Please bring your best friends to practice immortality

Chapter 301 Different national conditions

Chapter 301 Different national conditions
In the meantime, Monk Shijie saw that Gu Shiyi was almost recovered, so he volunteered to go to the front to investigate.

"Be careful!"

Gu Shiyi warned him and watched as the Shijie monk turned into a black light and disappeared!
After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Monk Shijie came back with a strange look on his face.
"There is a defensive formation in the city ahead, and the poor monk cannot get close to it. However... the poor monk observes the people coming and going, and it seems that this is no longer our continent!"


Gu Shiyi's eyes widened.

"Monk, do you see clearly?"

The Ten Commandments monk gave a wry smile,
"The poor monk did not expect that we would actually arrive here, but the poor monk took a closer look and found that the clothes of the people here are very different from those over there. Although the tones of their voices are similar to ours, many of the tones are from ancient times. Sound, you can still distinguish it after listening to a few more words..."

Gu Shiyi was also confused when he heard this. He stayed for a long time before saying,

"It's okay if it's not our continent. We're just afraid of traveling to another space. If that's the case, we'll never want to go back for the rest of our lives!"

Speaking of which, apart from each other and these few friends, she and Yan'er had no family or job in that continent, so they weren't reluctant to part with them!
But after all, after living there for hundreds of years, it would still be unacceptable to be transported to another time and space inexplicably and never be able to go back!
Monk Shijie saw Gu Shiyi's thoughts and comforted her, saying,
"It doesn't matter. Let's settle down here first. It won't be too late to think of a solution after we find out everything!"

Gu Shi nodded,

"That's right!"

You’ve come here, but you can’t leave for a while, what else can you do?
So they waited for another half an hour before Pu Yanlan and Red Fox woke up slowly. After a bout of vomiting in the dark, the two regained consciousness. When they heard that they had left the original continent, Pu Yan Lan was also in a daze for a while, but she was originally a soul from another world and adapted quickly to this situation. She then said,
"It doesn't matter, let's go to a place with people and ask around first!"

So a group of people quietly approached the small city at night. The city gate was closed at this time. The people who came late did not enter the city before the city gate closed, so they set fire to the wilderness outside the city. I planned to rest here for a night at the bonfire. The number of people was not large, but there were still twenty or thirty people in twos and threes.

Gu Shiyi and Pu Yanlan didn't get close either. They hid in the woods far away and eavesdropped on those people's conversations.

Sure enough, as the monk said, although the language of the people here is similar to that of their place, many of the tones are the lost tones of that continent. The language of their continent can be divided into four tones in one word, but here it is divided into four tones. After listening to six tunes for a long time, Pu Yanlan suddenly got a whim and asked,
"Eleven, tell me...will we reach the other side of the sea?"

Gu Shiyi blinked when he heard this.

"No way?"

"I don't know either, but it's just a guess. Didn't Master say that? The other side of the sea has inherited the ancient inheritance. Maybe the words are also inherited from the ancient times..."

Gu Shiyi frowned and said,

"It's possible!"

That night, they had been carefully observing the people sleeping outside the city. After the third watch, the red fox quietly ran over and stole the clothes of two women. The clothes they prepared in their storage bags were very different from those here. It’s the same, if you wear it out, people will notice it!
Gu Shiyi pulled off these clothes and looked at them for a long time.

"There are three floors outside of here. Why are you wearing so many clothes?"

In the original continent, people were dressed for working in the fields, so the clothes were very simple. Although there were also wide robes with big sleeves, they were all worn by cultivators. The clothes of ordinary people were mainly for comfort and convenience. The people here seem to have inherited the ancient customs. Their clothes are complicated, especially women's clothes, which wrap their bodies tightly and have long skirts that reach to their feet!

Gu Shiyi muttered,

"I'm going to meet a pervert if I wear this, and I can't even move my legs..." Or maybe I tripped as soon as I moved my legs, which is just convenient for others to do!
She muttered and put on her clothes, then asked the red fox to go again.
"I see there seem to be a few scholars on their way over there. Go and steal some books and come over and have a look. Maybe they tell where this place is!"

The red fox followed the instructions and came over with a book in his mouth. Pu Yanlan opened it and saw that it was a travel diary. Fortunately, the text here was similar to theirs, and the two of them seemed to have no difficulty.
"It turns out that this place is called Hanchen Continent. There are twelve continents and more than 200 countries..."

