Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 154, Shen Qing turned over the table and stopped playing.

If you say lift the chessboard, lift the chessboard.

While Shen Qing sent people to look for Su Fang and Ding Yuhong, he also sent people to rush directly into [Chutian Jimu].

At this time, it was just dawn and the store had not officially opened yet, so there was no one at all.

With a loud "bump--", the door of [Chutian Jimu] was violently knocked open.

The Chu family siblings were still talking and laughing, completely unprepared for the intrusion of the officers and soldiers. At this moment, both of them were frightened.

"Who are you?!" Chu Jindu stood in front of his sister, blocking her with both hands.

The police officer received a death order and had to take these two people back to the Yamen today, so he didn't talk nonsense to them.

"Arrest them all!" the policeman ordered.

"What are you going to do!" Chu Jindu was naturally not a master who would surrender obediently. He would hit someone as soon as he saw someone coming up to him.

"Go tell my dad!" Chu Jinyun shouted to the steward.

The steward took the order and ran quickly towards the back door.

"No one can leave here today!" the policeman shouted.

Soon, the steward was carried back to the hall by the officers and soldiers.

Chu Jinyun's eyes darkened.

Could it be that the arson incident was exposed?

But even if they are exposed, the government has no evidence. How can Shen Qing arrest them with just one word?

"Master, what did my sister and brother commit?" Chu Jinyun asked the policeman.

Chu Jindu and the officials were inseparable from each other. For a while, weapons were handed over with endless sounds of ping-ping-pong-pong.

"What's going on?" The policeman glanced at the Chu family siblings.

Even Governor Xu took action. It can be seen that these two siblings have caused a huge disaster. What are they still asking about now?

"You will know it when you get to the Yamen!" The policeman drew his sword, "How dare you arrest me? Do you want to get a higher penalty?"

"Do you know who we are?!" Chu Jindu pushed away an official in front of him, "We are from the Chu family!"

The Chu family has been in the north for many years and has always had a harmonious relationship with the government. This is the first time the government has dealt with something with such a tough attitude.

No matter how you look at it, this is wrong.

"What happened to the Chu family?" the policeman said angrily, "You are the ones being arrested! Hurry up and arrest them without any help. Don't force me to call someone. It will do you no good to make the matter bigger!"

Chu Jinyun knocked on the window. Now was indeed not the time to confront the officials.

"Jindu." Chu Jinyun called, "Let's cooperate."

"Sister!" No matter what, Chu Jindu still listened to his sister's words, but he still said anxiously, "We will be finished if we go!"

There was a warehouse fire just yesterday, and someone came to arrest people today. Obviously, it was impossible to come out so smoothly after going to the Yamen this time.

Chu Jindu thought more simply than Chu Jinyun on this point.

He felt that he should wait for his father to save him. As long as Chu Shiqing came forward, nothing would happen to them and his brother.

But Chu Jinyun had already spoken, so he couldn't say anything more.

As soon as they gave up resistance, the police quickly tied up the two men.

When had the Chu family siblings been treated like this? Chu Jindu almost wanted to fight with someone again.

When officials come to arrest people, people from the Chu family always know about it. Chu Shiqing will get the news sooner or later, it's just the difference between sooner or later.

Therefore, it is understandable that Chu Jinyun chose to follow the official to the Yamen when he did not want his brother to be injured.

Soon, the two of them were brought to the prefect's Yamen.

Walking into the Yamen, Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu were already waiting in the lobby.

Sure enough, it was because of the warehouse.

The siblings thought.

But they did it very covertly. Even if they had a motive, as long as the siblings refused to admit it, they could not be convicted.

Thinking of this, the siblings felt more confident. "I don't know why Mr. Peng arrested my sister and brother." Chu Jinyun asked without any tone.

Peng Liangbin ignored Chu Jinyun at all, as if she didn't exist, and asked Shen Qing respectfully: "Do you think we should lock her up now?"

Both siblings heard the words "lock them up" and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Master Peng! What did my sister and brother do that makes you want to lock someone up without even saying a word?!" Chu Jindu said angrily.

He knew he couldn't follow me obediently.

Peng Liangbin still ignored these two people. He was waiting for Shen Qing's decision.

Previously, as soon as the siblings arrived at the hall, they were controlled by the official to kneel down. Now they are both kneeling.

She came to the siblings, stood still, and looked down at them with surprisingly cold eyes.

The siblings were stunned for a moment, and their hearts couldn't help but sink.

"You set the fire in the warehouse." Shen Qing said.

She didn't even use questions, but affirmations.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Of course Chu Jinyun couldn't admit it.

"You also captured my people." Shen Qing continued.

people? who?

Shen Qing's words made the siblings completely confused.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Chu Jinyun said again.

This time she really didn't know what Shen Qing was talking about.

The siblings only know how to set fires, but they really don't know anything about people.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know." Shen Qing said coldly, "Someone will know."

After saying that, she turned to Peng Liangbin: "Lock him up."

Peng Liangbin accepted the order and faced the official: "Lock him up!"

"Master Peng, you are abusing your power!" Chu Jindu yelled, "Just because of your surname Tang, without any evidence? How much money did they give you, how many bribes did you accept to do such a shameful thing? ?”

These words touched Peng Liangbin's nerves.

The conscience of heaven and earth, during this period of time, he helped Shen Qing not only did not take any money, but also gave a lot of money himself.

Chu Jindu just said that he had taken bribes, so how could he endure it?

It can be said that no official of Xi State can accept the label of "taking bribes" as soon as someone opens his mouth.

"Nonsense!" Peng Liangbin banged on the gavel, "Slandering the imperial official, give me twenty slaps!"

"Yes!" The officer gave the order, and his attack was even more rude.

"Let go of my brother!" Chu Jinyun shouted when she saw Chu Jindu being forcibly dragged away.

"Sister!" Chu Jindu called to his sister.

Chu Jinyun could no longer maintain her image at this moment, "Sir, are you going to give in? We didn't do anything, so we were caught and slapped for no reason?!"

"Nothing has been done?" Peng Liangbin said angrily, "Arrested in the street, insulted the imperial officials, this is called doing nothing?"

"Master Peng, that's because we were caught by the government for no reason!" Chu Jinyun said.

At this time, Shen Qing, who was standing aside, said, "Even if it's not you, I'm still your father and your mother."

Chu Jinyun's angry eyes stared at Shen Qing: "What on earth did my parents do?! That you want to arrest our siblings for no reason like this?"

"Ha." Shen Qing sneered, "I just wanted to know, so I arrested you."

"What!" The tears rolling in Chu Jinyun's eyes were about to fall, but they were stopped by these words.

"Since you are innocent." (End of Chapter)

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