
With a sound, Gu Shiyi raised the hatchet in his hand high and struck the longest red-headed, black-bodied Thousand-Eyed Centipede. He cut it into two pieces and black liquid sprayed out. , several spurts sprayed towards Gu Shiyi, but Gu Shiyi dodged away.

"Zi la..."

The body fluids of the Thousand-Eyed Centipede splashed onto the nearby stone slabs, and countless small pits were immediately heated up. Gu Shiyi smashed his tongue,

"What a powerful venom!"

Pu Yanlan saw her from above and reminded her loudly,

"Eleven, be careful. They are highly poisonous. I want to use them as medicine. It's best to capture them alive!"

"Catch alive!"

Gu Shiyi thought for a while,

"This is easy to handle!"

She took out the broken Huantian Pouch. This thing was originally a magic weapon, but after a big hole was broken, it couldn't be used. However, the properties of the refined material were still there, and it could still be waterproof and anti-virus. When they arrived, Gu Shi took it out, spotted the fattest one, and covered it. The red-headed centipede with a thousand eyes sizzled twice and spit out two mouthfuls of venom. no damage.

Gu Shiyi quickly closed and tied the pocket, picked it up again, and threw it towards Pu Yanlan.

"for you!"

Pu Yanlan reached out and took it, took out a small porcelain bottle, tore open the mouth of the bottle, opened the pocket, and took advantage of the opportunity when the red-headed centipede with thousands of eyes wanted to run away, and activated the magic spell, and a red light emitted from the bottle mouth. The thousand-eyed centipede was put into the bottle.

She threw the Huantian Bag back to Gu Shiyi. Gu Shiyi took the Huantian Bag back and asked,

"How many do you want to charge?"

Pu Yanlan thought for a while and said,

"I just saw it. This is a century-old Thousand-Eyed Centipede. You can also sell some spiritual stones in a small town. Of course, the more you collect, the better. But they don't have to be all alive. Just pick a few big ones. It’s alive, I’ll take care of the rest!”

Gu Shi nodded,

"it is good!"

After saying that, she picked the big one to capture alive, but Pu Yanlan in mid-air offered a small silver sword. After her previous jade sword was broken, she went to beg for another one from the head master. , Liu Wenwen learned that she was fighting monsters in the mountains, and he did not blame her for losing her little sword. Instead, he gave one of his own little swords to Pu Yanlan,

"This little sword was given to me by your master when I entered the school. Of course, I have no use for it now. You can take it!"

The small silver sword is also engraved with the Chinese character "天一" in seal script. The style is simple and it is said to have been passed down by the master from the previous generation. Although this small silver sword is not a high-level magic weapon, it is of great significance and is important. It's not that he doesn't have weapons that he can handle, but Pu Yanlan really doesn't want to use them.

"Kill more monsters this time, and in exchange for spirit stones, I'll pick out a magic weapon that's good for my hands!"

She is different from Gu Shiyi, who is physically strong and can kill enemies with just an ordinary hatchet, but she has to use a magical weapon to do so!

Pu Yanlan clasped her fingers together and struck a spell on the small silver sword.

"go with!"

The small silver sword was like a swimming fish, piercing through the group of Thousand-Eyed Centipedes. The red-headed and black-bodied Thousand-Eyed Centipede was very conspicuous. When the silver sword came out, it mixed with the silver light on the centipede's feet. With Pu Yanlan's eyesight, she couldn't see clearly for a while.

But it doesn't matter, she just needs to firmly sense the mark she left on the silver sword, control it to quickly travel through the group of centipedes, and rely on the sharpness of the silver sword to constantly harvest the lives of these thousand-eyed centipedes, using In less than one meal, except for the dozen or so red-headed centipedes with thousand eyes that Gu Shiyi captured alive, the rest of the red-headed centipedes were either beheaded or cut into two by the waist. The two-part centipede bodies were still on the ground. It stopped rolling and twisting, and another venom spurted out, making a sizzling sound of corrosion when it was sprinkled on the land. White smoke was also rising in many places. It could be seen everywhere in the woods near the tombs. The white smoke and the writhing centipede corpse. If you have trypophobia, you will be so frightened that you will let out a sharp roar!

By the time they finished killing the red-headed centipede, the other ordinary centipedes had almost run away. Gu Shiyi raised his head with the Magic Sky Bag and asked Pu Yanlan,

"This is the last one. Do you have enough?"

Pu Yanlan nodded and was about to speak when her expression suddenly changed.

"Eleven, be careful behind you!"

Gu Shiyi had more experience in the world than she did. When her face changed color, she immediately turned her head warily and saw a head suddenly sticking out of the big hole in the tomb.


There was a strange friction sound, and a huge translucent centipede head poked out.


Gu Shiyi hissed,

"I didn't expect there was a bigger one inside!"

Is this probably hundreds or thousands of years old?

The head was like a basket, with a pair of large jaws and two pairs of small jaws. It kept dancing the two long tentacles on its head towards Gu Shiyi, and the sharp pair of large jaws rubbed against each other, making a sound. There was a crunching sound, and a faint blue light flashed across the big jaw. It was obvious at a glance that it was extremely poisonous. The man rushed out menacingly and rushed towards Gu Shiyi.

