Her original plan was to catch up and ask where this person was practicing and if she could give him an introduction.

As a result, despite her age, this old Taoist nun was very agile. As she walked so fast, Gu Shiyi almost lost her.

"Why do you think I can't catch up with her..."

Gu Shiyi narrowed his eyes and smiled,

"With my current ability, if she were a mortal, how could I not catch up..."

So she must be an extraordinary person!

Based on this, Gu Shiyi refused to let her go and followed her all the way out of the city. When they arrived at a private house outside the city, the old Taoist nun opened the courtyard door, said a few words to the people who came out, and then went in. Gu Shiyi stayed outside and asked the neighbors. He only said that the child of this family stayed up in the middle of the night and often laughed for no reason. One time he even ran into a mass grave outside, which frightened his parents. He said he was struck by an evil spirit, so he invited several Taoist priests, but nothing could be done. I wonder if the Taoist nun I found today has the ability to help others.

The old Taoist nun went in as fast as she came out. Not long after, she came out with a cloth bag in her hand. When she came out, the family chased her out and asked for money. The old Taoist nun declined. The old Taoist nun carried the cloth bag and went to the barren mountains outside the city. As she walked, Gu Shiyi followed closely behind. When she saw she arrived at a mass grave, she threw the cloth bag on the ground, and a ghost baby rolled out. The old Taoist nun said to the ghost baby,

"You are separated from that child by yin and yang. If you play with him, it will kill him over time..."

The ghost baby was crying, the old Taoist nun said,

"If you like that family, how about I do a good deed and send you to reincarnation and be reincarnated into their family?"

When the ghost baby heard this, he kowtowed with joy. The old Taoist nun didn't say anything more. She lit three sticks of incense and actually attracted a ghost messenger in broad daylight. She also talked to the ghost messenger, and then the ghost messenger Then he took the ghost baby and left.

Gu Shiyi watched from behind, dumbfounded.

"Exalted man! Mighty!"

With just this one hand, he can crush all the Taoist priests in the capital!

I guess my cheap senior brother can’t compare!

I didn’t expect that there would be such an expert in this capital city with hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

Gu Shiyi was so impressed at that time!

After the old Taoist nun finished her work, she turned to Gu Shiyi who was hiding behind the tree and twitched her fingers.

"come here!"

Gu Shiyi shrank and wanted to hide again, but the old Taoist nun said again,

“Can’t anyone smell the true spiritual aura you carry?”


Can you smell this too?

Sure enough!

Gu Shi was shocked and jumped out from behind the tree to salute.

"Senior, junior Tongxuanmen Gu Shiyi is polite!"


The old Taoist nun looked her up and down and said in surprise for a long time,

"How come Zhang Zhenyue is so lucky to be a disciple of the true spirit bloodline?"

She thought Gu Shiyi was Zhang Zhenyue's disciple.

Gu Shiyi chuckled and didn't answer. The old Taoist nun didn't ask further questions either, she just said,

"What are you following me for?"

Gu Shiyi responded,

"This junior came to the capital for the first time, and wanted to find a place to stay, but no Taoist temple in the capital was willing to accept this junior. Today I had a chance to meet my senior, so I wanted to ask him which Taoist temple I should practice at so that I can go there easily. Serve your old man?"


The old Taoist nun nodded to show that she understood.

"You're not willing to pay, are you?"

Gu Shiyi chuckled again, and the old Taoist nun thought for a while and said,

"That's all, come with me!"

So he took Gu Shiyi back to the city and reached his Taoist temple.

"I practice here, if you want to come, then come!"

After saying that, he ignored Gu Shiyi and went over to open the door. After thinking about it, he turned back to Gu Shiyi and said,

"My name is one side..."

After saying that, he sat cross-legged and meditated, and then ignored him. Gu Shiyi looked left and right, gritted his teeth and dragged the whole family over. The red fox grinned,

"You tell me, even if there are experts here, how can we live in such a shabby place?"

After saying that, he lovingly picked up his big tail with his front paws and carefully combed it with his sharp beak. Gu Shiyi said with a smile,

"You guys don't know how to settle accounts... I am staying in an inn outside and have spent more than ten taels of silver in the past few days. I hired two craftsmen to repair the house. It only costs ten taels of silver including materials, materials and labor. How long do we want to stay? How long does it take, what a deal!”

The red fox rolled his eyes,

"Board and board are included in the inn. There are three meals a day here, and you have to find food by yourself!"

Gu Shiyi smiled and patted his chest.

"What are you afraid of? I can eat anything, and I don't have any dietary restrictions. Your Majesty doesn't need to eat. As for you, eating live chicken is like..."

The red fox thought for a while and realized that this would save money, so he nodded reluctantly.

"All right!"

It took the craftsmen three days to repair the dilapidated house. Gu Shiyi also spent an extra tael of silver to have the craftsmen repaint the main hall outside, as well as the ancestor's mud body. I traced the edges with gold paint, and placed arm-thick tallow candles and fine sandalwood on the altar table. After finishing, this small side view looked somewhat impressive. When she did all this, the old Taoist nun seemed to turn a blind eye. She just sat cross-legged and closed her eyes in meditation without saying a word.

