Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 132, the real head of the Tang family

On the first day of the Qiqiao Festival [Zi Shuifang], we made a total of more than 5,000 taels.

Of course, this also includes the money contributed by the few people Zheng Jinlin brought.

Ding Yuhong makes embroidery on the second floor of Zaishui Fang every day, which has become the most talked about thing among the people in Ningbeicheng.

The imperial edict in her hand directly pushed her popularity to the peak, so much so that the ladies and ladies from various families in Ningbei City wanted to see Ding Yuhong's true appearance with their own eyes.

[On the Water Side] In this way, he has built his own reputation in Ningbeicheng with a strong attitude.

There were too many people who came specifically to see her. Originally it was just Ningbeicheng, but later it spread to several surrounding cities.

People come to [On the Water Side] and always bring all kinds of questions to Ding Yuhong, which really brings a lot of trouble to Ding Yuhong's work.

Therefore, Ding Yuhong would originally sit on the second floor for a whole day, which gradually turned into a morning, and finally became an hour every day.

The time to see Ding Yuhong is getting less and less, but more and more people come to see Ding Yuhong.

In the end, Ding Yuhong simply stopped showing up.

Shen Qing will still arrange for people to do on-site embroidery on the second floor, but it is different from the past. Now, there is a sign on the second floor, which reads:

[Mr. Ding’s embroidery learning class, one hour at a time, twice a day in the morning and afternoon, twelve taels each time. 】

Good guy, you have to pay for everything.

But even so, many people are still willing to pay this money.

To this end, Gusu Xiaoxiao specially donated the property purchased by her family for Ding Yuhong to teach embroidery.

Of course, this income is also included in the turnover of [Zai Shuifang].

After arranging all the people who came here to ask for advice and study, the delivery date gradually arrived.

Fortunately, the dozen or so embroiderers that Ding Yuhang provided to Shen Qing were all moderately skilled, and with Ding Yuhong in charge, and a group of embroiderers being recruited one after another, it was possible to maintain the supply of unique garments.

On this day, all the people in the Tang Mansion who could be sent to deliver goods left, leaving only Shen Qing, Tang Zongjiu and Shen Yi.

Yes, even Tang Yu, Su Fang, Nanny Li, Shen Er, Shen San and several other secret guards were sent out to deliver clothes to various ladies and ladies.

At this time, there are still five pieces of clothing that need to be delivered to the guests today.

Among them is a piece of clothing, a bellyband worn by women.

Obviously, [On the Water Side] has a very wide range of business, including women’s bellybands as one of their ready-made garments.

The other party specifically asked not to let a man deliver the clothes, so only Shen Qing himself could deliver the clothes.

So, there are four pieces of clothing left.

Shen Qing thought for a long time and then said.

"Junge, Shen Yi, you two can give two pieces each."

"No." Tang Zongjiu refused.

"Junge, this place is not like the south, it is very safe." Shen Qing said.

Shen Qing knew Tang Zongjiu's concerns. Ever since Shen Qing "disappeared" in the water bandits' village last time, Tang Zongjiu had paid more attention to Shen Qing and would always put Shen Qing's safety first in every detail.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work. Shen Yi will give you four pieces of clothes, and I'll stay with you." Tang Zongjiu insisted.

"Junge! These four pieces of clothing are in different directions in Ningbei City, and one is outside the city. How can Shen Yi have time to send it away by himself?" Shen Qing objected.

"I have the final say on this matter. If Shen Yi goes to see him off, I will follow you." Tang Zongjiu had no doubts about his decision.

"Junge!" Shen Qing was anxious, "Shen Yi was too late!"

"He can do it in time."

"Too late!"

"Shen Yi." Tang Zongjiu called into the air.

"Wha—" there was a sound, and Shen Yi knelt down on one knee: "Master."

"Do you know the four places of the four pieces of clothing?" Tang Zongjiu asked.

"Clear." Shen replied. "Do you know that it must be delivered within the specified time?" Tang Zongjiu continued to ask.

"I know." Shen Yi continued to answer.

"Tell your highness that you can deliver it alone." Tang Zongjiu said to Shen Qing.

Shen Yi turned to Shen Qing: "I can come down in time."

"Shen Yi!" Shen Qing was anxious, "Don't be brave. Those four places are far apart. How could you possibly make it in time?"

In fact, this matter was also Shen Qing's fault. Since there were too many people who needed to deliver goods, it was her first time to contact with delivery, so she thought about doing a good job and getting one free, so she hurriedly I was busy arranging for someone to deliver it.

She never thought that they could all be delivered to places in the same area. This resulted in some people having finished delivering goods to the east and sending them to the west, and ended up traveling to the east again.

In the end, the situation they encountered now appeared.

Shen Yi raised his head and glanced at Tang Zongjiu. Tang Zongjiu's eyes were very clear. Even if you, Shen Yi, can do it today, you have to do it, and if you don't, you have to do it. Even if you break your legs, you have to get things done.

In the past, Shen Qing had the final say in everything, and Tang Zongjiu always remained silent.

If Shen Qing wanted to kill someone, Tang Zongjiu would hand him a knife; if Shen Qing wanted to save someone, Tang Zongjiu would hand him medicine; if Shen Qing wanted to torture someone, Tang Zongjiu would hand him a sack.

But Tang Zongjiu had the final say in almost all matters related to Shen Qing.

Shen Yi has been with these two masters for so long, and he knows this very well.

Her Highness the Princess actually has no way to deal with the Prince Consort. As long as the Prince Consort has decided to do anything, Her Royal Highness the Princess has no chance to object, and has never successfully opposed it.

"Your Highness, Shen Yi promises to complete the task." Shen Yi had a clear mind and spoke unambiguously.

"Shen Yi, you are my secret guard captain!" Shen Qing jumped anxiously.

Shen Yi remained silent.

It's true that I am your secret guard, but you are the consort, and the consort is the real "head of the family" in this family.

Tang Zongjiu hugged Shen Qing and said to Shen, "Go back quickly."


After saying that, Shen Yi picked up his clothes and disappeared.

"Junge!" Shen Qing was not as strong as Tang Zongjiu, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape from Tang Zongjiu's imprisonment.

"Okay, okay, he's gone," Tang Zongjiu coaxed Shen Qing like a child, "You have to believe Shen Yi, eh?"

"Junge, why are you like this!" Shen Qing muttered to express his dissatisfaction.

Tang Zong liked the wine very much and lowered his head to take a sip.

Sweet and tender.

The kiss is over.

"Aren't you going to deliver the goods?" Tang Zongjiu said with a smile, "Let's go quickly."

Shen Qing simply laughed angrily.

"You bully people!"

"Well, I'll just bully you," Tang Zongjiu kissed Shen Qing again, "I'll just bully you."


For a long time, the lips are divided.

"If you don't go and see her off, I'll take you back to your room." Tang Zongjiu threatened.

Shen Qing was startled and immediately stood up straight.

"Send, send, send!"

As she said this, she packed her clothes and ran quickly outside the Tang Mansion.

Tang Zongjiu followed Shen Qing with a smile on his lips.

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