Chapter 464 Everything goes well

As Pu Yanlan was talking, she took out a bottle of pills and swallowed one. Gu Shiyi then realized what was happening.
"Are you poisoned?"

Pu Yanlan nodded,
"I was poisoned from the very beginning when I rode with her. This big insect is not only a tool for riding, but also carries poison..."

Upon hearing this, Gu Shiyi reached out for the pill.
"I'm not poisoned, am I? Give me one!"

Pu Yanlan looked at her with that half-smile expression again.
"Don't worry. The poison in this insect is a little bit of poison in its own body. With your physique, it's no problem. She won't poison you... She wants to poison me to death without knowing it, just for you..."


Gu Shiyi's eyes widened, and he immediately understood what was going on. His expression was somewhat ridiculous.

"This sister is really something. If you like me, just tell me directly. It's not like I won't consider you, sister. Why poison me!"

Pu Yanlan said,

"This woman has a rather extreme personality. She took a fancy to you and thought I was an eyesore, so she simply poisoned me to death. She didn't want me to die in a strange way, so she used at least three kinds of poison..."

After saying that, he stood up, turned his wrist, and held a pill between his two fingers. With a flick of his wrist, the pill fell on the back of a big insect beside him. A puff of pink smoke rose up.

"Look... as soon as I took the detoxifying pill, it immediately showed up..."

Then he pointed to the kettle and the place where he had just sat.

"She drugged me three times, and I was poisoned without knowing it. The same drug was injected into all three places. The smell of it should have made me faint and lose my mind..."

Pu Yanlan pointed to the steep cliff in the distance.

"When we climb up this cliff, I faint and fall off the beast. I fall to the bottom and become a bloody mess. Even if you have doubts, you won't be able to perform an autopsy!"

"Tsk tsk..."

Gu Shiyi shook his head repeatedly.

"This woman has a very vicious heart!"

Pu Yanlan rolled her eyes at her.
"Who caused this unforeseen disaster?"

Gu Shiyi immediately raised his hands high.

"It's unfair! It's none of my business. I have seen her in the house a few times, but we only spoke today. Who knew that this lady was so hungry that she even ate a few bites of the dry food that belonged to the owner!"

Pu Yanlan sighed,
"Okay, stop making trouble and think about how to deal with these two!"

Then he pointed at Zhuangpu.
"This cousin is not innocent either. He clearly saw what she was doing, but he didn't say a word!"

Gu Shiyi snorted.
"I thought he was quite honest and a straight-forward man, but I didn't expect he was such a person!"

So I asked Pu Yanlan,

"How should we deal with these two people? Otherwise..."

She made a throat-cutting gesture towards Pu Yanlan, who rolled her eyes at her and said,

"We still have some use for these two people, let's find a place to hide them first..."

After that, he stepped forward and fed the two of them two more pills. Such pills can make people sleep for three full days. Gu Shiyi used a hatchet to dig out a small cave in the mountain, threw the two of them in, and sealed the cave entrance with a huge rock.
"That's it!"

Pu Yanlan nodded, and together with Gu Shiyi, they concealed their auras and flew to the unicorn village. They flew around the top of the mountain, and someone in the village spotted them and hurried over to ask,
"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The man who was asking the question had a wary look on his face. Gu Shiyi bowed to him and said,

"I wonder if there is a fellow Taoist Xiong in your village?"

Before the man could say anything, Xiong Ba flew out from the village below and hurriedly replied,
"Friend Gu...Friend Gu...Xiong is here, here!"

He hurried over and saw Gu Shiyi's face was full of smiles.

"Friend're here!"

Gu Shiyi felt a little strange and thought to himself,

"This guy surnamed Xiong was calling me Eleventh Sister last night, and he was so affectionate with me. Why is he being so polite today?"

Not only was he polite, he was even a little respectful. Gu Shiyi was puzzled, but he didn't show it on his face. He smiled and said,

"I left in a hurry last night because of something urgent, but I heard that the things I wanted appeared in the exchange. I don't know who got those things. Didn't I hear that Brother Xiong has some contacts here, so I came here specially to ask Brother Xiong for help to find out something!"

"Oh... about this... no problem... no problem... please come into the village and talk..."

Xiong Ba led the two of them back to a bamboo building on the east side of the village. On the bamboo building, an old man with gray beard was already sitting. The old man was tall and strong, wearing a native short shirt and a small coat. His muscles were knotted. If it weren't for the wrinkles around his eyes, his figure would be the same as that of the young man. Xiong Ba led Gu Shiyi in and greeted the old man.
"This is Fellow Daoist Jin Pan!"

Gu Shiyi greeted Jin Pan. Jin Pan's cultivation had reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage. After looking Gu Shiyi up and down, he smiled and nodded.
"The blood of the holy beast in Fellow Daoist Gu is extremely strong. I guess he should be a close descendant of the holy beast?"

