Reborn Princess Chasing Her Husband Crematorium

Chapter 185, hot springs, women, and men

This was Shen Qing's last night before leaving the military camp.

She lay in the hot spring, feeling calm.

The hot spring is surrounded by dense woods. The spring water pours down from the mountains, forming a small and exquisite waterfall. The splashing water sparkles with silver light in the moonlight.

The moonlight shone like fine sand on the edge of the hot spring, reflecting on her body.

She sat elegantly on the edge of the hot spring, with one jade-white foot gently dipping into the warm water, while the other was hanging lightly on the edge of the spring.

She slowly put her other foot into the hot spring, feeling the water gently brushing against the sole of her foot.

Then, she placed her hands gently on the edge of the hot spring, her fingers slightly bent, as if stroking an invisible poem.

Finally, she took off all her clothes and submerged herself into the hot spring. Her long, dark hair naturally floated on the spring water, undulating slightly and shining with a silvery white luster under the moonlight.

Her eyes were slightly closed, as if immersed in the warmth of the hot springs and the beauty of the starry sky.

Her face looked softer under the moonlight, and her skin was as delicate as snowflakes, with a slight blush.

At this time, the starry sky is as bright as scattered diamonds, and each star shines with a unique light. The moonlight shines through the treetops and onto the hot springs, forming patches of mottled light and shadow, adding a touch of mystery and romance to the entire environment. .

The surrounding air is fresh and pleasant, with a hint of winter coolness

Shen Qing closed his eyes, listened to the sounds of nature, and felt the warmth of the hot spring water and the beauty of the starry sky. His thoughts were not disrupted by the appearance of Tang Zongjiu during the day, but instead felt a trace of peace and tranquility.

A breeze blew by, and the leaves swayed gently, making a rustling sound.

Just as Shen Qing was enjoying the moment of comfort, a voice sounded from behind her.


This hot spring is not big, but when two people lie down at the same time, the space seems a little narrow.

Shen Qing knew it was Tang Zongjiu without even thinking about it.

The man naturally surrounded Shen Qing from behind.

Shen Qing had to admit that she missed him.

Their bodies were in the water, pressed against each other through Tang Zongjiu's soaked clothes.

The scene of the night when the marriage was consummated came to mind again, and Shen Qing felt a little feverish.

"Miss me?"

Tang Zongjiu continued.

After seeing Shen Qing leave during the day, he decided to settle the matters at hand first and then coax his wife.

He really didn't expect that Xing Lianxin and Shen Qing would be on the same fighting field.

At that time, he looked at Xing Lianxin lying on the ground and really wanted to punch her.

She has been in the Tang Mansion since she was a child and has practiced Tang Family Boxing very well. When did Shen Qing learn it? Wouldn't it be a disadvantage?

"Get up by yourself." Tang Zong said in wine.

"Brother Zongjiu, you are here to pick me up, right?" Xing Lianxin said with a smile.

"No." Tang Zongjiu said lightly, "Get up quickly, I want to see my mother."

Xing Lianxin stretched out her hand: "Brother Zongjiu, please give Lianxin a hand."

Tang Zongjiu took a step forward, his eyes slightly cold.

He squatted down and said without any expression: "I'll say it again, you get up by yourself."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Xing Lianxin looked at his back, her eyes sparkled, she jumped up and followed him.

After that, Tang Zongjiu came to the lounge.

In the lounge, Tang Yihe was feeding Hua Yushu's internal energy, and Hua Yushu looked much better.

"The baby is fine," Hua Yushu said.

"I know."

Tang Yihe and Hua Yushu have become like one with each other over the years, and they will know immediately if anything is wrong with the other.

"Dad, Mom." Tang Zongjiu entered the room and called softly.

Hua Yushu opened her eyes and took a good look at Tang Zongjiu: "You're here."

"Uncle, aunt, Xin'er is back." Xing Lianxin followed. "If you run around again next time, please leave the Tang Mansion." Hua Yushu glanced at Xing Lianxin and warned.

"No way, no way!" Xing Lianxin waved her hands quickly after hearing this, "Lianxin was wrong, please punish me."

Hua Yushu pointed outside the house: "You go back first."

Xing Lianxin glanced at Tang Zongjiu and originally wanted to say something, but knowing that she had indeed gotten into big trouble this time, she stopped insisting.

"Brother Zongjiu, Lianxin is gone." She said goodbye to Tang Zongjiu reluctantly.

Tang Zongjiu said nothing.

"Uncle and aunt, Lian Xin has to leave first." Xing Lianxin leaned forward and said.

Tang Yihe and Hua Yushu nodded slightly.


He didn't speak until Xing Lianxin really left.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Hua Yushu looked at his youngest son and sighed.

"Tell me everything that has happened between you and the princess over the years, and I will think about whether there is anything wrong with me."

So, Tang Zongjiu found a seat and sat down, and began to slowly describe every detail between him and Shen Qing over the years.

This talk lasted until midnight.

Even Tang Yihe was somewhat surprised.

"So she came here for you?" Hua Yushu couldn't imagine that Princess Shu Ning would do such a thing.

Tang Zongjiu knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the couple.

"Mom and dad, your Majesty, Junge has consummated his marriage with Princess Shu Ning. The princess gave her daughter's body and virginity to Junge. Junge cannot be an ungrateful person."

" guys..." Hua Yushu was now sure that Tang Zongjiu was truly in love.

"Tang Zongjiu is the only one in this life who is Chen Qing." Tang Zongjiu said again.

"What about Your Highness the Princess? Are you two in love?" Hua Yushu asked.

"Private decision for life." Tang Zongjiu said firmly.

Hua Yushu and Tang Yihe looked at each other.

Love doesn’t know where it starts, where it goes, or where it ends.

"I understand." Hua Yushu said, "I'll go to Lian Xin's place and tell her. You go and coax the princess back properly."


After saying that, Tang Zongjiu left as fast as he could.

He searched around the camp but couldn't find anyone. He was afraid that he would make the person angry and leave, so he immediately grabbed Shen San and asked him to contact Shen Yi.

Since Tang Zongjiu was here in person, Shen Yi would naturally not hide anything.

When Tang Zongjiu arrived at the place, he saw with his own eyes Shen Qing stepping on the hot spring, like a fairy descending to earth.

Even though Tang Zongjiu had seen every inch of Shen Qing's body, any man would be attracted to witness such a beautiful woman bathing, not to mention that she was still his woman.

Tang Zongjiu took off his coat and shoes and walked into the spring.

The water rippled, and the water rippled.

He reached out and hugged Shen Qing tightly.

The person he thought about day and night could finally touch him again, and was not just a phantom in his dreams.

Tang Zongjiu buried his head on Shen Qing's shoulder, kissed Shen Qing's neck gently, and greedily inhaled the scent of Shen Qing's body.

"Baby, I miss you."

Shen Qing tried to break away from Tang Zongjiu's embrace, but failed, and she no longer persisted.

"Get out of here, you bastard."

She seems to be scolding but not scolding, seems to be angry but not angry, seems to be coquettish but not coquettish.

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