Gu Shiyi's eyes shined,

"Where is Wanmiao Mountain? Will it accept a disciple? Can you accept someone like me?"

Taoist nun Fang shook her head,

"You can't do it!"

"Why not?"

"Anyone who enters our door needs a baby under ten months old, are you?"

"I'm... uh... a three hundred and seventy-five-month-old baby, so it's okay to just make do with it!"

Taoist nun Fang was startled, raised the corners of her mouth in a rare move, and answered seriously,


Gu Shiyi was discouraged. Although the Taoist nun was cold-faced, she still had a good heart. She couldn't bear to see Gu Shiyi look disappointed, so she said,

"You should find a way to join the True Spirit Family. They have the techniques for practicing True Spirit. As long as you learn the correct techniques, with your qualifications, you will be able to make great strides!"

Gu Shiyi nodded after hearing this, finally feeling better...

However, is the True Spirit Family so easy to find?

Is it so easy to get into?

If I go there, will I be stripped of my skin and cramped by them, and the blood from all over my body will be taken and exchanged for their family members?

Gu Baobao feels bitter in his heart, but he can't say it yet!

So Gu Shiyi stayed in Fangguan, and sent a red fox to inquire about the Pu family at night. The fox went to see Miss Pu every night and came back to report.

"Everything is fine. Although Miss Pu is still unconscious, her complexion has improved a lot. She said she hired a doctor during the day and her body has improved a lot. She will wake up soon!"

"That's good! That's good!"

Gu Shiyi felt relieved, so she held the certificate with the Great Seal of Guan Fang and walked around the capital in Taoist robes. She did not go to the homes of wealthy people, but walked through the streets and alleys to find ordinary people, and took care of everything. Children have night terrors, old people have accumulated food, broken legs, or someone's mother-in-law is sleepwalking, etc. Medical treatment is always the same. If you can take care of it, you will take care of it.

After hearing what she did, a Taoist nun praised her,

"The most important thing for people to practice Taoism at that time was the inner demons. I have been cultivating in the mountains for hundreds of years, but I have never been able to overcome the inner demons. Only then did I enter the world to train my heart. Seeing how you act, you took this step first!"

Gu Shiyi laughed,

"Taoist Master, how can I dare to compare with you? You only broke through this last hurdle after cultivating to the realm, but I am wallowing in this world of mortals. I don't know when I will be able to land. You can reach the right path with just one step." , I am just taking this step to make money, one is transcendent and becomes a saint, and the other is entangled in worldly affairs, how can it be the same?"

Taoist nun Fang shook her head after hearing this and said meaningfully,

"How do you know that you are not passing the last hurdle when you enter the world of mortals? Everyone in this world can become a Buddha, and everyone can become a demon. You can also achieve positive results by cultivating your mind first and then cultivating the Tao..."

Gu Shiyi was stunned when he heard this, thought about it carefully, lowered his hands and bowed,

"Thank you, Taoist Priest, for your advice!"

The Taoist nun Fang smiled and did not finish her words, but closed her eyes and meditated again.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Shiyi had been in the capital for nearly half a month. On this day, she went out early as usual. Wearing her Taoist robes and shaking a bell in her hand, she walked onto the street. A wandering Taoist priest like her wanted to get rid of evil spirits in the world. , it all depends on your eyesight, so you don’t need to shout or hold up flags. You just walk on the streets of the capital with a pair of fleshy feet. When you see the person covered by the dark clouds, or there is something bad looming above the house, Then go up and ask, if the victim is willing, we can start to get rid of it. If the person is not willing, it means there is no fate and we will not force it.

Gu Shiyi ate three bowls of porridge and two large steamed buns on the street today. He walked around in high spirits for a long time, but he arrived in Beicheng and Huangjing City. The rich and noble families lived in Dongcheng, while the common people lived in Beicheng. , although the houses are not as magnificent as those in Dongcheng, they have a lot more fireworks.

At this time, many children were playing together on the street. Several naked children were lying on the ground playing with pebbles. Several little girls with double-claw buns were turning ropes by the ancient well. Gu Shi After an hour, I followed the old Taoist priest around. I had no experience playing with friends. Now it seems to be quite childlike, so I stopped and watched, sometimes looking at a few small marbles, sometimes watching a few girls turning ropes, and it was just right. When I was interested, I saw a group of children running out of the alley over there. Four or five children surrounded a very thin child. Some threw stones at him, and some pulled his hair and clothes from behind.

When the children who were playing at the entrance of the alley saw the group of children coming out, they put down their things and shouted,

"The second fool is here! The second fool is here!"

They all gathered around, laughing and shaving the child's face.

"You idiot, why did you come out? Didn't your mother not allow you to come out?"

The thin kid who was asked just giggled and didn't say anything. When others pulled his hair, he acted as if it didn't hurt and just giggled. The children started bullying him even more vigorously. Gu Shiyi frowned when he saw this. , after thinking about it, he pulled one of the older girls and asked,

"Whose family does he belong to? Why do you call him Er Sha?"

