Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 105, Tang Zongjiu almost went crazy!

Chapter 105, Tang Zongjiu almost went crazy!

Tang Zongjiu flew towards the roof as fast as he could, but the other party was not a vegetarian either.

There was a loud "bang", and a big hole was opened on the roof of the main building of Water Bandit Village.

Yin Wenkun stared at Tang Zongjiu for an inch.

Tang Zongjiu cannot be allowed to escape!

He accelerated suddenly and pulled out the safety bolt of the explosive bag.

Suddenly, all the leads began to "stain" and emit fireworks.

Tang Zongjiu's eyes widened and he continued to speed up, but Yin Wenkun bit him like a mad dog, unable to shake him off no matter how hard he tried.

In the air, Tang Zongjiu tightly controlled a sharp stone between his thumb and middle finger.

It was a "hidden weapon" that Tang Zong quickly picked up with quick eyes and quick hands when Yin Wenkun revealed his body of explosives.

He controlled his inner strength and concentrated all the force between his fingers.

Everything around him seemed to be in extremely slow motion, Yin Wenkun's ferocious eyes kept getting bigger, and Tang Zongjiu's eyes focused on one point.

Aim and shoot!

Yin Wenkun was immersed in the madness of losing money with Tang Zongjiu, and was completely unprepared for the sudden stones.

With a "poof" sound, the stone hit Yin Wenkun's forehead. Because of its sharpness, it almost penetrated Yin Wenkun's head.

Yin Wenkun stopped moving forward and Tang Zongjiu fled quickly.

The next second, there was a loud "Boom--".

The explosion produced a huge shock wave. Tang Zongjiu felt as if a burning boulder weighing 10,000 tons hit him, and several of his ribs were broken.

Along with the terrifying heat wave of the explosion, Tang Zongjiu suffered a severe concussion, his eyes went black, and he lost consciousness.

This explosion was exactly what Shen Qing heard in the Tang Mansion.

Just when this explosion occurred, the war on the Moyang River had entered the middle and late stages.

The largest and main force of the water bandits has basically been wiped out, and the rest can just clear out their hometown.

But the sudden explosion made Shao Xingyue's heart skip a beat.

After instructing Lu Mingze to stay and clean up the mess, he immediately led a group of troops to Honglin.

At this time, the red forest had become smelly due to the large number of corpses.

Tang Zongjiu was away, and the adjutants began to organize people to clean up the battlefield.

The explosion made the surrounding soldiers unable to react for a while, and some were even injured.

"Go find Captain Tang!" One of the adjutants said immediately when he realized something was wrong.

When Shao Xingyue came to the water bandits' village, what he saw was a scene of people searching for someone in the entire village.

"Where is your captain?" Shao Xingyue's uneasiness became more intense and he immediately ran to the adjutant and asked.

"The captain was inside when the explosion occurred!" the adjutant said anxiously.

Everyone present heard the explosion, and some soldiers who were unable to escape were injured.

And the location of Tang Zongjiu...

No matter how you think about it, the possibility of something happening is very high.

"Oops!" Shao Xingyue immediately ran inside.

"Half the people go to the weapons depot to find Master Lin!"


After a whole night, Shao Xingyue finally found Tang Zongjiu, who was in ragged clothes, with broken skin and even bones exposed in some places.

Another team also found the dying Lin Muci among the pile of corpses.

Shao Xingyue did not expect that the casualties in this road bandit suppression operation would be so heavy.

What Shao Xingyue didn't expect was that when he brought the two unconscious men back to the Tang Mansion, the Tang Mansion was actually in a mess with corpses everywhere!

He was scared to death!

In the end what happened? !

Who can tell him what happened to these ancestors? !

father! The princess is missing!

"Go find the princess! And the people around her! Go quickly! Hurry——!"

Shao Xingyue's horrified screams pierced the sky.

Tang Zongjiu was in a coma for a whole day, and when he woke up, it was getting late.

He struggled to move and found that his whole body was wrapped in white cloth.

The sharp pain that affected his whole body reminded him that his last memory was the grayness when Yin Wenkun blew himself up.

At that time, he thought he was dead, and the last thing that flashed through his mind was Shen Qing's figure.

"Shu Ning!" Tang Zongjiu regained consciousness.

He looked around and found that he was in Tang Mansion.

"Creak -" with a sound, the door was opened.

"Master, you're awake!" Tang Yu was also covered in injuries, but they were better than Tang Zongjiu.

"Where's the princess?" Tang Zongjiu asked.

Tang Yu looked at Tang Zongjiu, his eyes twinkling.

"Where's the princess?"

When Tang Zongjiu saw him like this, he suddenly felt bad.

"Master, please hold on tight first." Tang Yu said anxiously.

