She didn't care, but she still followed her best friend's wishes and reported it to Elder He, then took Gu Shiyi, Fox, and the King into the depths of the Guiling Mountains.

Deep in the Guiling Mountains, outside the regular activities of the Tianyimen people, there live many wild beasts. Because these beasts have been nourished by spiritual energy all year round, they have many opportunities to develop spiritual wisdom, and gradually learned to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. As time goes by, they become masters and become monsters. Many disciples of Tianyimen also hunt monsters and monsters in the mountains. First, they can improve their actual combat skills. Secondly, they sell various materials in exchange for spiritual stones. You must know that although Tianyimen is Although the sect is a large sect, the amount of spiritual stones distributed every month is not enough for the inner sect disciples, let alone the outer sect disciples, who want to buy additional training materials.

Therefore, going into the mountains to hunt monsters is a compulsory course for disciples of the Tianyi Sect. There is no need for the masters to urge them. Many disciples who don’t like to meditate like to go to the Guiling Mountains. Some of them go alone if they are strong enough, and some of them are not strong enough. They would go together in groups, ranging from three to five people to as many as ten or twenty people. Pu Yanlan, of course, chose to go alone in order not to expose Gu Shiyi's identity.

They chose the south of the Guiling Mountains, which is rarely visited by Tianyimen disciples. Before leaving, Pu Yanlan went to ask the senior brother for the latest map of the Guiling Mountains. Gu Shiyi was holding the map to discuss with his good sisters,

"There are several places in the south that have been marked as restricted areas. Monks in the foundation-building stage are not allowed to enter, so let's not go in either..."

Pu Yanlan nodded,

"Okay, we just won't go in..."

A place that can only be entered by monks in the foundation-building stage. Naturally, she would not die rashly. Shiyi said that it is the same for cultivation and wandering around the world. The first priority is to save life. Only by saving life can we talk about the future. If life is gone, nothing will happen. there is none left.

Gu Shiyi pointed to one of the places and said to Pu Yanlan,

"This place is good. It says there is a Thousand-Eyed Centipede nest there, and there are thousands of Thousand-Eyed Centipedes living in it. The legs of the Thousand-Eyed Centipede that are ten years old can be used as medicine, and can also be used to make poison..."

Pu Yanlan nodded,

"I did use the Thousand-Eyed Centipede when I was making elixirs..."

The two decided to go to the nameless valley. The nameless valley was two hundred miles away from the Tianmen Gate. With Pu Yanlan's current ability, it would take half a day to fly in the light. By the time they arrived at the nameless valley, the sky had already darkened. .

They were not in a hurry, so they found a place at the entrance of the valley, lit a bonfire, and planned to spend the night here. As soon as they landed, Gu Shiyi drove the two foxes out.

"Go to the woods to find something to eat, and don't worry, just show your affection in front of me!"

These two foxes are very sticky every day. They are either licking each other's fur, chasing each other, or huddled together to bask in the sun. Their leisurely and complacent energy can be seen by Pu Yanlan, not to mention Gu Shiyi. De was also jealous, both foxes were afraid of Gu Shiyi. She gave an order, and two red figures quickly ran into the forest.

"Wait for me, I'll go too!"

The king also turned into a green light and ran in after them. Gu Shiyi and Pu Yanlan sat by the campfire. One looked at the map and the other cut branches with the hatchet on his back, waiting for the foxes to bring their prey. Come back and roast it on the fire.

Neither of them spoke, only crackling and popping sounds came from the fire from time to time. When I first heard it late at night in the mountains, it was completely silent. But when I listened carefully, I felt that there were faint and strange noises in front of and behind me. If this was the case before, The two of them must be very alert to their surroundings and jump to their feet at the first sign of trouble. But now they are cultivators, and their five senses are improved many times compared to ordinary people. Pu Yanlan can hear the sound of crawling insects and snakes two miles away, but Gu Shiyi is even more powerful. Her current true spirit bloodline Once aroused, the annoying blood-sucking mosquitoes would stay three feet away from her.

Therefore, if there is any danger, everyone can know it from two miles away. There is no need to be like before.

The two didn't wait long before the two foxes came back with a hare in their mouths. Gu Shiyi took the hare and weighed it in his hands, saying with satisfaction,

"Yes, quite fat. Wait for one of you and one for us!"

The two foxes sat down and started licking each other's fur again. Gu Shiyi rolled his eyes and didn't want to look at them, and looked around.

"Where is the king?"

The red fox shook his head,

"It went into the woods with us, but disappeared after a while!"

Gu Shiyi was not very worried. Plant elves were born to be close to the earth. As long as they entered the mountains, they could not be caught by anyone. She skinned the rabbit with a hatchet, removed the internal organs, and tied it up with branches. On the fire, the king will come back after doing this.

"Gu Shiyi, Gu Shiyi..."

The king flew back to the fire,

"Gu Shiyi, I found the Thousand-Eyed Centipede's nest..."


Gu Shiyi became more energetic after hearing this.

"Where are they? How many are there?"