The girl looked at her and saw that she was wearing a Taoist robe. Knowing that it was You Fang, the Taoist priest was not afraid of her and just said,

"It's the Fan family at the end of the alley. There are two brothers in their family. The elder brother is the big fool, and he is the second fool!"

Gu Shiyi raised his eyebrows,

"Are both their brothers stupid?"

The girl nodded, and Gu Shiyi thought for a while and took out a few copper coins from his arms.

"He looks very pitiful. Don't bully him. I'll give you a few coins. You can use them to buy candies for everyone..."

The girl's eyes lit up when she heard this, she took the coin and said hello, and the group of children ran away with a whoop, leaving the silly child standing there blankly, looking at Gu Shiyi and smiling. , Gu Shiyi walked over and touched the top of his head, then narrowed his eyes.

"There seems to be something wrong with this kid!"

He rolled his eyes again and looked under his eyelids.

"'s really..."

Just as he was about to pull his palm to read the palm print, a woman ran out of the alley, came over, pulled the fool into her arms, and cursed with a fierce look on her face,

"What do you, a Taoist priest, want to do, kidnap a child?"

Gu Shiyi didn't care about her fierce look.

"Sister-in-law, I'm just a wandering Taoist priest. When I passed by here and saw your child, they all said he was stupid. In my opinion, he was probably not stupid since he was born, right?" The woman's face changed when she heard this. Once changed,

"Taoist priest... you... can you tell?"

Gu Shi nodded,

"Your child should have been a normal and lively child before he was three years old. After he turned three years old, he suddenly became stupid. But is that so?"

"Exactly, exactly!"

When the woman saw that what Gu Shiyi said was accurate, she let go of the child and came over to salute Gu Shiyi.

"The Taoist Master is an expert. You can tell. My child was fine when he was born. He could walk and talk when he was one year old. He could talk about everything when he was three years old. But after he was three years old, one day he suddenly... Becoming stupid..."


Gu Shi nodded,

"Is the same true for your eldest son?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Speaking of this, the woman shed tears.

"I don't know what kind of evil this little woman has done in her previous life. She gave birth to two sons in succession. Fortunately, the father didn't dislike the child. Otherwise... the three of us would have had no choice but to find a crooked-necked tree. He hanged himself!"

Gu Shiyi thought for a while and asked,

"Sister-in-law, can Xiaodao go to your home and have a look?"

The woman heard this and said hurriedly,

"Please, please!"

This car led Gu Shiyi into the alley. The house at the end was the woman's home. When Gu Shiyi entered, he saw a seven or eight-year-old child sitting in the yard, smiling stupidly like this. The woman said to Gu Shi,

"Look, this is my eldest son. Just now he opened the door to the yard and let the second child out!"

After saying that, she patted the dirt on her little son's body with great distress.

"These little bastards will try their best to bully our two children..."

As he spoke, tears fell again. Gu Shiyi went over to look at the eldest son, and then said to the woman,

"Sister-in-law, can I take a look at home..."

"Just take a look. I only have this little space in my house and there's nothing valuable. Just go and take a look!"

The woman waved her hands repeatedly and Gu Shi nodded. She first looked in the yard, then went to the hall and looked at the left and right rooms. She even didn't miss the kitchen, the toilet and the small patio at the back. After reading it, she knew something about it. Okay, so he said to the woman,

"The two children in your family are stupid, not because of illness, but because of evil spirits in the family..."

The woman was shocked when she heard this.

"Evil spirit...what kind of evil spirit, why would it harm my child?"

Gu Shiyi thought for a while and said,

"I can't tell you what the evil spirit is. I don't know why it harmed you poor people. But the evil spirit has taken possession of two souls and four souls of your two children. If you give birth to another child, it can take another soul and two souls. At that time, it can possess people and come out to cause harm to them!"

Upon hearing this, the woman's face turned pale, and she subconsciously reached out to cover her belly. When Gu Shiyi saw this, he knew that she must have had another child, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly,

"It's true that this couple gave birth to two idiots in a row, and they didn't even think about finding the reason, so they got pregnant with a third one. Are they planning to give birth to a litter of idiots?"

Fortunately, they were also lucky enough to meet themselves, otherwise... this place would really become a fool's den!

The woman was so frightened that she pulled Gu Shiyi's clothes and said,

"Taoist Priest, Taoist Priest, you have to help our family. We can't let another fool come here. If he does it again...his father is really going to abandon me!"

Gu Shiyi sighed,

"If this evil spirit is not eliminated, he will divorce you and marry ten or eight more, and all the children born will be stupid..."

The woman heard this and said hurriedly,

"Please ask the Taoist Priest to save our children!"

Gu Shiyi thought for a while and said,

"Go and prepare two knives of yellow paper, a live chicken, a tael of cinnabar and a piece of riding cloth for women, preferably for girls who have not left the palace..."


The woman responded continuously and wrote them down one by one. Gu Shi said,

"You prepare these things. I will be here tonight to exorcise evil spirits. Your husband will also need help by then..."

"Okay, okay... the child's father is working in a shop outside. He must be at home at night..."


Gu Shi nodded and walked away...

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