"Say!" Tang Zongjiu's tone couldn't help but become serious.

"Master..." Tang Yu's guilty look suggested that something had happened to Shen Qing.

Tang Zongjiu opened the quilt, ignored his own pain, got up and rushed out.

"Master! The princess is missing! You can't find the princess even if you run out like this!" Tang Yu shouted.

"What did you say?"

Tang Zongjiu stopped at the door and turned to Tang Yu, his whole body seemed to be trembling.

"Young Master..." Tang Yu said half of his words.

"Shu Ning is missing?!" Tang Zongjiu had never let out such a panicked roar.

next second.

Only a "poof" sound was heard, and Tang Zongjiu vomited a large mouthful of blood on the ground.

An unprecedented panic filled Tang Zongjiu's body, and he didn't dare to think deeply about it.

What if something happens to Shen Qing?

With a slight touch, Tang Zongjiu drank another mouthful of blood.

His heart seemed to be unable to beat normally.

"Master!" Tang Yu stepped forward to help him, but Tang Zongjiu pushed him away.

Tang Zongjiu rushed out regardless.

Shao Xingyue happened to come out of Lin Muci's room and came to see Tang Zongjiu.

Seeing that Tang Zongjiu rushed out regardless of his "crippled" appearance, he blocked Tang Zongjiu at the door of the room and shouted.

"Where are you going to find it?!"

Tang Zongjiu ignored him and just rushed out dragging his scarred body.

"Are you crazy?!" Shao Xingyue grabbed him, "You don't know what's going on with you?!"

"Let me go!" Tang Zongjiu said angrily, even attacking Shao Xingyue.

"You don't want your life?!" Shao Xingyue shouted while avoiding him, "Who will go find Shen Shuning if you die?!"

Tang Zong drank for a while, and after his anger dissipated, he was about to collapse because he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Master!" Tang Yu immediately stepped forward.

Shao Xingyue was faster and supported Tang Zongjiu.

"How long have you been looking for? How many people have you sent?" Tang Zongjiu remained sober and grabbed his hand and asked.

"We have been searching for four hours, and everyone who is still alive has been sent out!" Shao Xingyue said, "Just calm down and look for her like this. What if Shen Shuning comes back safe and sound and finds you dead? What will she do? Do you want her to remarry?"

Tang Zong drank and paused.

After a long while, he asked slowly: "Have they found their bodies?"

"All the elite soldiers I left behind are dead, and seven of the secret guards are dead. There is no body of Shen Yiersan, nor the bodies of Su Fang and Grandma Li." Shao Xingyue said, "There are traces of bullets at the scene."

The absence of a body means the person is still alive.

"Have they found it?" Tang Zongjiu continued to ask.

"No, I sent people to look for him outside the city." Shao Xingyue said.

"The person who wants to kill me in the main building is not the leader of the water bandit village." Tang Zong said drunkenly.

"Many people died on Lin Mici's side, but they were all our own." Shao Xingyue said.

! !

Tang Zongjiu understood instantly.

This water bandit leader’s target from the very beginning was Shen Qing!

"Bang——!" Tang Zongjiu punched the wall.

However, with this punch, the wall was fine, but a hole appeared in the floor.

Several people looked at the place where a floor tile had been lifted up.

Xiaoyu's head sneaked out from the tunnel entrance and was caught by Tang Zongjiu, Tang Yu and Shao Xingyue.

"Prince-in-law... Prince-in-law?" Xiaoyu originally thought that there was no one in the Tang Mansion, but he didn't expect to see Tang Zongjiu who was still alive.

After Shen Qing followed the water bandit leader and left Tang Mansion, all the water bandits around Tang Mansion withdrew.

Shen Yi's situation is not optimistic, and Shen Er and Shen San must also receive treatment immediately.

They discussed over and over again, but the most important thing was to save people, so they immediately went to the hospital.

This rescue was delayed for most of the day.

Shen Yi was the most serious, so Grandma Li proposed to stay in the hospital to take care of him.

Shen Er and Shen San decided to go with Su Fang to find Qin Cunde and ask him to help deliver the letter.

At this time, Xiaoyu, who was just a child and had no sense of presence at all but followed Su Fang and Nanny Li silently, stood up.

He said that he and Yan Zhanpeng had their own unique way of transmitting information.

Yan Zhanpeng has been following Qin Cunde's family, and he thought maybe he could give it a try.

Everyone thought it was feasible.

However, I was in a hurry when I left Tang Mansion and didn’t bring my tools with me, so I needed to go back to get them.

Fortunately, when they left, they reopened the sealed tunnel door from the inside, and they were not far away from Tang Mansion at this time.

