Chapter 8 The Pied Piper

"No no no no……"

Mu Ze's teeth chattered, "Don't kill me, I -"

The melodious and cheerful flute sound scattered from outside the building, and the afterglow was dim under the incoming mist.

"The flute player is here." Tang Bao, who was watching the show, said, "Brother Peng, keep some for now."

"You're lucky."

Peng Qinan was unhappy and let go. Mu Ze survived the disaster and hurriedly thanked Tang Bao.

"It's okay, you go out first...Hey, um, wait a minute."

Tang Bao saw Quan Heng out of the corner of his eye and reached out to stop the wheelchair, signaling Mu Ze to leave.

"Senior, what's the matter?"

Quan Heng lowered the speed of the wheelchair.

"Tang Bao, just call me by my name. I haven't asked you what your name is yet."

"Quan Heng."

Names are not that important in the game. Tang Bao didn't ask in detail and said proactively:

"Have you discovered anything? Let me tell you first: There are two rooms on the second floor, but only one has a resident. She is a deaf old lady. She has been making some dolls. She sells the money every month and sends it to people in the city. Nibble on the old son.

“She asked us to help her find some buttons to make eyes, and she also said that this month’s button ghost mother didn’t sell it to her.”


Quan Heng's heart moved slightly.

Tang Badai continued: "Ordinary buttons are not allowed. We walked in the abandoned house opposite and found several headless cloth dolls with missing arms and legs. They looked like they had been torn apart by naughty children, and they were almost knocked out of the mirror during the process. The devil got hurt.”

Quan Heng: "The ghost in the mirror?"

"It should be a little monster. I don't know exactly what it is. But as for the mirror, it has something to do with the BOSS ghost mother." Tang Baoli simply concluded, "Where are you?"

Quan Heng picked up the key and finished speaking, hiding Mu Ze's murder from the invisible old child.

"Ghost mother is a master at raising gifted children?"

Tang Bao frowned when he heard this, and then he felt relieved: "There are still too few clues. After all, the neighbors may not all be related to the BOSS. The monsters in the game are very smart, and there are many who use smoke bombs to deliberately hide clues. There are still three days. Don’t rush and take your time.”

[When did Tang Badan become so kind and share clues?In my mind, he is an executioner]
[That's probably because he always teams up with Peng Qinan, a rookie who suddenly appeared in the middle of the season. He has dark ideas but is reasonable, and Peng Qinan is responsible for the torture.]
[Come on, neither of these two people are telling the truth... Fortunately, I am not a player, otherwise I would only know how to play the game. It is better to watch other people play the game]
"Did Tang Bao threaten you?"

A Xiao folded his arms and looked at Quan Heng, who arrived late, his tone still cold.

"No, just sharing clues."

The distance was very close, and the two girls in front of them turned around when they heard the sound, their expressions were hesitant to speak.

Quan Heng smiled and invited warmly: "The flute player hasn't arrived yet, do you want to share information?"

The girl with short hair breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and pulled her companion closer.

"We went to the third floor. There was only one room and it was occupied by a couple."

A girl with short hair said:

"We have been quarreling since we entered. It seems that the wife is infertile due to miscarriage. The husband cheated on her and said that he was looking for a mistress to have a biological child to provide for the two of them in the future and to protect the interests of the family.

"It was hard to ignore us. The wife of that family took us to a small room. It was full of talismans and incense candles. There was a desk on which..."

The short-haired girl pursed her lips and glanced at her companion behind her.

"It's a fetus," the long-haired girl endured her fear and continued in a trembling voice, "There is an unformed fetus enshrined inside."

Enshrine the fetus?

Quan Heng understood: "You mean raising a kid."

"Yes, just raising a brat!"

The short-haired girl nodded repeatedly, with lingering fear:
"She asked us to find some more incense candles to light for her children, but those incense candles were basically human bones, wrapped in a layer of meat paste! The woman said that these were provided to them by the ghost mother, and they are out of stock now. .

"But we had no way to find it, so we knocked over the desk while the couple was quarreling. The kid was very resentful, and whoever made him into a kid would take revenge first. We took advantage of the chaos and escaped."

