Chapter 9 Trading
"Stabilize your SAN value first. Fluctuations exceeding 10% will affect recovery. As long as the monster is not infected with the buff, its health will not drop anymore. It just hurts a little." Tang Bao reminded.

Although he has a good relationship with Peng Qinan, he is friendly enough to newcomers.

The long-haired girl thanked her with red eyes, clutching the twelve copper coins in exchange.

"Fresh fingers are delicious...anyone else want to exchange?"

The flute player stood in the reddish mist, struggling to pour the scoop of brains into the thermos cup he carried with him.

The fingers held in the fangs moved along with his lips, and warm blood slid down the corners of his mouth.


Peng Qinan's eyes showed fear and he took half a step back.

There is an unspoken rule for roaming bosses: they must be several times stronger than the bosses on the original map, otherwise they will be hunted by the bosses who have a strong sense of territory once they enter the map.

The ghost mother is a C-level monster from Dark, and the piper is at least an A-level monster.

"Thank you, I want to make a deal."

Ah Xiao frowned and looked at Quan Heng who was speaking.

These players made the transaction entirely because they did not get two copies of copper coins for the task.

Is this a deal to cover up the differences between the two of them?But what the flute player wants to exchange is very special. Quan Heng is acting with her. How come he doesn't know what this person has gained?
If you play tricks on the flute player, you will be torn alive!

"Hamelin likes polite customers. Come on, fair lady."

Ah Xiao swallowed his dissuasion and watched Quan Heng enter the mist.

Tang Bao raised his eyebrows, stepped back and whispered a few words to Peng Qinan.

[What does Quan Heng have?Why don't I remember what she got? ]
[I took stock, and there really isn’t one!Did she want to use the transaction to cover up the twelve copper coins she got?This is not necessary, the game clearance is flexible, this is superfluous]
[Is it what Tang Bao said?If I go, I won’t be too ambitious and want to commit suicide, right? ]
"What do you want to trade with me?"

If the newcomer could come up with something good, it would most likely be a stump, but the smell of blood on this person was so weak that it didn't even exist.

The flute player lowered his height in confusion and muttered: "I don't accept ordinary things."

"It shouldn't be ordinary."

Quan Heng took out eighteen black buttons from his pocket and spread them out in his hands.

"What a piece of shit..."

The flute player glanced at it nonchalantly, paused for a second, then suddenly opened his eyes and came closer:
"Buttons? Why do you have Ghost Mom's buttons?!"

[What? ? ! ]
[Fuck!Ghost mother’s buttons? !what's the situation? ]
"This is not a reward that players can get, and it will not be rewarded to you even if you clear the level."

The half-gnawed finger almost fell off. The flute player chewed it up and swallowed it, and said eagerly:
"I remember that the ghost mother didn't have much herself. It was a very hot commodity... Oh, I know! Predict the plot? Have you experienced the prediction plot? No, the prediction plot will give you a button at most! How can you be eighteen? pieces?!"


Of course it’s because I watched the plot eighteen times!
"Can this be replaced?"

"Of course it can be exchanged!" The flute player stretched out his hand excitedly, "Give it to me quickly! You players have no use holding it, only monsters can use it."

Quan Heng suddenly stopped his hand and avoided the flute player's grab: "What on earth is this?"

"Oh, of course this is a ghost..."

The flute player suddenly paused, rolled his eyes, and said with a sinister smile:
"Are you trying to get information out of me? Cunning human. You want to know what a button is? Of course. Is this what you want to exchange for the button?"

"Mr. Piper, you should recognize one thing clearly."

Quan Heng leaned back in the wheelchair with a calm posture, his fingertips leisurely wrapped around the buttons, and said with a slight smile:
"Now demand is greater than supply and demand. It is you who are asking for goods, not me who is eager to sell. The market is in my hands. I have pricing power. I can change buyers, or even suppress the goods.

"--What do you think?"

