blood spurted out.

"Thank you... thank you."

Facing a dying person, Shen Qing could not remain indifferent no matter what.

"Your Highness Princess?" Tong Jiu asked.


"Hello, I'm Tong Jiu. I mainly want to take over all the Liu family's properties and the water bandits' properties, and of course, cooperate with the imperial court."

Tong Jiu smiled at Shen Qing, showing a row of teeth.

"For the sake of me saving you, would you please consider it?"

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