Almost the moment he gave the order, the editor-in-chief outside the door turned pale and just took a step to retreat.

"Editor Sun, where are you going?"

The corners of Tang Junyi's lips curved slightly, but his eyes were still cold.

Sun Wangde stuttered for a moment, and then said nervously under his gaze: "I, I'll go bring you some water to quench your thirst."

"No, we're not thirsty." Tang Junyi said politely, smiling, "Just stay here for a while, I'll ask you if I have anything to answer later - Editor Sun, please sit down for a while if you're tired, don't stand. "

After he finished speaking, the two team members guarding the door stepped behind Sun Wangde. One of the teammates stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture, "Please, Editor Sun."

Sun Wangde's lips trembled and he sat down on the chair with a gray complexion.

"Deputy Tang, it's open."

The team member carefully took away the sawing tool and moved the lifted floor tiles: "It's a hidden grid."

Tang Junyi squatted down and took away the black cloth covering the floor. What was placed in the dark compartment was a black porcelain cup.

There was a bronze mirror placed under the porcelain Gu, but it was broken.

"This is……"

Tang Junyi frowned. He was now more sensitive to these mirror-related containment items than normal alien objects. "Give me the detector."

The team member handed him the testing equipment——


Before they even got close, the shrill siren raised its pitch again.

"Bring the equipment immediately!" Tang Junyi's face changed slightly, "Use the "Vlam" containment method. "

Tang Junyi raised his eyes and looked at the anxious editor, "What is this?"

"I, I don't know, I don't know!" Sun Wangde trembled and shook his head.

"Really? It seems that Editor-in-Chief Sun is not very candid - that's okay."

Tang Junyi sneered: "Please invite Chief Editor Sun back to the bureau for some tea. But I don't care about human rights when dealing with scum."

"No, no, no, I say! I say!"

Sun Wangde looked at the surrounding team members, his face changed drastically, and he said in a panic: "This is a bone cup! This is a bone cup!"

"Bone cup?" Tang Junyi's eyelids twitched, "What bone cup?!"

"Yes, it is a cup made from the bones of a woman who died in childbirth..."

Sun Wangde cowered under Tang Junyi's gaze and immediately panicked to prove his innocence.

"This, this was not done by me! It was given by our partner! It was given by that woman to suppress the grudges!"

"Which partner?!" Tang Junyi said quietly, suppressing his anger.

"Yes Yes……"

Sun Wangde looked sad and gritted his teeth and confessed:

"——It's Wen Xiran, the president of Modern Rose."


Restricted Area Map-Mu Family Courtyard

"Are we going directly to the North Courtyard?" Song Jingyun emptied the wine bottle and found that there was no wine, so he put a new one in his backpack.

"Brother Taoist Master, do you have a lot of wine gourds?"

"Indeed, I can't live without wine." Song Jingyun clicked his tongue and shook the gourd that was exactly the same as before, "Be sure to keep it always on hand."

"Hmm..." Mu Jing thought seriously, "Then Brother Dao, drink more, they say wine strengthens your courage."

"..." Song Jingyun froze while drinking and glared at Mu Jing.

Mu Jing blinked and smiled at him, then hugged Mu Xiaoliu and walked around to the other side of Quan Heng.

Quan Heng reached out to touch his head and said warmly: "Don't laugh at your Taoist brother." Mu Jing rubbed her palm and smiled: "I listen to my sister."

"I knew the little brat did it on purpose!" Song Jingyun snorted.

The first meeting must have been intentional! !

"Hey, Miss Quan, you are here!"

It was already dark. When the paper steward with the lamp saw Quan Heng, he immediately rushed over with a smile:

"The second young master is looking for you. Dinner is ready."

Quan Heng paused and nodded slightly: "Okay, thank the second young master for me."

"What are you thankful for? From now on we will be one family..."

The paper steward's words stopped abruptly, and he rolled his eyes under the gazes of Song Jingyun and Mu Jing, and smiled apologetically: "Today is all about congratulations, so I just said it right all of a sudden. Please forgive me, Miss Quan."

Quan Heng just shifted his gaze slightly and smiled: "Really? That's really hard work."

"Don't dare." The paper steward declined repeatedly.

Quan Heng's smile deepened: "In addition to the Second Young Master looking for me, are there other customers looking for me?"

The paper butler flashed his eyes, "Well..."

"It seems that two 'friends' are looking for me," Quan Heng chuckled, "Are they at the old lady's birthday party now?"

Once she made it right, the paper steward could only nod his head: "There are indeed two people who said they were 'Miss Quan's friends', and they were indeed at the old lady's birthday party."

"I understand, please housekeeper." Quan Heng said in a gentle tone, "We will return to the inner courtyard in a moment, please go first."

Her words were kind, but she said them without leaving any room for rejection.

I don’t know why, but the paper steward looked a little frightened when he saw her. She had just leaked the information and was exposed again. He nodded and handed over the lantern:

"Miss Quan, hurry up, don't let the food get cold."

Quan Heng nodded, holding a lantern and watching the housekeeper run away.

[Laughing to death, why can someone scare monsters? ]

[Quan Heng always speaks in a gentle and polite manner, but in fact... no one knows who is involved, which makes people feel frightened. ]

Quan Heng turned his head and looked at Song Jingyun's doubtful eyes: "What?"

"'We will be a family from now on?'" Song Jingyun repeated slowly, with a deep tone, "Is it...a secret relationship?"

"Yeah." Quan Heng didn't care much, "What?"

Song Jingyun was speechless: "I didn't say that...why do you always attract bad luck? If it doesn't work, let me do something for you."

Logically speaking, there should be a lot of people who like Quan Heng, but Song Jingyun looked at people who either wanted to step on her or to torment her. Finally, there was one person who expressed his love, but he was also a ghost who wanted to kill her.

Still ugly.

"What is a 'rotten peach blossom'?" Mu Jing asked curiously, with an expression on her face that she wanted to find out.

Song Jingyun didn't even think about it and simply dismissed him succinctly: "He's just a bad faith man."

Shoddy and confident.

"Female players can recruit. This map is not limited to 'me', but to 'gender'."

Quan Heng put one hand in his pocket, raised the lantern after hearing this, and watched the moths flying into the flames in the dark night: "This game emphasizes 'men' and 'women', so of course they will be treated differently."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, watching the moths that instinctively pounce on the warm light be burned to ashes: "If you are worried about the setting of the NPC's side - I can tell you that this identity is not a weak party in the true sense."

"Come on, little bastard, Master Dao is not worried about this, and he doesn't want to join the scumbag team." Song Jingyun looked repulsive and said with a bad face, "I am worried that something will happen to you tonight."

Quan Heng: "I..."

"It's not good! It's not good, young master!!"

The panicked voice of the paper doll came from the nearby path and reached my ears clearly——

“My young lady is having a difficult delivery!!”

Quan Heng closed his eyes without any surprise, and suddenly sighed silently.

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