After that, Gu Shiyi set up a stove in the open space outside the temple. He prepared three meals a day by himself. After he was done, he asked the old Taoist nun to come over to eat. After the old Taoist nun came and sat down, he picked up a chopstick and frowned before putting it in his mouth. He frowned and looked at Gu Shiyi who was about to speak but hesitated. Gu Shiyi didn't know what he meant.

"Master Fang, why are you frowning?"

Taoist nun Fang glanced at Gu Shiyi and said,

"If you get married with this skill in the future, you will definitely be disliked by your husband's family. Practice more, otherwise it will be difficult to get married in the future!"

After a pause, he said again,

"Looking at your face, you should be quite young, and you are still of Yuan Yin body. It seems that you are not married yet, right?"

I X!

The master is amazing!

Do you need to speak so directly?

Gu Shiyi was annoyed when the painful spot was touched, and replied angrily,

"I see that the Taoist Priest is also a Yunying. It seems that his hosting skills are not much better than mine. I'm afraid he has been an old girl for longer than me!"

Taoist nun Fang nodded calmly and said,

"That's right, I've been a maid for nearly a hundred years!"


Gu Shiyi's jaw dropped at that moment. This old Taoist nun seemed to be quite old. Judging from her appearance, she was probably only fifty years old at most. Unexpectedly... she was actually... a hundred years old!

A hundred year old dog!

He paid off the bill so calmly!

Gu Shiyi expressed his resignation!

After thinking about it, I still lose more than others.

"Then you have been working alone longer than me and your skills are worse than mine. Why are you picking on me?"

Taoist nun Fang glanced at her and said,

"Because I never want to get married. It's not like you who miss men so much and hate getting married!"


Gu Shiyi felt like someone had stabbed him in front of his face and pierced his lungs. At that time, his face was flushed and he was so angry that he could not speak. However, this centenary-year-old single still added the knife, saying,

"I am from the human race, and cultivating the way of heaven can destroy human desires. You have the blood of a true spirit and a true dragon. The dragon nature is inherently lustful. You think men are destined to be men!"

I X!

Gu Shiyi was stabbed again and was so angry that he held his chest and gasped for air. The Taoist nun Fang said to her seriously,

"If you still have Yuanyin essence, you can never marry anyone in your life. If you don't cultivate demons and remain a virgin, you can live without a man. But you have lost your essence and cultivated demons again. This natural bloodline You can't suppress the thing you've been hit with, so you'd better find a man to marry as soon as possible!"

Gu Shiyi covered his chest and said nothing, cursing in his heart,

"You don't need to tell me, if I could find one, wouldn't I marry myself early?"

She went all the way from Baima Prefecture to Lanyue City, and then from Lanyue City to Huangjing City. Didn't she see a man she liked?

That Mr. Huang Liu is a man, but...he already has a group of wives and concubines at home, and there is no place for me to stand there!

Taoist nun Fang seemed to have read her thoughts, thought for a while and said,

"It's hard to find a man to marry you, so you can sleep with one first and absorb the man's yang to make up for your losses. If you don't make up for your losses as soon as possible, your demon power will greatly increase in the future, and the yin and yang will not be balanced, and it is very likely to go wrong. Those who have fallen into the devil’s path!”

Gu Shiyi held his bleeding chest and asked weakly,

"President Yifang, you...do you always speak so directly?"

Taoist nun Fang thought for a while, nodded and said,

"I have just entered the world, so please forgive me if my words are inappropriate!"

Huh! This sentence makes people feel comfortable!

Gu Shiyi immediately felt much better and asked hurriedly,

"You just entered the world not long ago. Where did you practice before?"

Taoist nun Fang glanced at her and said,

"Wanmiao Mountain!"

Wanmiao Mountain?

Gu Shiyi searched in his mind and found that he didn't know this place. Taoist nun Fang saw the confusion on her face and said again,

"That's a foreign land that even cultivators don't know about. Isn't it strange that a mortal like you doesn't know about it?"


Gu Shiyi no longer had the energy to be angry, so he asked again,

"Then why do you think of joining the world in Huangjing, the country of Yue?"

A Taoist nun responded,

"I was born here a hundred years ago. I have practiced cultivation in the mountains for a hundred years. I am about to enter the great realm. Master asked me to kill the inner demons, so I came back!"

"Oh oh oh..."

Gu Shi wasn't sure whether he understood, but he still pretended to understand and nodded repeatedly.

Anyway, it would be nice to know that this is an expert!

hey-hey! What luck! You can meet an expert even when you go out for breakfast!

Taoist nun Fang saw through her thoughts again and continued,

"I don't walk there on weekdays. That day I passed by that alley just because of a thought. Before, I was moved by chance. Now it seems that it must be the true spiritual blood in your body that made me feel something!"

Gu Shiyi was stunned when he heard this, and asked worriedly and curiously,

"You...you don't want to bleed me, do you?"

The question was like this, but she knew that this century-old bachelor would not be like this. If he wanted to take action early, why wait until now?

Taoist nun Fang shook her head,

"True dragon... Our sect also raises two. Although they are underage, the dragon's blood can still be obtained. I don't care about your things!"

Wow! What a big tone, a sect that can raise real dragons must be super powerful!

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