[6. The flute player’s eyes turned green]
[No, these 18 coins are not fake, are they?How is it possible for players to get Ghost Mother’s buttons, or 18 of them?I’ll give you one at most for predicting the plot!The system is crazy]
[The flute player is not blind, and is definitely not fake, but there is something weird about the designation of these 18 coins, or there is a back door]
[Open the back door?She is not the godmother of a game, so how can she still be filial to her? (Warning! This account has been permanently banned due to violent and illegal rhetoric and serious violation of the bottom line)]
The barrage was full of hisses.

"Okay okay, you won."

The piper curled his lips and gave in.

"Black buttons are ghost coins. Only ghost mothers can make them in the new world. Such buttons can buy things that I can't buy. As long as you voluntarily accept the ghost coins, the purchased items will be sealed in the button and worn by the wearer. have."

Quan Heng lowered the bait in a warm voice: "Tell me what it is, and I will give you a button for free." The flute player was dissatisfied and moved, and reluctantly said: "It's talent."

"By accepting the ghost coins, your most outstanding talent, or talent, will be taken away."

[The ghost mother is a genius, and her children are also geniuses...]

The female ghost's words echoed in his mind.

Quan Heng understood and nodded slightly: "It is indeed a good thing."

"Good things can't be used by humans, and ghost coins can only be worn by monsters." The flute player was afraid that Quan Heng would regret it, "Give it to me quickly!"

"Then what do you give in exchange?"

This is obviously my line!

The flute player asked reluctantly, "What do you want?"

"Special items that can be used in this map."

"Special items?! The only special items that can be used here are Yujing Beidou, damn humans! You don't want the lion to open its mouth!"

The flute player stamped his feet angrily, suddenly raised his head and looked down at Quan Heng, his eye sockets tore and the skin collapsed.

"And you don't even have a backpack, you're a new player! You can't even put the items you want, at most it's prop cards!"

"Then it's a prop card." Quan Heng followed suit.


[Okay, okay, is this the legendary capital monopoly?It seems that our profiteers are not profiteers enough]
[What prop cards should be exchanged? The Dark level is too low and there are very few that can be used]
"Well, these two low-level ones are the only ones that can be used. Not only can the other ones not be used, they can't be taken out. It would be a waste to give them to you." The flute player urged, "Give me the ghost coins quickly!"

"I'll give you one, but there are still seventeen left." Quan Heng glanced at the prop card, unmoved, "More more."

"More money? Human, you should know that you are doing business with monsters." The flute player opened his bloody mouth, "Believe it or not, I will bite you to death——"

"There's something between your teeth."


The flute player covered his mouth with a snap, turned around and picked up a small mirror to check.

"Where is it, where is it? My image cannot be ruined, why not?!"

Quan Heng bent down, picked up the prop card on the ground, and said while looking at the card: "Wandering monsters shouldn't be able to harm players, otherwise you wouldn't have endured until now."

The flute player looked at Quan Heng in the mirror and said angrily: "You are quite self-aware."

"In that case, why don't we each take a step back," Quan Heng smiled, "I'll add one more thing, I want the flute, your flute."

"What do you mean, take a step back!" The flute player was shocked, "Don't think that because your tone of voice is light, it doesn't mean that you are a lion talking loudly!"

"That's right," Quan Heng nodded, "So you don't have to accept it, and I don't have to trade."

"You..." The flute player was so angry that he took off his soft hat to fan himself. His curly hair was weighed down a bit, and then he skillfully used his fingers to make it fluffy.

"But you are interested in my dinner guy! Hamelin is not a flute player without a flute! I can only give you a copy, which can only be used three times, and the effect is half.

"If you dare to ask for more, I won't do this business!"

"Deal." Quan Heng took out the button.

"Oh, my fate," the piper shrugged, "This is really the second most annoying business Hamelin has ever done. If I do business with you, Hamelin will be a puppy."

The excitement of doing business was gone, and the flute player stretched out his hand, and suddenly paused when his eyes touched Quan Heng's wrist.

"...You just said you wanted my flute?"

Hamelin suddenly raised his head, his golden eyes dilated with excitement.

"I'll trade with you. Give me the Shiba Zi in your hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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