Quan Heng reacted faster than Song Jingyun, and "Tianshu" instantly slashed at the kid's arm!

Mirror Ghost suddenly put his hand into the mirror, and Song Jingyun immediately stood up. Before he could stand still, a leg suddenly appeared from the small mirror under his feet!

——Another planned cooperation!

There are eyes everywhere in the dollhouse, and they understand the player's movements and reactions extremely well. It's so damn hard to beat!

Song Jingyun directly pulled out the Zhanyan Luo and propped himself on the ground to steady his body.

In the mirror directly in front of him, he laughed again and stretched out his silver-white arms, grabbed Song Jingyun's shoulders, and pulled hard into the mirror!

Song Jingyun raised his sword and whirled around, striking the mirror——

"Don't break the mirror!"


Before Quan Heng finished speaking, the sound of shattering mirrors exploded.

The lens was shattered. At this moment, Quan Heng seemed to hear the chuckles of success echoing throughout the room.

A silver-white withered hand stretched out from the broken mirror, even from the mirror fragments that were too small to be seen.

Countless skinny bodies crawled out from the mirror in incredible arcs. The lips soaked in purple and heavy poison were even more dazzling and strange on the pale face. More than half of them were even disemboweled, and their faces were particularly horrified.

In just an instant, Song Jingyun was besieged by mirror ghosts emerging from all directions!

Just as Quan Heng was about to take action, he suddenly heard a soft call from behind him:

"elder sister."

——Mu Jing?

Quan Heng turned around and saw in the two-meter-high mirror on the back of the door. Standing next to the young man was a giant wolfdog with its tail wagging. Its silver eyes were full of expectation, looking up at Quan Heng with him.

"Sister," Mu Jing stretched out her hand, raised her lips and smiled, "come here, I will take you where you want to go."

Quan Heng only glanced at him and threw out "Tianshu".

"elder sister!"

Mu Jing's tone was slightly anxious, "I'm not asking you to abandon Taoist Brother, that powerful sister will be here soon!"

Almost as soon as Mu Jing finished saying this, the folding fan flying in front came into view.

The void enters the painting, and the ferocious mirror ghost's body merges into black and white, and instantly folds into the ink of the fan.

——Danqing? !

Song Jingyun was shocked: "No way, is that what I thought?!"

Qianying calmly stepped closer, and the forbidden queen stretched out her hand to take back the "picture".

"I go?!"

Song Jingyun slashed away the approaching mirror ghost with a knife, and looked at Quan Heng: "Why is the chief of the empire... Mu Jing?!"

He glanced at the conspicuous young man behind Quan Heng and the giant wolf dog.

"I knew it was your wolf dog!" Song Jingyun recognized the wolf dog next to Mu Jing. These were clearly the monsters he met!

"Since they're all here, my sister won't be able to get all the rewards."

Mu Jing puffed up her cheeks, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Then we can only ask Brother Taoist Brother and Sister Ye to stay here for a while."

He tilted his head and smiled, "There will be someone to play with you, so you won't be bored."

The next moment, the mirrors in the entire corridor suddenly exploded like an explosion, the lenses shattered all over the sky, and silver-white mirror ghost arms stretched out from the fragments flying everywhere in the air, corners, and feet.

The silver pupils of Mu Jing's left eye flickered, and finally gathered clearly into the shape of a silver cross——

"Reverse cross," he said softly.

"KP reminder: The exclusive brand-"Reverse Cross" has been released from the shackles"

"Everything is in the mirror, everything is upside down; the savior is dead, the rebels are singing loudly"

The silver cross in the pupils is reversed——

"Detailed explanation of branding (elementary level): It can weaken the enemy's sequence ability by 20% and use it to enhance one's own ability, ignoring the sequence difference."

