Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 155: Is it 1 person or 2 people?

When Chu Shiqing learned that his wife had not only set fire to the warehouse, but also tied up the embroiderer, he was so angry that he slapped his wife on the face.

The sound of "pop--" was like a huge thunder in the sky.

"Sir, are you hitting me?!" Mrs. Chu covered her face. After just one blow, her face was completely red and swollen.

"I'm afraid I can't wake you up!" Chu Shiqing said angrily, "How could you do such a thing?!"

"What's wrong with me?" Mrs. Chu's eyes widened like bells. "No hair was hurt, but a warehouse was burned down. What's wrong with me?!"

The result was another "pop-" sound, and the other side of Mrs. Chu's face was also swollen.

"Chu Shiqing!" Mrs. Chu cried, "How dare you do this to me!"

"You hurt people and set fire, what else happened?!" Chu Shiqing yelled at Mrs. Chu, "Do you know you got into big trouble?!"

"We have done this kind of thing before, so what?!" Mrs. Chu said, "They have no evidence at all that we did it! What's going on with you?! Do you not want to live anymore?!"

"Idiot!" Chu Shiqing didn't want to communicate with his wife anymore, so he flicked his sleeves and left the Chu family.

Mrs. Chu was left alone in the Chu family crying and breaking things.

Before Chu Shiqing arrived at [Chutian Jimu], he learned the news that his children were being imprisoned in the prefecture, and he was immediately furious.

He quickly arrived at the prefect's Yamen, and as soon as he stepped through the door, he saw Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu sitting above them.

Chu Shiqing frowned inwardly, but his face was calm and calm.

"Master Peng, is there any misunderstanding here?" Chu Shiqing said with a smile, "We got some good tea a few days ago. I wonder when Master Peng will be free to come and taste it?"

Peng Liangbin's brows jumped.

What the hell are you talking about in front of Her Royal Highness Princess Shu Ning!

Do you know that your son was biting me a moment ago and saying that I took bribes? Now what do you mean by talking about tea or tea?

Father and son are indeed father and son!

Shut up now!

"There is no misunderstanding, and there is no time!" Peng Liangbin's attitude was firm, showing a high-spirited and upright attitude that would not be affected by anything.

Chu Shiqing flattered the horse's leg, and his heart became clearer.

"I wonder, sir, what did Quanzi and Quannu do to make you so angry?" Chu Shiqing asked in a good voice.

"Chu Shiqing," Peng Liangbin said, "I won't beat around the bush with you. Quickly release the people, two for two, so that your daughter and son will suffer less. Otherwise, I won't be able to protect them."

Chu Shiqing was shocked.

In the past, when dealing with the government, we always said "six points and four points" in one sentence. How has it ever been so straightforward?

He aimed his gaze at Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu.

What is the background of this couple?

How to open up the relationship between the government and the government to this point?

Could it be that he is from the imperial capital?

But why did the imperial capital send someone here?

Chu Shiqing thought of the south.

What happened in the south spread throughout the Xi Kingdom, and Chu Shiqing was naturally very aware of it.

But the north is not a place where you can eat easily.

If the Tang couple came from the imperial capital, there would be nothing wrong with this.

Thinking of this, Chu Shiqing was very angry at the stupid thing his wife had done.

He even considered whether to divorce this woman who failed to achieve anything but failed.

"Replying to your lord, the common people really don't know what happened. Everything was made by my wife without permission."

Since Peng Liangbin got straight to the point, there was no need for Chu Shiqing to hide it. After all, only speaking out could stop the loss in time.

"Boss Chu really doesn't know anything?" Shen Qing suddenly interrupted.

In fact, Chu Shiqing only knew that within an hour, he came to the Yamen to save people without even having time to arrange many things.

"Of course I don't know anything." Chu Shiqing said angrily, "What does Boss Tang mean?"

"Then let Mrs. Chu come." Shen Qing said lightly, "I have no other request. Let my people go. I want to see that they are safe."

they? Chu Shiqing's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that there was more than one person?

That idiot!

Chu Shiqing always thought that his wife only arrested Ding Yuhong, and he never thought that there was a second person.

What on earth do these idiots do? !

In fact, in the past, it was not a big deal to catch people, teach them a lesson and then release them.

After all, the "relationship" between Peng Liangbin and Chu Shiqing has always been very good.

But it's obvious that the Tang family's backstage is even tougher, and it's someone that even Peng Liangbin can't afford to offend.

This can be seen just from the fact that Shen Qing was able to rescue Jin Fanhua alone.

Mrs. Chu and the Chu family siblings were ignorant. They didn't know much about Shen Qing and Tang Zongjiu. They thought that this couple was no different from those who challenged the Chu family in the past.

Little did he know that his background was very deep.

Chu Shiqing himself didn't use any dirty tricks, but he didn't expect that his wife would actually use them.

This was because he failed to keep an eye on people and made a mistake.

At this point, Chu Shiqing knew that it was no longer the time to go around with the other party.

After all, his children are in other people's hands.

"Then please send someone to pick up my wife. Maybe we can clear up the misunderstanding in person." Chu Shiqing said.

Peng Liangbin admired Chu Shiqing's flexible and flexible character very much.

The more cooperative you are at this time, the better it will be for him.

Mrs. Chu was already crying when she was taken to the prefect's Yamen.

"My lord, my Yun'er and Du'er are innocent! My lord!"

Peng Liangbin knocked on the gavel twice: "Whether your son or daughter is innocent or not depends on you, Mrs. Chu Zhang."

"Sir, the woman just invited people to drink tea at another village. She didn't do anything else, sir!" Mrs. Chu cried loudly.

"Then send me back quickly!" Peng Liangbin became irritated by Mrs. Chu Zhang's cries.

"Sir, there is a villa in the suburbs. You can send someone to find it immediately. The women are really just drinking tea in a good manner." Mrs. Chu sobbed.

Peng Liangbin got the address and said to the official: "Find someone quickly, quickly!"

I wish the people were there.

"Mrs. Chu."

At this time, Shen Qing spoke: "Two people are missing in our Tang Mansion, do you know?"

Mrs. Chu Zhang was stunned.

Why are there two people, but she obviously only ordered one person to be arrested.

Chu Zhang's expression clearly told everyone that there was an information gap.

She was always worried, fearing that something would happen to Su Fang.

The appearance of Su Fang in her previous life before her death suddenly appeared in Shen Qing's mind again.

The splattered blood, the dim eyes, and the slowly falling body.

Shen Qing's hands were clenched tightly, and his nails dug into the flesh of his palms.

Until Tang Zongjiu covered his palm.

Shen Qing glanced at Tang Zongjiu and received Tang Zongjiu's comforting eyes.

It will be fine.

Shen Qing thought to himself. (End of chapter)

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