Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 184, Tang Zongjiu felt like he was going to die

When the words "Father, Mother" appeared, it was like a wake-up call, hitting Shen Qing on the head.

She turned around.

The figure she missed day and night was right under the competition stage.

But he didn't look at himself, but at the couple beside him.

Shen Qing's heart was like a turbulent wave at this moment.

Not only because she saw Tang Zongjiu, but also because she saw her former "parents-in-law".

Before she left the clan mansion, she had made thousands of predictions.

Imagine what it would be like to meet Tang Zongjiu.

Will the two be as sweet as honey, will they talk to each other, will they embrace each other intimately in the mountains or by the water?

Will Tang Zongjiu be very excited?

Thinking of Tang Zongjiu's shocked look when he saw her, Shen Qing couldn't help but want to laugh.

She felt that she would immediately jump into his arms and kiss him.

Tell him that she misses him and misses him very much.

She also told him that she loved him, loved him very much.

She had imagined seeing the two of them again and again, but she never thought it would be like this.

No kissing, no hugging, no missing.

They were even several feet apart.

She knew very well how important Tang Yihe and Hua Yushu were to Tang Zongjiu, just like how important Emperor Wan Zhen and Empress Ji were to her.

So she didn't speak.

Shen Yi and the secret guards were shocked at the same time.

No one could have imagined that Tang Zongjiu would appear here, and no one could have expected that Tang Yihe and his wife would also appear here.

Before Shen Qing said anything, all the secret guards still did not make any move.

In the entire recruit camp, today is the last day of the competition, and some other people will come in. Everyone is used to it, and no one will care about this scene of father and son recognizing each other.

"Tang Xin, you win!"

"Congratulations! Tang Xin!"

Everyone ran to the competition stage to congratulate Shen Qing.

Xing Lianxin was still lying on the ground, looking at Tang Zongjiu expectantly: "Brother Zongjiu, can you help me up? Lianxin can't move."

At this time, Tang Zongjiu realized that the one kicked down by Shen Qing was actually Xing Lianxin.

Suddenly, his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Tang Yihe and Hua Yushu had already walked up to him.

"Junge, why are you here?" Hua Yushu was trembling a little. She hadn't seen her youngest son in three years.

The Tang family could not enter the imperial capital at will, and mother and son could only keep in touch by writing letters.

Now that she saw Tang Zongjiu alive, how could she not be excited as a mother.

"Don't be too excited, be careful of fetal irritation." Tang Yihe was naturally happy to see Tang Zongjiu, but nothing could compare to his wife now.

Although Tang Zongjiu was facing his parents, he was still shocked by Shen Qing and Xing Lianxin. The competition stage was now full of people, and his eyes were fixed on Shen Qing without moving away.

But when Tang Yihe said these words, his heartbeat stopped for half a beat.

"Dad, what did you say?!" He had to continue to face his parents, "Mom is pregnant?!"

There were more and more people on the competition stage. Shen Qing couldn't stand it anymore and started to walk down.

"Let's go and celebrate!"

"Eat good wine and good meat!"

"By the way, will the winner leave soon?"

"Then we can't have a good time together!"

"Tang Xin, why are you so powerful!"

"And your cousin, have you two become masters?"

Shen Qing wanted to find Tang Zongjiu's figure among the chaotic crowd.

She didn't hear what Tang Yihehua Yushu and Tang Zongjiu said. She only knew that she could still feel Tang Zongjiu's sight, but now it was gone. They were enjoying family happiness, why bother bothering them?

Shen Qing withdrew his eyes.

"thank you all."

It seemed that the new recruit camp and the "smelly" recruits whom she disliked in various ways during the day were what her heart wanted at this moment.

After Tang Zongjiu digested that Hua Yushu was really pregnant, Tang Zongjiu remembered Shen Qing on the stage.

At this time, Shen Qing had already left the competition stage with his comrades.

Tang Zongjiu's gaze stayed on the group of people laughing and joking around Shen Qing. The crowd blocked his gaze.

He couldn't find Shen Qing.


Who is Hua Yushu? Her son ended up in such a recruit camp inexplicably. If he said it was because of Xing Lianxin, then she would never believe it.

And even when he met him and learned that he was pregnant, his son's eyes would glance at the stage from time to time.

There were only two people on the stage, either Xing Lianxin or the one named Tang Xin.

The key is that anyone with a discerning eye can see the way Tang Zongjiu looks at others, which contains deep friendship.

Hua Yushu is in a bad mood.

My son will not fail because of his marriage, and his orientation will also change.

If her son really likes Tang Xin, what should she do?

Tang Zongjiu turned around and looked at Hua Yushu.

"Mom, my son wants to tell you something, don't get excited." Tang Zongjiu said seriously.

"Then don't say that and get away." Tang Yihe eliminated any possibility that Hua Yushu would be disturbed, even if it was his youngest son whom he had not seen for three years.

"Let him say it." Hua Yushu patted Tang Yihe and looked at Tang Zongjiu, "But you have to think it through and think it over clearly."

Tang Yihe stopped talking and just hugged Hua Yushu tighter.

"The other person on the stage," Tang Zongjiu paused and said, "is Princess Shu Ning."

Even Tang Yihe was frightened a lot now.

"What did you say?!" Hua Yushu's heartbeat accelerated.

Suddenly, she felt a pain in her stomach.

How can it not hurt?

First, Feng Chenwen came to find Xing Lianxin, then saw his son, and finally learned that the person Xing Lianxin was fighting was actually Princess Shu Ning.

His son still looked at the princess with love.

Hua Yushu's head hurts just thinking about how many things are going on here.

Tang Yihe has been holding Hua Yushu, and he will definitely feel it immediately if she has any trouble.


Without saying a word, Tang Yihe picked up Hua Yushu and glared at Tang Zongjiu.

"Your mother has fetal force. If anything happens to my daughter, you should die to apologize."

After saying that, he hugged the person and ran to the rest area of ​​the recruit camp.

Hua Yushu was lying in Tang Yihe's arms, not forgetting to point to the stage: "Lotus heart."

Tang Yihe raised his chin towards Tang Zongjiu.

As the name suggests, there you go.

"Good boy, leave it to Junge, don't get excited, don't get excited." He faced his wife, his face changed in a second, and his tone was extremely gentle.

Ren Feng had been following the couple and witnessed this frightening family recognition with his own eyes. He was frightened to death by Hua Yushu's "fetal turbulence". He immediately sent someone to call the doctor and at the same time led Tang Yihe.

On the last day of the entire new military camp, Tang Zongjiu stood in the middle of the square.

A group of people on the left led Shen Qing towards the cafeteria, laughing and playing happily.

A group of people on the right ran towards the lounge with some nervousness.

He was left standing alone, and Xing Lianxin, who had been lying down without getting up.

Tang Zongjiu has lived for twenty years and can face life and death crises of all sizes without blinking an eye.

At this moment, a deep feeling of powerlessness arose spontaneously from his Dantian.

He felt like he was going to die.

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