The king pointed in the direction of the forest,

"About three miles ahead, there is a large tomb mound. I don't know how many years ago. It has long been empty. Those Thousand-Eyed Centipedes live in it..."

Living in a tomb? Gu Shiyi turned around and glanced at Pu Yanlan.

"Didn't the map say they live in this valley?"

Is the map wrong?

Pu Yanlan lowered her head and looked at the contents in the jade slip.

"I asked Senior Brother for this jade slip when I left. Senior Brother said that someone from the Gate had been here three months ago. The information in it is all new, so there should be nothing wrong!"

Unless there is a major change in the lair of this kind of social monster, they will not move. Although it is at the mouth of the small valley, it is almost two miles away from the Thousand-Eyed Centipede's lair marked on the map. They will Moving so far away, could it be that something has changed in the valley?

Pu Yanlan asked,

"Did you see clearly?"

The king twisted his body,

"Of course I can see it clearly. I hid under the tomb and looked at it for a long time. There were densely packed Thousand-Eyed Centipedes... I can't be wrong..."

Thousand-eyed centipedes are different from ordinary centipedes. They have eyes on countless legs on both sides of their long bodies. They are born with only about ten pairs of legs. Every other year, their bodies grow longer and one pair of legs is added. So far, The largest Thousand-Eyed Centipede discovered by cultivators is nearly a thousand years old and has thousands of pairs of legs, so it is called the Thousand-Eyed Centipede. Of course, in theory, if it can grow to ten thousand years, it will be a Thousand-Eyed Centipede. However, it has not been found alive. That’s all!

Gu Shiyi and Pu Yanlan looked at each other, feeling a little strange. To be cautious, they decided to spend the night and take a look at the tomb.

When it was bright early the next day, the two of them were led by the king to the tomb mound three miles away. The Thousand-Eyed Centipede was a nocturnal thing and was very active at night, but during the day it curled up motionless in the sun. Rest somewhere out of reach of the sun.

So if they wanted to catch the Thousand-Eyed Centipede, they had to go out in the daytime. When they arrived at the big tomb, they saw a huge lump of earth raised high up. The tombstone in front of the tomb had been damaged, and the words on it had been damaged by wind and rain. It was blurry and unrecognizable, and the stone slabs that covered the tomb had tilted and collapsed due to age, revealing a bottomless hole inside.

The two of them looked at the tombstone for a long time, but they couldn't tell who erected it when, nor did they know who the original owner of the tomb was. Gu Shixiu said to the great king,

"Go and take a look, what's going on inside?"

The king promised a transformation and a green light penetrated into the ground. After a while, it came out of the hole and said,

"They're all in there!"

Gu Shi nodded and said to Pu Yanlan,

"Sisters, do you want to catch them all in one fell swoop, or do you want to pick a few bigger ones to use in medicine?"

Pu Yanlan thought for a while and said,

"It's useless to have too many, just pick a few big ones!"

"Easy to handle!"

Gu Shiyi agreed, took out the hatchet on his back, turned around and entered the forest. After a while, he chopped down a large tree branch. He raised the knife and quickly cut off all the small branches, and then stuffed it into the hole. , and then with two fingers together, the leaves and branches at the entrance of the cave burst into flames.

When the fresh leaves were burned by the fire, thick smoke immediately came out. Gu Shiyi puffed up his cheeks and blew,


A demonic wind blew by, and the thick smoke poured into the hollow tomb. Not long after, I suddenly felt a slight vibration under my feet, and then a sound like a heavy rain came from the tomb. Came from the hills,


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the soil suddenly flew up from the other end of the tomb, stones jumped around, and thick smoke came out. Then I saw countless centipedes pouring out of the hole like a tide.


Gu Shiyi was overjoyed when he saw this. He stood there without moving, but just released his demonic power. The centipede tide surged out in all directions. When it came to Gu Shiyi's face, it was like the river meeting a huge boulder. , suddenly moved to both sides, but bypassed Gu Shiyi and crawled behind her. Pu Yanlan didn't have Gu Shiyi's ability. She didn't want to fall into the tide of centipedes, so she simply took up the Escape Light and flew up. , in mid-air, I saw the torrent of centipedes spreading towards the woods. Everything I could see was sparsely crawling centipedes. They were overwhelming, and I couldn't help but change color on my face.

"Didn't you say there were ten thousand?"

There are more than 100,000 here, right?

How did the Tianyi Sect disciple in front of him spread the news? Why was it so different?

Gu Shiyi didn't have time to care about how many centipedes there were, because the big ones came out...

After the first group of small centipedes crawled out, more than a thousand centipedes with red heads and black bodies followed them. The longest centipedes in the front were no more than the length of a human hand, but these red-headed centipedes were already feet long, with bodies It is long and has many legs. Each foot has clearly visible silver dots, which are like human pupils. When it moves, its slender body twists and turns, and countless feet are undulating on both sides of the body. His eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and when reflected in people's eyes, the shining silver light actually stung slightly!

Gu Shiyi grinned,

"There's something interesting about these centipedes!"

He raised the hatchet in his hand, picked the longest and largest one and chopped it...

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