The two of them read the travel notes in one night and finally got some understanding of this place!
Pu Yanlan really guessed right. This is really the other side of the sea. The book also introduces the other side of the sea at the end. It is said that there is a lost continent over there. In ancient times, the immortals used their supreme immortal power to A huge meteorite was pulled from the universe, placed in the continent, and opened up into a huge secret realm. Later, after the Great War, the Fantasy Sea appeared, cutting off the connection between the two sides. This separation is One hundred thousand years!
After the two of them finished reading, Gu Shiyi breathed a sigh of relief and said,
"Fortunately, I didn't travel to another time and space. I can still go back if I think of a way in the future!"

Pu Yanlan nodded and murmured,
“I don’t know what Tianyimen is like now!”

Most likely it won’t get better!
Gu Shiyi comforted her and said,

"Don't worry, Tianyi Sect can stand for a thousand years and there is always a way to save your life. Your two masters are not just freeloaders!"

This kind of comfort is very feeble, but at this time, this is all I can say!

Pu Yanlan knew it in her heart, but it would probably take more than a day or two to repair the entrance to the secret realm. Besides, the entrance had been cracked. Going out from there was still not the original place, and no one dared to pack it up. Tickets, I can’t go back now, I have to find a place to stay on this continent first!

After dawn, the people in front of the city gate packed up their things and lined up to enter the city. The two of them watched from a distance and saw that every citizen who entered the city gate not only had to pay the city's taxes and fees, but also had to show a certificate. Once the document is created, the gatekeeper will stamp it with a jade seal. If the document glows green, it can be passed, and if it glows red, it will be immediately taken to the police station by officers and soldiers holding weapons. He was questioned on the side!

Gu Shiyi frowned,
"Is the interrogation here so strict?"

Pu Yanlan was also a little strange.
"Really, then how do we get in?"

The two discussed it and sent out the red fox. The red fox transformed into a big yellow and mixed with the crowd with its tail between its legs. Some people who saw it just thought it was someone's dog and followed its owner. The officers and soldiers guarding the city also I didn't pay attention and let it enter the city!

The red fox entered the city and took a long time to come back. When he saw the two of them, he said,
"Let's find out clearly..."

It turns out that this continent is really different from the one they stayed in before. The national conditions alone are completely different. In the previous continent, the cultivators had an agreement and would not easily appear in the secular world to interfere with the national destiny. In order to maintain the stability of the mortal world, a special Qingling Guard was set up to prevent cultivators from disturbing the lives of mortals!

But that’s not the case here. There are twelve continents and more than 200 countries on this continent. The entire social structure is distributed in a pyramid. Naturally, those at the top are cultivators, and cultivators are divided according to their sects. Each has its own order, and then there are the secular emperors. Below the emperor are the nobles, then below are the officials, civil and military officials, etc., then the landlords, and at the bottom are the ordinary people.

With such a layered social structure, the most pitiful people are the ordinary people at the bottom. They are burdened with several mountains and are exploited layer by layer. Their lives are very difficult. Moreover, ordinary people often cannot leave their homes hundreds of miles away. They are all bound to the land and work day and night. Those who can move around outside are nobles with cars and horses, businessmen who can make a little money, or students who have passed the examination.

Therefore, the women's clothing stolen by the red fox is the kind that has three inner and outer layers and is wrapped tightly, because most of the women who can follow the men out are women who have some foundation at home and do not have to work hard!
And because the cultivators here interfere unscrupulously in worldly affairs, more than two hundred countries are actually divided up by the major forces of the cultivators. The people at the top are fighting fiercely, and the countries below are also divided every five years. Big fights, small fights every three years, and constant wars with minor frictions every month!

Therefore, in order to prevent spies from sneaking into each city, the inspections in and out are particularly strict!
After Gu Shiyi and Pu Yanlan heard the news from the fox, they looked at each other and said,

"No wonder they want to invade our continent so much. It turns out that our place is really a paradise in comparison!"

The people here are really pitiful!
The red fox pointed to the two documents at his feet and said,
"This is the document I stole back for you. This kind of document is made of special letter paper, which is a bit like a magic weapon. People entering and leaving the city can only hold documents issued by the government of their country and have them stamped by the clerk in front of the city gate. Only after sealing can one enter or leave the city gate..."

This is a simple way to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy when the current situation is chaotic!
The two looked at each other, picked up the document and looked at it. They saw that the material used in the document was neither paper nor cloth. It felt rough, hard and had dark lines.

Pu Yanlan is an alchemist and naturally has a deeper research on various raw materials than Gu Shiyi. After reading it, she said,

"This is made by mixing more than a hundred kinds of herbs with ore powder and soaking it in a special potion. The big seal in the hands of the little official should also be made of complementary materials. The two are the same. The combination will produce a reaction. If foreign spies don't know the ingredients inside and copy it, their true form will be revealed when encountering the big seal..."

That's why the document in front of the city gate glowed red!

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