Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 133, Opening Event 2: Dudou Chapter

The Tong family is located in the north of Ningbeicheng. Shen Qing delivered the bellyband to Mrs. Tong before the sunset.

Mrs. Tong had just been newly married, her face was rosy and shiny, and she and her husband were obviously at the right time.

"Thank you." Mrs. Tong said with a blushing face.

"You're welcome," Shen Qing smiled, and whispered into Madam Tong's ear, "There are roses specially embroidered on it, and they will bloom as you move your body."

Mrs. Tong's face was so red that she could only say "hmm" softly.

"If it goes well, I will introduce other sisters."

"Then thank you, Mrs. Tong."

After saying that, Shen Qing left Tong Mansion.

The delivery went smoothly, and Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu chose to go shopping while returning home.

"Do you have roses on yours too?" Tang Zongjiu suddenly asked.

! !

Can you hear it even from such a distance?

Shen Qing's little face suddenly turned red.

"No..." Shen Qing replied softly.

"Embroider plum blossoms," Tang Zong said while drinking.

Shen Qing raised his head suddenly.

What's the meaning? ah? What does it mean?

Tang Zongjiu's eyes flashed with an unnoticeable desire, and he said to Shen Qing, "I want to see it."

Shen Qing lowered his head suddenly and said in an almost inaudible voice: "Well..."

At this moment, a timid word came from the side.

"Boss Tang..."

Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu stopped and looked over after hearing the words.

A petite woman wearing revealing clothing was seen standing behind Shen Qing.

She looked up at Shen Qing from time to time, wanting to say something, but she didn't seem to know how.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Shen Qing asked softly.

"I...I want to ask...just..."

The woman hesitated and hesitated, and there was a hint of awkwardness in her behavior.

"You want to buy clothes?" Shen Qing asked.

The woman nodded.

"What clothes do you want to buy?" Shen Qing asked again.

The woman glanced at Tang Zongjiu and immediately lowered her head.

It seems that it is not convenient to say.

Shen Qing seemed to understand and said, "Let's go to the store and talk about it?"

"Okay!" The woman's eyes lit up.

[On the Water Side] There are many rooms on the third floor, which are very suitable for talking about some private topics.

When a woman comes to such a closed environment, she suddenly relaxes a lot.

"Tell me, what kind of bellyband do you want?" Shen Qing asked with a smile.

The woman suddenly raised her eyes and looked directly at Shen Qing: "Mrs. Tang, have you guessed it?"

"Yeah, you made it so obvious that it's hard to guess." Shen Qing said with a smile.

Hearing this, the woman's face turned red again.

"My name is Xiaoxuan, I'm a prostitute from Yuchun Tower."

Xiaoxuan lowered her head and said.

"We heard... we heard that Mrs. Tang, you sell special bellybands here, so... so..."

"So you want to buy it?" Shen Qing asked.

Xiaoxuan nodded.

"Business has not been good these years, and the sisters have fewer and fewer customers, so... we are thinking... of making some changes..." Xiaoxuan said very quietly. People like them have always been at the bottom. It is an existence that even ordinary people look down upon.

This time the sisters sent Xiaoxuan out because Xiaoxuan was the boldest among them.

But no matter how courageous Xiaoxuan was, buying a bellyband like this openly still cooked her whole body.

She was afraid that she would not be able to complete the task and live up to the hopes of her sisters, and she was even more afraid of being looked down upon by Shen Qing.

"Understood." Shen Qing nodded and agreed readily.

"You...don't you dislike it?" Xiaoxuan did not expect that Shen Qing would agree so quickly.

"Why do you dislike it?" Shen Qing asked puzzledly, "Who would have trouble with business?"

Yes, I have……

Xiaoxuan thought to herself.

Who wants to sell to a prostitute?

But Xiaoxuan didn't say it. She said with a smile: "Thank you, Mrs. Tang."

"Let me show you the style!"

Shen Qing stood up and took Xiaoxuan to a room on the third floor full of bellybands.

As the business of "On the Water Side" grew, Shen Qing decided to expand this business from the time the first customer mentioned that he wanted a bellyband.

Therefore, she specially opened a room on the third floor to display various bellybands.

When Xiaoxuan stepped into this room, she was stunned.

The room is not big, but every inch of space is cleverly used to display various kinds of bellybands.

On the wall, the bellybands are like blooming flowers, colorful.

Some of them are made of traditional silk fabrics, which are soft and smooth, and embroidered with exquisite floral patterns. It seems that every stitch and thread reveals the craftsman's intention.

The soft warm yellow candlelight shines on the bellybands, making their colors more vivid and their textures look more delicate.

At the same time, the candlelight also casts mottled shadows on the wall, adding a bit of mystery and romance to this small space.

In addition to the bellyband itself, the display method in the room is also very particular.

There are some beautiful wooden clothes hangers hanging on the wall, and on each hanger are hanging bellybands of different styles and colors.

In addition, there are some small display racks and glass windows, which contain some specially recommended bellybands, so that customers can appreciate and select them more closely.

The whole room is filled with a faint smell of sandalwood. This smell complements the charm of the bellyband, making people feel like they are in an ancient and mysterious world.

In this small world, every piece of bellyband seems to be alive. They are quietly telling their stories, waiting for the arrival of the destined person.

"This...this..." Xiaoxuan began to speak incoherently, "This is too much..."

"It's not bad, what do you like?" Shen Qing said with a smile.

Almost every woman who comes to buy bellybands is extremely surprised when they see the scene here.

To be honest, even Shen Qing himself was stunned when he walked into this room for the first time.

Because even in the imperial capital, there is no ready-made clothing store selling bellybands like this.

A woman's bellyband is the most private and invisible thing to outsiders. Ordinary ready-to-wear shops simply don't have it, and there are only a few shops that have bellybands.

But the bellyband is such an important thing for women.

Therefore, the news about Shen Qing's room spread almost throughout Ningbei City in a few nights.

Every day, many women come to see Dudou.

The most important thing is that Shen Qing's room is very private, so the guests are very satisfied.

Xiaoxuan was dazzled by them. Each one was so beautiful that she had no choice.

"Mrs. Tang..." Xiaoxuan said softly, "No matter which one is good, the main thing is... is..."

"What is it?" Shen Qing asked patiently.

"We want a...a special one...well...attracting guests..."

Xiaoxuan's last few words were so soft that her voice almost disappeared.

Shen Qing understood.

"So, tell me, what embroidery do you want to add?"

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