Thus, the scene of Xiaoyu returning from the tunnel to the Tang Mansion appeared.

When Tang Zongjiu saw Xiaoyu, it was as if he saw Shen Qing, and his originally gray eyes instantly became bright.

He picked up Xiaoyu, who was still confused: "Where is Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

After being asked this question, Xiaoyu came back to his senses and explained what happened in a concise and concise manner. "Liu Changqing." Tang Zong made his judgment after drinking.

"Go to Liu Yuan!" Shao Xingyue said immediately.

It will be easier if you have a direction.

It was already late at night, and Tang Zongjiu was so anxious that he didn't care about his own body at all, and just followed Shao Xingyue to Liu Yuan.

This time Shao Xingyue brought all his firepower troops, and it didn't take much time to break through Liu Yuan's defense.

"Go and search! I'll overturn the entire Liu Garden!" Shao Xingyue ordered.

"Yes!" All the officers and soldiers responded in unison.

In an instant, the rapid and orderly footsteps of thousands of people came and went.

Tang Zongjiu looked around Liu Yuan for a week. He completely ignored his bleeding internal organs and shouted at the air for luck.

"Shu Ning——!"

The loud and high-pitched voice resounded throughout Liu Yuan, cut through the sky, and spread to every corner of Liu Yuan. There were even sounds of birds flapping their wings.

This sound caused the officers and soldiers who were originally looking for someone to stop all movements of their hands and feet.

The surrounding area fell silent, and everyone held their breath while searching for Shen Qing's response.

For a long time, there was still no response.

"Shu Ning——!" Tang Zongjiu shouted again.

"Cough cough cough!" This was followed by a cough that made him cough up blood.

After several breaths, there was still no response.

Tang Zong drank to cheer up and shouted for the third time: "Shu Ning——!"

A long time passed, but there was no response.

Tang Zongjiu was really anxious this time.

Where did his Shu Ning go?

The whole Liuyuan was turned upside down, and finally in the bedroom of the main building, fragments of Shen Qing's clothes were seen, a blunderbuss, a dagger thrown aside, and a corpse with its neck pierced.

Tang Zongjiu didn't know this person, but his intuition told him that this person was Liu Changqing.

He knelt down and inspected the body.

Cartilage scattered!

Liu Changqing’s body contained cartilage powder with Wen Songhan’s characteristics!

Tang Zongjiu's eyes were bloodshot.

What kind of situation did Shen Qing encounter that made him use all the only self-defense items he had!

He could even smell the lingering scent of Shen Qing in this room.

He couldn't even imagine it!

His heartbeat accelerated rapidly, his blood boiled, and his internal energy went riot.

He searched frantically for every possible clue in the room.

But there was nothing.

Tang Zongjiu's calm demeanor gradually became chaotic, and his breathing began to become disordered.




There was no sign of Shen Qing anywhere, and no clues were left behind.

Tang Zongjiu felt a backflow of breath begin to escape from his Dantian.

This is a sign of obsession!

"Tang Zongjiu!" Shao Xingyue rushed in at this time, "Calm down! Calm down!"

However, Shao Xingyue's voice seemed to be separated by a thick city wall and could not reach Tang Zongjiu's ears.

Tang Zongjiu couldn't listen at all.

His eyes began to become bloodshot, his breathing became more and more rapid, and the movements of his hands became rougher. He frantically searched for clues that belonged to Shen Qing.

The cruel reality made his mind become increasingly abnormal.

"Shu Ning! Shu Ning! Shu Ning!"

"Tang Zongjiu!" Shao Xingyue yelled angrily, and he rushed forward in an attempt to stop Tang Zongjiu from becoming possessed.

Tang Zongjiu couldn't hear anything.

Suddenly a majestic internal force began to leak out!

With a sound of "Bang——!", Shao Xingyue, who was standing nearby, was actually bounced several feet away by this terrifying internal force.

Even after being shaken away, Shao Xingyue did not forget to shout at Tang Zongjiu.

"Tang Zongjiu! Wake up!"

But Shao Xingyue's voice sounded so soft to Tang Zongjiu that it seemed as if it came from the horizon.

There was only one voice in Tang Zongjiu's mind at the moment.

My Phoenix is ​​gone.

This voice seemed like a spell, dragging Tang Zongjiu into the bottomless abyss.

Gone—! Gone—! Gone—!

The more Shao Xing saw that Tang Zongjiu's situation was getting more and more wrong, he ignored Tang Zongjiu's injuries and attacked Tang Zongjiu.

What Shao Xingyue didn't expect was that he wouldn't be able to touch Tang Zongjiu at all.

Both Tang Zongjiu's movement and moves were far superior to Shao Xingyue's.

