Chapter 7: Invading each other and hindering the whole family
Your uncle's!What a nice guy.

Ah Xiao cursed and dragged him into the elevator.

Quan Heng closed the elevator door.

"Human!" The werewolf roared and rushed forward, slashing down the roaring chainsaw!


The chainsaw blade and alloy made a sharp sound, the ladder door was almost stuck and closed for the last half second, and the werewolf's roar refused to go away.

[Fuck me, fuck me!Daddy was scared to death!He was just half a step away from being cut down! ]
[What the hell are you trying to kill yourself by dragging someone else down to threaten you? Fortunately, the werewolf won't chase him down the floor. I'm really convinced]
[Shit, this antelope monster has been scared to death. Go to the toilet to calm down first]
"Thank you...thank you."

The male player was shivering for the rest of his life, and it was difficult to speak.

A Xiao was indifferent and silent.

The posters posted around the elevator were splattered with fresh blood, and the cuffs were also stained with blood. Quan Heng rolled up a small section of the cuffs and smoothed them, looking at the half of his head where the brain was still beating.

His eyes almost fell out of his sockets, and he could not rest in peace.

The root is connected to the lower half of the neck. In addition to the brutal saw wounds, there are also small wounds on the side of the neck as wide as a fingertip.

It can be seen that the attack was ruthless and left no way for Mu Rui to survive.

Quan Heng looked away: "You are Mu Ruang's companion Mu Ze, what have you done?"

"We, we released the food raised by the werewolf."

Mu Ze pursed his dry lips, his voice trembling.

"The original task was to cook for the werewolf, but he said that the ghost mother hadn't sold him any food this month, and he was running out of meat, so he asked us to save on cooking.

"Later we found out that the food was a half-grown child. He looked like he was about to die and begged us to let him go. After we opened the lock, we found out that it was a dummy! The werewolf was going to kill us when he found out..."

He collapsed and covered his face. The keys tied to his wrists were soaked in blood:

"Mu Ruang ran a little too slowly, and then he hit a mirror, and his head was split open by the werewolf... We were wrong! We shouldn't be kind to monsters in the game, I'm sorry for him..."

"Are you running too slowly?" Ah Xiao snorted coldly, "Looking at how good you are at blocking the elevator, Mu Rui must be slower if not running too fast."

Muze's shoulders shook and he didn't dare to say anything, but his crying was obviously quieter.

The elevator reaches the first floor.

Ah Xiao first used his toes to push away the skull that was blocking the wheelchair, and kicked it into Mu Ze's arms: "Idiot."

Mu Ze gritted his teeth and shrank his neck.

Quan Heng looked at him deeply and left the elevator.

Ah Xiao followed closely behind, and after walking for a while, he still couldn't hold it back: "I was killed by mobs in the first sub-task. I don't know how many people will die at night. What a waste."

"It doesn't count. After all, Mu Ru died in the hands of his companions."

Ah Xiao paused for two seconds and turned around in surprise: "What did you say?"

"I said," Quan Heng wiped off the blood spattered on the beads, raised his eyes with a smile, "Mu Ruang was killed by Mu Ze."

A Xiao frowned: "The reason?"

"Mu Rui's neck was not just cut vertically with an electric saw. There was a fatal stab wound at the carotid sinus. He should have died before the saw was cut. The technique was very clean, killing him with one blow."

"What is the murder weapon?"

Quan Heng shook his hand: "Key."

Ah Xiao immediately remembered the bloody key tied to Mu Ze's wrist just now.The man was covered in blood, and it wouldn't be out of place for the key to have blood on it. Besides, it was common for newcomers to be killed by monsters.

She didn't think much of it at all.

"Using a key to insert a key into a dead spot is similar to a steel needle, but the key is more secretive and can be more lethal. It's a good idea." Quan Heng found it interesting, "Now not only can I get 100 game coins, but I can also Exchange the half of the head for money, complete the task and draw the character card."

"Crocodile tears," Ah Xiao sneered coldly, "It's nothing to show for something that can't be put on stage."

"My acting skills are worse than those of officials, but entering domestic entertainment is not a problem. No matter how good his acting is, if everyone knows that he has killed someone, he will not only be isolated, but he will also be easily killed by veteran players."

Quan Heng smiled: "They invade each other and hinder the whole family."

Hiss...this attitude.

Ah Xiao narrowed his eyes, suddenly raised his foot and stepped on the wheelchair pedal, bowed his head and approached.

Quan Heng raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "Why, blood is splattered on my face too?"

"People don't panic even when blood is spattered on their bodies. They look at their sawed heads so carefully," Ah Xiao said in a deep voice, "Newcomer, what is your identity in reality?"

Are real-life identities also explored in the game?
Quan Heng's heart skipped a beat, and he said with a calm smile: "Me? What kind of identity can I have? I am just an ordinary person with a physical disability and a strong will, who loves peace. At most, I have a little money, and I am one of the city's outstanding youths."

"is it?"

"It's absolutely true," Quan Heng sighed half-truthfully, "Besides, I'm panicking. Who says I'm not panicking? But I can't run away even if I'm disabled."

"I don't think you look like an ordinary person."

"Really?" Quan Heng chuckled, gentle and dignified, "You don't look like a newcomer either."

"...We're even."

Ah Xiao pursed his lips, compromised and retreated.

Mu Ze, who was holding his head, approached and glanced at the two of them timidly.

A Xiao walked forward indifferently.

Quan Heng smiled and nodded, showing no signs of vigilance or hostility.

If nothing else, he must at least be a good person.

[Hiss, this... can be acted better here]
[Here I go, the new guy’s analysis was pretty good!This male player named Muzawa is indeed a companion killed with a key. His sudden violence shocked me]
[I knew it was not peaceful. As long as anyone has anything to do with Yujing Beidou, there will be no chaos! ]
[06:30My family!The class representative records: there are 7 people left, four women and three men.Plot progress: 0%. No player has launched the plot yet. I'm sorry, no one has even unlocked the plot line! ]
"What did you bring back?"

Before Peng Qinan sat down, he smelled a fishy smell that made his teeth itch. At a glance, he saw Mu Ze holding half a scoop of meat paste, and the coat used to wrap it was soaked in blood.

"It was my companion Mu Ru who was killed by the monster on the fourth floor."

Mu Ze shook his shoulders, and was flustered by Peng Qinan's almost green eyes. He couldn't help but clenched his blood coat tightly and stuttered:

"We didn't get the copper coins for completing the task. I thought, I want to exchange this with the piper for money."

"Something happened to the boss on his first mission? If he is so weak, he deserves to die."

Peng Qinan put his middle index fingers together, dug out a warm and beating core from his coat and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It doesn't taste good when it's cold. It always feels like it's missing a bit of flavor."

He narrowed his eyes, tapped the back of Mu Ze's head like a coconut, and then pulled it over by his hair.

The other hand pulled out a boning knife that was slightly longer than the dagger and had a larger arc.

"You said you were so useless, now I will help you dig out your brain, so that I can fill my stomach. My skills in making sheep and scorpions are top-notch."

(End of this chapter)

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