Gu Shiyi was not afraid when he saw this. He threw up the bag in his hand and gave it to Pu Yanlan. He took out the hatchet on his back and asked,

"Yan'er, how many years have you been watching this big guy?"

Pu Yanlan looked down at half of the huge centipede in mid-air. The Thousand-Eyed Centipede will turn red after a hundred years, become transparent after a thousand years, and its entire body will become transparent after a thousand years, leaving only The thousand eyes on the thousand feet emit silver light. Only the head of this one has become transparent. It must not be a thousand years old. "It's not a thousand years, it's six or seven hundred years old!"

Gu Shiyi became even more excited after hearing this.

"How many spiritual stones can be sold?"

"Why do I have to pay for the Ten Thousand Spiritual Stones... Of course... I have to live!"

Gu Shiyi was overjoyed when he heard this and burst into laughter.


With a sound, the hatchet in his hand struck the centipede's jaws, and sparks suddenly flew out. The giant centipede's jaws were as strong as gold and stone. Gu Shiyi took two steps back, and the giant centipede died. Pu Yanlan shook her head and asked worriedly,

"Eleven, how are you...I'm here to help you..."

Gu Shiyi said hurriedly,

"Don't worry, let me fight with it..."

She is now strong and powerful. She is bored at Tianyimen and wants to go out and stretch her muscles. She cannot give up this opportunity!

Then Gu Shiyi took another step forward and slashed at the centipede's two long, dancing tentacles.


The flexible tentacles swayed to avoid Gu Shiyi's knife, but Gu Shiyi seemed to be unable to hold back. He stumbled and pounced on the giant centipede's squirming mouth, which was opening and closing.


The giant centipede was overjoyed when he saw this. It rubbed its sharp jaws happily and opened it wide, waiting for the prey to come to the door automatically. But at this moment, Gu Shiyi waved his hand and threw the Demon-Conquering Pestle out. With a ray of black light, it flew into the body of the giant centipede. Gu Shiyi rolled on the spot, his hatchet raised,


With a sound, the pair of small jaws below collided with each other. Before the big jaws fell, Gu Shiyi rolled to the side. When he jumped up again, he burst out laughing.

"Come again..."

He pounced on it again. The giant centipede was huge, with half of its body outside the cave and half of its body inside the cave. Due to the limitation of the terrain, the attack method was single. They could only wait for Gu Shiyi to pounce up and use three pairs of large and small jaws. There was also a front foot fight with Gu Shiyi, but Gu Shiyi's steps were nimble and his strength was endless. The giant centipede had been fighting for an hour, and then the giant centipede seemed to be a little tired, and its movements slowed down. Gu Shi Seizing the opportunity, he chopped off one of its front legs, and jet-black liquid sprayed onto the ground, turning even the rocks into a puddle of black water.

Gu Shiyi secretly thought that it was amazing. After seeing the giant centipede being injured, he was so angry that he squeezed out a little more, as if his whole body was about to spring out. Suddenly, his body twitched, and the outer half of the body began to twist on its own. It seems to be in great pain!

When Gu Shiyi saw it, he knew that something was going on, so he shouted,

"Monk, don't kill it, we still want to sell it at a good price!"


The monk's voice came from the centipede's body,

"This thousand-eyed centipede must have laid eggs not long ago. Now it refuses to come out of its hole because it is guarding its eggs!"

Gu Shiyi was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Still have eggs? I've made a profit this time!"

Monsters are easy to come by, but monster eggs are hard to come by. Many female beasts will find a very secluded place to hide when laying eggs or giving birth. Not only human monks, but also their spouses and partners must be careful. Yes, so looking for monster eggs really requires the right time, right place, right people, and both are indispensable!

Newly born monster eggs are the best. When their spiritual consciousness is not yet developed, drop blood to make them recognize their master. After hatching, they will not hurt their master. With a little training, they can be put to great use, such as fighting. , guarding gates, guarding caves, medicine gardens, etc. This kind of monster is loyal and protective, and has a long lifespan. It is really a must-have heirloom for generations to come when traveling at home!

Moreover, this centipede is an insect, not a mammal. A small centipede can look for food on its own as soon as it is born, making it much easier to raise. Therefore, in terms of market price, insect monster eggs are actually better than those that take thousands of years to raise. Exotic animals and rare birds are more valuable.

After all, we are not a sect, and we simply cannot afford the daily consumption of those exotic animals and rare birds. Raising insects is the most cost-effective, and exotic animals and rare birds are priceless and marketable, but insects and snakes are both priceless and marketable, and they are much easier to sell!

This is like a panda and a cat. You can buy a cat in a pet store, but buy a panda and give it a try. If you have money, you can't find a place to buy it. If you buy it, you can't afford it. It's the same truth!

When Gu Shiyi heard that the giant centipede had laid eggs, he immediately understood.

"No wonder it hasn't sprayed me with venom. It turns out it has laid eggs!"

Thousand-eyed centipedes have a period of weakness after laying eggs, because when they lay eggs, they spit out the venom in their bodies and smear them on the eggs to protect their offspring from nearby monsters. The venom in this giant centipede should All the energy was spent on his own eggs, so he can no longer spray venom to hurt others!

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