"The Quan family, the scope of their influence is too wide, including medical care, transportation, beauty, real estate, education...ah, moving the headquarters to Gujiang will inevitably encounter local snakes."

Tang Junyi entered Gu Jiang's temporary office.

The headquarters of the Special Bureau has just moved in and has not been completely renovated, so I have been busy "moving" these past two days, and I only have time to look at the information today.

"Quan Lin, the grandson of the chairman of Quan Group...but it seems that this old man has many sons and grandsons."

The Furukawa Quan family.

A prominent family during the Republic of China, it later declined and transformed, and now it has become the number one listed group in Gujiang City (formerly).

Now the old man is in charge of the family. He has three sons in total. One is dead, one has not been home all year round, and one has failed to live up to his expectations. The next generation is Quan Lin, with two grandsons and one granddaughter.

However, there were three grandsons in the past, but later it was discovered that they were a cuckold. For a while, the family tree was changed to stop the scandal, and the company's shares were affected and fluctuated. The old man was so angry that he almost burped.

"There is so little information about Quan Heng. Is he an illegitimate daughter? Um... an adopted daughter?"

Tang Junyi looked at the pitiful half piece of paper in his hand and frowned, "What's going on?"

Most of the half-sheet of paper is filled with medical records from the investigation, and there is also a vague traffic accident disability record from the police station. There is not even information on compulsory education. Don't you want to go to school?

So how did Quan Heng get to where he is now?

"It seems that it would be better to check Wugang's information directly..." Tang Junyi murmured.

[Channel News: The professional player you are following - Quan Heng has opened a new map and organized a group to start! You can click to check the coordinates of the transmission port of the viewing platform! 】

"Viewing platform coordinates: District 3-No. "

Quan Heng entered the map?

Tang Junyi buttoned up the information, and just as he was about to land in Bianyu, an emergency gathering sounded outside the gate——

"Attention, Task Force, attention, Task Force!"

A serious female voice echoed in the corridor:

"The "Fashion Ballet Editorial Department" in Furue City is suspected of being contaminated. The pollution level detected is "Dark". Please go to the task force immediately! "

"The "Fashion Ballet Editorial Department" in Fujiang City is suspected of being contaminated, and the pollution level detected is "Dark"..."

Along with the alarm, the noise of the assembly sounded outside the door——

Tang Junyi cursed lowly.

Now that the captain is away, he must take on the responsibility of leading the team.

Tang Junyi clutched her cell phone tightly, grabbed her uniform from the hanger, put it on her body, and ran quickly to the meeting place!


Game Map-Yinyuanpei

"Is the female ghost in red just now Qiu Nishang?"

Song Jingyun had returned to normal and asked while breathing slowly.

"No, it's another one."

Quan Heng wiped off the blood on his work permit and thought about the image of the bride in the bronze mirror full of resentment and bleeding from her orifices.

"It's this person, his facial features match."

Song Jingyun looked at it and saw that the woman in the photo had a high ponytail. At first glance, she looked heroic, confident and beautiful.

[Name: Bu Ziyou]

"In the situation just now, could you still see the bride's face clearly?" Song Jingyun couldn't believe it.

Quan Heng said quietly: "I have a very good memory. I won't forget it once I see it."

For those in their profession, these skills are basic.

Song Jingyun choked: "..."

Is this a fucking memory problem? !

Quan Heng handed his work permit to Mu Jing and whispered: "Help your Taoist brother, brother."

She said, turning around and walking back to the bed. The dark sheets were already covered with dust. Quan Heng's eyes paused on the deeper marks. He reached out and grabbed a corner of the sheets and pulled them up——

The yellow-white cotton quilt was covered with blood clots seeping from the sheets, stained with some dried white traces, mixed with a few residual odors.

Quan Heng put down the sheets and saw Mu Jing patting Song Jingyun on the shoulder from the corner of his eye, comforting him to stand up.

Song Jingyun lowered his head and wilted, with dark clouds billowing above his head. He felt that it was embarrassing for a child to see his cowardly appearance.

Quan Heng reached out to open the bedside table.

The cabinet that had not seen the light of day for a long time was pushed open, and the rotten and musty air gently drifted outward. The darkness was dispersed bit by bit, revealing a naked and cruel nightmare of oppression and destruction.

Quan Heng glanced at the bloody hemp rope tools, and his eyes fell on the rusty iron pliers in the corner. There was a half bottle of yellow and white "pebbles" in the jar next to it.


Those are human teeth.

Teeth can be said to be the last hard enough weapon of human beings. What kind of behavior requires removing all the last weapons from the human body.

Quan Heng lowered his eyes and slowly closed the bedside table.

Shadows invaded every "darkness" bit by bit. The wind blew in from the open doors and windows and was caught in the gaps in the cabinets. A whining sound could be heard faintly at the moment they were closed.

The resentment and pain were all shrouded in a dark and claustrophobic little cabinet, as if they could no longer be seen.

Quan Heng blinked very lightly, the emotions in his eyes making it difficult to see clearly.

"Quan Heng?"

Song Jingyun was keenly aware of something wrong in the atmosphere and hesitated for a moment: "Did you notice anything?"

"It can almost be pushed out," Quan Heng paused, his tone was calm and did not allow for refutation, "press it back first."


"Hey, welcome to our two guests!"

The eldest son of the Mu family stood at the door and greeted the two people who entered with a smile:

"I thought you two would come earlier, but I didn't expect you to arrive in the evening. What happened?"

"This is really frustrating."

Lu Mang smiled, but there was still a fierce look on his facial muscles: "The driver of this cart is too angry. I said I was here to pay a visit to the master of the Mu family, but he just left us behind. What else could he say..."

Lu Mang thought for a while and then said "Oh" as if he was remembering:

"He also said that the Mu family are inferior to pigs and dogs. He would not pull a cart for the guests of the Mu family. He also said that he is not afraid of you and that he will make a fortune in the future and do that for you..."

He lowered his voice and approached the ear of the eldest son of the Mu family:

"——The business of marrying the dead."

The eldest son of the Mu family raised his head, pulled at his shrunken flesh and smiled, but the corners of his mouth curled up to his ears strangely, and there was a coldness in his eyes:

"That's it."

He turned his head and motioned the paper servant behind him forward: "Who is responsible for the itinerary of these two guests? Such unreliable work has really ruined the reputation of our Yinyuan Town."

"I know that old coachman too," the paper man with two dotted eyes opened his mouth and rolled his eyes, a sly smile appeared on his red face, "I will educate you right now. This reputation is a big deal."

"Do things more quickly."

After the eldest son of the Mu family finished speaking, he smiled and invited the two people in: "Two experts, please come in."

"You're too kind."

Lu Mang cooperated and entered the door, slapping his head suddenly: "Oh, my memory has made me forget to ask."

He turned around and smiled: "I have a friend who is also traveling here and seems to be staying at your house.

"——Her name is Quan Heng, do you know her?"

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