When Shao Xingyue faced this fact, he was severely hit in his heart.

But he didn't have time to be sad. Seeing that Tang Zongjiu was going crazy, he really had no choice at this time.

At this moment, a soft and cool voice suddenly came from Tang Zongjiu's side.


This voice seemed to be the purest water in the world, dispelling the demonic energy that was about to completely submerge Tang Zongjiu in an instant.

Tang Zongjiu looked at Shen Qing with a daze.

He took a breath, and the crazy internal energy in his body calmed down little by little.

His scarlet eyes glanced back and forth at Shen Qing several times.

"Junge." Shen Qing called again.

At this moment, Tang Zongjiu's heart, which had been hanging in the air and never fell slowly, finally found its home.

He staggered and ran to Shen Qing.

"Junge!" Shen Qing stepped forward to catch Tang Zongjiu who was about to fall to the ground.

After Shen Qing was rescued, he immediately ran to the red forest.

In fact, when Tang Zongjiu and his party rushed to Liu Yuan, Shen Qing had already run some distance away.

Until Tang Zongjiu used up his inner strength to shout "Shu Ning" three times.

I don't know why, but Shen Qing heard it.

"Did you hear it?" Shen Qing also asked Tong Jiu, who was protecting her.

Tong Jiu shook her head: "No, what did you hear?"

Shen Qing stood there for a while and then decided to go back.

"Your Highness, what are you doing back?" Tong Jiu was puzzled.

"Junge is calling me!" Shen Qing became more and more certain that Tang Zongjiu was calling him.

After saying that, she quickly ran towards Liu Yuan.

Before she arrived at Liuyuan, she saw Shao Xingyue's officers and soldiers, and she felt happy.

Shen Qing ran towards the source of the sound with all his strength.

She knows where Tang Zongjiu is!

Soon, she saw Tang Zongjiu, who was covered in blood and was still tearing up the room.

Shen Qing felt a pain in her heart.

Tang Zongjiu was hurt again because of her.

She ran a certain distance in the direction of Tang Zongjiu before shouting inside.

When she caught Tang Zongjiu, she realized that Tang Zongjiu was actually so seriously injured!

The previous explosion was real!

At this time, Tang Zongjiu, who was half alive, came here to find her regardless of life or death.

Shen Qing couldn't help but shed tears.

After finding Shen Qing, all Tang Zongjiu's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and the backlash from the wound surged exponentially to Tang Zongjiu's limbs and bones.

Tang Zongjiu hugged Shen Qing tightly and kept murmuring: "Fengzhi, Fengzhi, my Fengzhi..."

"I'm here, Junge, I'm here..." Shen Qing soothed.

"You're fine... just fine..."

After saying that, Tang Zongjiu fainted.

"Junge! Junge, what's wrong with you! Don't scare me!" Shen Qing hugged Tang Zongjiu tightly, whimpering.

She was really useless, letting Tang Zongjiu bleed for her again and again, but she couldn't do anything.

Guilt and annoyance surged in Shen Qing's heart like a mountain.

"Go back quickly! Find the doctor!" Shen Qing shouted to Shao Xingyue.

Shao Xingyue, who was beaten so hard by Tang Zongjiu that he could not recover for a moment, felt his head tremble when he saw Shen Qing dragging Tang Zongjiu with his eyes red and tears streaming down his face.

This will cost everyone their lives!

Without saying a word, he ordered people to take Tang Zong wine back to Tang Mansion and sent people to the medical clinic.

After Shao Xingyue's people arrived at the medical clinic, they met Su Fang and others, so they supported the doctor and followed the officers and soldiers back to the Tang Mansion.

When she saw Shen Qing safe and sound, Su Fang hugged Shen Qing and cried.

"Miss! Miss! You scared this slave to death!"

"Okay, okay, Fangfang, I'm fine, I'm fine." Shen Qing kept patting Su Fang's back to comfort her.

In fact, Su Fang and others knew that Shen Qing's words about whether to send a message or not was purely to give them a task to get them out of Dongfeng City alive.

At that time, they were determined to die for Shen Qing, but Shen Qing also had the will to give them a way to live.

Since she "gave the order" at that time, as subordinates, they could only "obey the order."

The entire Tang Mansion was full of patients at the moment. The lights were brightly lit all night, and everyone who could still move was so busy that they couldn't even touch the ground.

And Shen Qing stayed close to Tang Zongjiu.

Shen Qing never thought that in her next life, she would see such a seriously injured Tang Zongjiu.

This is all her fault. She insisted on coming to the south because she wanted to make money for Tang Zongjiu.

So useless, not only did he not make any money, but Tang Zongjiu was seriously injured like this!

Shen Qing fell into deep self-blame.

(End of this chapter)

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