Quan Heng pondered for a moment and suddenly asked: "Have you ever seen a mirror in the house?" "Mirror?"

The short-haired girl frowned and thought for a moment, then affirmed: "Yes! There is one on the altar table. There was also a large dressing mirror when you entered the door. The hostess was combing her hair at the time. Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing," Quan Heng changed the subject, "Then what are your plans for the mission?"

"Ah, this," the short-haired girl scratched her head, "Although we didn't help the neighbors, we got two red candles."

"That's it. We want to try to exchange money with the flute player," the long-haired girl took out two red candles from her bag, "but we are not sure whether the flute player will accept it. If he doesn't accept it, we will..."

"Hey! My dear guests, what deal do you want to make with me?"

The conversation was interrupted.

The mist enveloped everyone, the melodious flute sound stopped, and then there was a cheerful greeting, and no male or female could be heard.

Quan Heng looked forward, paused and then looked down:

The visitor was less than one meter tall, wearing a medieval red pointed soft hat, a brightly colored cape and robe, and a delicate small mirror hanging around his waist. He had curly black hair and golden eyes, and was waving the flute in his hand.

"Oh, my destiny, you are so tall."

The flute player stamped his feet in amazement and suddenly rose half a meter taller.

"That's about it. Fortunately, I'm used to wearing height-increasing boots. I exchanged these boots from the dwarves. If any new customers want to exchange them, I can give you a [-]% discount. All you need is two fingers."

two fingers...

The price is a bit high.

"Bad." Peng Qinan urged.

Tang Baolan clicked his tongue and took out a palm-sized doll from his pocket.

The doll had two purple-red buttons sewn on it, which shone brightly, and its body was lifelike. At first glance, it really looked like it was holding an unformed fetus in its hands.

He stepped into the blocking mist and emerged safely within half a minute.

"There is only one resident on one floor, and monsters usually only issue one mission. It is normal to exchange something with the piper," Tang Bao said, holding six copper coins in his hand, "Don't hesitate, newcomers."

After listening to Tang Bao Bao's reminder, Mu Ze, who was holding half of his head, hesitated and moved forward: "I, I want to exchange!"

"Let's change it too." The short-haired girl said, tilting her head to reassure her companion, "It's okay. We tried our best. If it doesn't work, just chop off one of your fingers. It's better than dying."

"Oh, okay, you guys come forward."

The pied flute player played his flute, and mist enveloped the three people who were walking forward.

"It seems that you are going to be the last one." Tang Bao put the copper coins in his pocket and walked up to Quan Heng. "What do the new players want to ask?"

Quan Heng calmly glanced at Peng Qinan, who was paying no attention to him in the distance. He saw from the corner of his eye that A Xiao didn't move at all.

Peng Qinan wanted to kill her, and it was normal for Tang Bao to talk to her, but there was something wrong with being too enthusiastic.

"The Pied Piper should also be a monster. What's the point of it coming into this map and being able to attack as a BOSS?" Quan Heng was not polite if there was someone there.

"good question."

Tang Bao said with a smile: "A game map generally only has one BOSS, but you should have noticed that the NPCs here obviously have their own thinking and logic, and are very autonomous. Therefore, there are many monsters from other maps who come to visit, and are even arranged by the system For necessary plot.”

Just like the Pied Piper, entering this map can also provide players with a way out. It depends on whether they are willing to part with their own limbs, or whether they have the means to kill successfully.

"Usually only one?"

"Well, because there is also a double boss map, which is divided into two situations: sudden intrusion and original fight. It is very difficult and the probability is very small. It can basically be ignored."

Tang Bao added: "However, wandering monsters have their own territory. If you are interested in targeting them, you can get some information now. After all, they can't harm players in violation of regulations now."

Quan Heng nodded: "Thank you very much."

The mist began to billow in front of me.

Quan Heng turned his eyes and watched the three of them stumble out.

Muze stumbled back with a pale face, and within a few steps he suddenly turned around and started vomiting.

The girl with short hair looked pale and blood was oozing from her left hand.

She cut off one of her fingers!
(End of this chapter)

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