Gu Shiyi thought,

“The cultivators here seem to have a special method of identification. This golden pan can tell my identity at a glance. But none of the old and young in the Juque clan can tell that I have the blood of a true dragon!” This means that everyone has the same opinion that the true dragons in this world have disappeared many years ago. Otherwise, this golden pan would most likely be able to confirm at a glance that Gu Shiyi is a true dragon!
The three of them sat down to talk, but Pu Yanlan, the human servant in her costume, could only stand outside.
"I wonder what the eleventh sister wants to see me for?"

Xiong Ba asked straight to the point. He didn't drag his feet at all. Gu Shiyi also said directly,
"I need to find the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Bamboo Liquid and the Jadeite Flower. I heard that someone was selling these two natural treasures at the trade fair. I left in a hurry last night and didn't have time to ask in detail, so I would like to ask Brother Xiong to help find out who owns these two things and who bought them. Is it possible to find the seller or buyer?"

" turns out to be those two kinds of natural treasures!"

Xiong Ba laughed out loud.
"What a coincidence! At the trade fair last night, it was Daoist Jin Pan who was selling the Ten Thousand Year Spirit Bamboo Liquid. I wonder if Daoist Jin Pan made any deals with anyone?"

The old man also laughed.
"What a coincidence! Someone offered a price for this item, but the price was not high, so I didn't sell it!"

After saying this, he flipped his palm and took out a bamboo tube.

"This is the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Bamboo Liquid. Fellow Daoist Gu, you can take a look at it..."

Gu Shiyi didn't expect to be so lucky that he could ask the real person. Hearing this, he quickly pulled open the stopper on the bamboo tube and took a look. He saw a small pool of clear water at the bottom of the bamboo tube. He couldn't see anything special about it, but when he opened it, a cool breath rushed into his nose, which made him feel refreshed.
"This is truly the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Bamboo Liquid!"

Gu Shi was very happy,

"May I ask what Brother Jin needs in exchange?"

Jin Pan thought for a moment and said,

"I want to exchange this for a pill that can help my grandson break through the foundation-building stage..."

"Pills? No problem!"

Gu Shiyi was delighted when she heard this. This was truly a coincidence. She had nothing but a lot of elixirs. She immediately took out three bottles of elixirs generously.

"Brother Jin, take a look. These three bottles are all elixirs that can help you break through the foundation-building stage. Feel free to exchange for whichever one you like!"

Jin Pan was delighted when he saw this.
"You can actually choose. I won't be polite then!"

Then they opened the three bottles of medicine one by one, looked at them carefully, and chose one of them. The two were very satisfied with the deal. Gu Shiyi mentioned the chalcedony flower again, and Jin Pan said,
"This item is not hard to come by. It is found in an underground cave thirty miles away. However, this cave belongs to an old friend of mine. I will write a letter to him and you can go to see him with the letter. I think he will definitely give me this favor!"

He immediately picked up a pen to write a letter, and after finishing it, he handed it to Gu Shiyi. Gu Shiyi took it and thanked Jin Pan again and again, and asked about the location. He was about to go out and take Pu Yanlan away. Before leaving, Xiong Ba and Jin Pan came out to see him off. Gu Shiyi bowed repeatedly,

"You two fellow Taoists are too polite! When I'm done with my business here, I'll definitely find you two to drink a pot of good wine!"

The two said together,

"That's great, then we will wait patiently for Brother Gu to arrive!"

At that moment, he watched Gu Shiyi create a gust of evil wind and roll away.

After they left, Xiong Ba and Jin Pan did not return to the building, but walked along the winding path in the village and came to another stilt house. In front of the building stood two men with identical looks, one on the left and one on the right. When they saw the two men, they clasped their fists and saluted.

"You two please..."

The two of them politely returned the greeting and went upstairs together. They saw the man sitting cross-legged on the bamboo mat.

"King Tianyu!"

The two of them knelt down, and King Tianyu opened his eyes and looked at them.


"Yes, the two of us have handed over the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Bamboo Liquid to Fellow Daoist Gu, and pointed out the location of the Jade Marrow Flower. I think Fellow Daoist Gu will be able to get it in just an incense stick of time!"

"Did she ever doubt it?"


"Well! Very well done, come on down!"


After the two left, the twin brothers who were guarding downstairs looked at each other, and Wan Guang glanced upstairs.
"Brother, what is the king doing? I think that female demon is no match for the fox tribe that has retired to the mountains. Why bother with so much effort?"

The king is about to ascend to the upper realm, would he stay in this world for this banshee?

Wanjiang glanced at his brother.
"How can we guess the king's thoughts at will? You just need to remember to be careful and polite when you see this woman in the future!"

Not long after, another person descended from a distance and came upstairs to report.
"King Tianyu, the Jade Flower has been handed over..."

"Well, let's go!"


Gu Shiyi said to Pu Yanlan with a happy face,

"I didn't expect it to be so smooth. Now all we need is the thousand-year-old python's spirit and the spirit puppet fruit!"

Pu Yanlan also felt that it was going incredibly smoothly, and after thinking for a while, she said,
"As the fellow Taoist just said, the thousand-year-old python is very easy to find. We can find it in the deep mountains and abysses. We will first obtain the thousand-year-old python's spirit, and then find the Jingkui fruit... But before that, we still need to ask Na Ya where the Jingkui fruit is hidden in this far west."

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