Kill the game!Become a villain in a mysterious world

Chapter 10 Eligibility for Card Drawing

Chapter 10 Eligibility for Card Drawing
"You said this?"

Quan Heng raised his hand, and the Eighteen Zi held across the tiger's mouth shook slightly.

The jade beads are warm and clear, while the tourmalines are almost pure in red.

Even if it is the best imperial green, even if it is an antique used by the royal court, it is the priceless value of human concepts and the historical blessing of the human world.

Why would a monster like the Piper be interested?

Quan Heng thoughtfully shook his head and refused: "I won't change."

"What about money? One silver coin can be exchanged for five hundred copper coins, one gold coin can be exchanged for five hundred silver coins, and one ancient coin can be exchanged for one thousand gold coins!"

The pied flute player grabbed the sky and found five simple black coins lying in his palm. On one side was an unknown mysterious symbol and on the other side was the pattern of nine stars.

"I will spend five ancient coins on this string of eighteen pieces on your wrist. Will you sell it?"

"Not for sale."

"The ten ancient coins?"

Seeing Quan Heng still shaking his head, the flute player frowned and muttered: "Twenty coins, greedy humans, no more! Hamelin himself doesn't have much inventory of ancient coins."

"Since you can spend twenty ancient coins, it proves that its value is greater than twenty, or even greater than thirty or fifty. After all, no one will do a loss-making business. But..."

Quan Heng chuckled: "Didn't you just say that if you do business with me again, you will be a puppy?"

"Hamelin is not a puppy! You..." the flute player gritted his teeth, "Forget it!"

The business can't be successful, and the player can't be taught a lesson. If he persists, he will really bark!
"Hamelin never forces buying and selling. But you can't protect it, human players, Ghost Mother doesn't know the goods, but I'm afraid there's more than just Ghost Mother on this map."

Without giving Quan Heng a chance to say something cliché, Hamelin flicked his flute and hummed:

"In order to prevent my flute from falling into other people's dirty hands, I will give you an additional storage card. After all, it is a special item and you don't have a backpack yet.

"Of course, if you pass the level alive, you can come to my map. I promise that I will entertain you well, my distinguished old customer."

He bared his teeth as he spoke, made a "grimace", dropped the card and walked away.

Quan Heng raised his hand to catch it.

It's about the size of a palm and has a Hamelin flute on the card.
Special Item: Hamelin's Flute

Usable times: 3 times (not used)
Explanation: The flute player of Hamelin, the sound of his flute can take away all troubles and all disasters. Dance the dance of death with the sound of the flute, greedy creatures!

Note: You don’t even know how to play the flute, so why are you asking for a flute?The wild goose is over-plucked by profiteers, bah! -
Quan Heng: "..."

No, why does this game always look for opportunities to spurn me? How can the resentment be so great?

Quan Heng conveniently wanted to put the card into the compartment of the wheelchair. He paused for a moment and put it into his cuff. Instead, he took out the butterfly knife and clipped it to his waist.

"It's seven o'clock! It's seven o'clock!"

The hourly bell rang through the mist.

The triangular building is sandwiched among a number of unfinished buildings. The dark lines of the building are distorted, like a forcibly raised pyramid, lifeless.

The ghost mother stood in front of the building, smiling and shaking the black bell:

"My children, it's time for dinner."


"The rusty moon shines on the waves of the Black Sea, the storm cuts off the backbone of the earth, and fate praises the emperor's virtue..."

Dim yellow lights illuminated the round table. A woman in a white sweater hummed a song and distributed the plates in her hands. Players who got dinner handed over copper coins.Quan Heng lowered his eyes as he put down the plate in front of him.

The scarlet raw meat lay across the cold porcelain plate, smiling with the tomato sauce, exuding a pungent smell——


What kind of meat needs to be soaked in preservatives?
"What is mom singing?"

"It is a song that the residents of the New World can sing. My children, I often use it when I put you to sleep." The ghost mother said gently, "Okay, give your copper coins to mother."

Quan Heng put six copper coins into her cold palm.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Congratulations to player Quan Heng for completing the Boss mission and receiving a reward of 100 game coins! 】

[Ding dong!You have been qualified to draw character cards, please draw the cards in a alone environment! 】

Two prompts in a row.

Quan Heng ignored the pop-up panel and focused on the ghost mother.

"I really didn't expect that I would have seven smart children this time. Your copper coins can subsidize the family for a period of time. Mom is very happy. I won't delay your meal. You must go back to your room before the curfew. Also, remember to take a bath before going to bed. .”

The ghost mother’s fingers on the table were tapping from left to right, which meant that she was in a good mood and even a little impatient:

"Have a nice night and see you in the morning."

The heels of her high heels squeezed the dirty carpet, and her shadow stretched on the damp carpet, becoming larger and even more shapely than predicted in the plot.

Peng Qinan parted the raw meat and smelled it, then threw it away in disgust, his eyes falling on Quan Heng's wrist on the wheelchair.

There is bright red and warm blood rolling under the pale luster. There is no need to cook it, just skin it alive and eat it raw.

Peng Qinan looked away and knitted his brows together. He was impatient to wait.

"There are still four and 10 minutes of curfew. Let's look for clues separately. If we can't give you any clues tomorrow morning, I can't spare you!"

"Remember to draw character cards," Tang Bao stood up with a smile, "Be careful, the night is always filled with the smell of blood."

He followed Peng Qinan and left, and the others dispersed.

"Draw cards as soon as you return. Character cards are limited. The later you draw, the easier it is to draw difficult tasks."

A Xiao walked next to Quan Heng, and they were the last to leave. "This time we all draw cards together. The longer we delay, the worse it will be."

In front of the elevator, Ah Xiao said, "It's even." It was really a simple and rough tie.

She no longer hides her specialness, and reminds her to be fair and aboveboard.

"If it is a fair card draw, the probability of 'bad cards' drawn early and late will be almost the same. If the player who draws the card first draws a 'bad card', won't other players be safe?"

"The system will make certain adjustments so that players who finish first will not suffer a loss."

System adjustments...

Why does this sound like a shady standard?

"I see."

The wheelchair stopped by the penultimate door in the corridor. Quan Heng looked at A Xiao, who was also standing, and said slightly teasingly:
"Although I can't see my face, I think you have questions to ask me."

(End of this chapter)

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