"Zhanlao?" Song Jingyun was surprised, "How could you have——"

"Because I'm a professional player, Taoist brother." Mu Jing said with a smile, "This is my first time making a book!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand from the mirror, hooked Quan Heng's finger, raised his head and looked at her expectantly, his eyes bright: "Come on, sister, I won't hurt you, and they will be fine."

"Quan Heng!" Song Jingyun raised his hand and stopped him anxiously, "Don't believe him!" "You pay attention to your safety." Quan Heng finished his instructions and nodded to the Forbidden Queen, "Let's go."

"Yeah! This is the only mirror in the dollhouse that allows you to enter the body. Behind it is a secret passage." Mu Jing took Quan Heng's hand and stepped into the mirror. "Sister, don't worry."

Song Jingyun watched Quan Heng disappear into the mirror: "Quan Heng! You——"

"You're noisy."

After Quan Heng left and the channel camera left, Taboo raised his hand to cover his ears and frowned: "Shut up."

Song Jingyun choked: "You——"

"You haven't learned even half of Aheng's demeanor," the Forbidden Queen looked a little disgusted, "Then at least learn to trust."

"What did you just call her? Ahheng?!!"

Song Jingyun was stunned, thinking that both his hearing center and language center were fucking broken.

No, even if Quan Heng says he wants to improve the relationship, you can't ignore traffic laws and speed up in a rocket! !


"This leads underground."

Mu Jing walked in front of her: "Using a mirror, you can directly transmit a very deep distance, and then you can just walk a short distance through the tunnel."

Quan Heng nodded, and Mu Xiaoliu gathered around her, whimpering and rubbing against the sides of her legs, his tail almost turning into a propeller to take off.

Rubbing his head against her hand very suggestively.

Quan Heng raised his hand and gently stroked Mu Xiaoliu's dog's head.

"Woo..." The giant wolf dog immediately fell to the ground and turned out its belly to act coquettishly.

"Xiao Liu!" Mu Jing tugged the wolfhound's ears and scolded softly, "Don't block my sister's way."

The wolf-dog tilted its head and whimpered a few times, then stood up with its ears pulled back, turning around and rubbing Quan Heng again.

"It likes you so much, sister." Mu Jing touched her head sheepishly, and suddenly added nervously, "Sister, don't dislike it, Xiaoliu is super clean! Like me, it died long ago and will not be Pollution from outside filth.”


Quan Heng touched the wolf dog again, "I can't see your figure in the Bagua Mirror. Is it because you are just a soul and have no body?"

"Yes and no."

Mu Jing walked down the last step, "We're here, sister."

Unexpectedly, the underground space is very spacious and is still full of mirrors. The light becomes brighter after being refracted by the mirrors. The whole place is empty and clean.

But there is only a very narrow aisle, which is empty because a few steps further is the sunken sacrificial pit.

There was an indescribable metallic smell in the air.


"There, that's where it is!"

He pointed toward the end of the aisle—

It was a three-meter-high reverse cross. It was already somewhat worn out. The sharp nails were still stained with blood and were nailed to every corner of the cross:

"That's where I woke up. The nails came loose, so I came down. My bones are outside, and what's left here now is my soul. But it doesn't count, because I was a sacrifice, so there are actually many people Their souls are put together, and they don’t even know they are a boy or a girl.”

Mu Jing laughed and raised his hand to show Quan Heng the identical scars on his wrists.

It was hideous and ugly, with old circular scars and new wounds tearing downwards.

"My family doesn't like me. I have been a monster that no one loves since I was born, but someone told me that as long as I follow him, he will take me to a place without pain and meet many friends who have suffered the same thing as me."

"Actually, I know it's impossible and luck will never favor me, but I still agreed! The pain is never-ending, so isn't it worth it for me to exchange ten years of pain for a promising future?

"As long as I sacrifice for ten years, it will be fine. In just ten years, I will have a family who loves me. Am I very smart, sister?"

Mu Jing arched her eyebrows as if to show off.

But he was smiling so brightly, but Quan Heng felt that he was crying.

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