"This is a Nezha fetus, the fetal position is incorrect!"

In the outer room, the midwife smoked her pipe and frowned tightly: "Make a decision quickly, otherwise no one will be in trouble."

The old lady raised her head, her lips trembling and unable to say anything.

The eldest son of the Mu family behind her turned his head. He had just come down from the birthday banquet and had not yet changed into his fine clothes.

Hearing this, he just glanced at the midwife and said with a bit of irritation: "The big one is of no use. I want a small one - just pull the cow."

"But this... this..." The old lady's eyes were filled with tears, "If you really do this, your Excellency will -"

"Oh, mother!"

The eldest son of the Mu family frowned tightly, "A woman is more important, or is your grandson more important?! If not, why don't you let this guest comment?"

The eldest young master said and looked at Lu Mang and Haosi at the other end of the table.

Lu Mang cast a look at Hao Shui.

——NPCs are required to take sides, and players can use this to gain support from different forces.

The patriarchal power in this map is almost overwhelming. Even the ghost bride was choked and dragged into the coffin by the ghost groom. It was obvious who to choose.

"Of course the grandson is important, old lady."

Haosi put down his tea cup and decided which team he would stand on in just one sentence.

"If the woman who warms the bed is gone, you can find another one to relieve your pain. If the child bleeding with his own blood is gone, then he is really gone."

Haoshi clicked on the conversation between the two people just now and smiled disdainfully: "I also heard you say that this young lady is an executive from outside?"

"Yes, her boss brought her to me at that time," the eldest son of the Mu family snorted, "The one who was unwilling at the time said that she was just following to inspect the project, ha, isn't this project the way to go in my hands?

"Later, when I got married, I wanted to run away all day long. If she didn't obey her orders even though I gave her good food and drink, I would break her legs and let her have children... I didn't expect that she wouldn't be able to have any children. Come down, trash."

"What the eldest son is saying is that having children is a woman's life. If she doesn't give birth to a man, what else can they do? What kind of career can they do by being publicized outside? In the end, they will destroy their career and stay at home to serve men."

Haoshi wholeheartedly agrees.

"Besides, if a woman keeps her belly and doesn't use it, her whole life will be incomplete. If she doesn't give birth, it means she is not living up to her expectations."

"Young master can't afford to delay," Lu Mang urged, "it's better to make a decision early."

The old lady had tears in her eyes and tried to stop her with a trembling voice: "But, but -"

"Oh mother!" The eldest son of the Mu family was irritated, "My son depends on you for everything, but this woman is the one who gives birth to children. Can't a mother even make sacrifices? So what if she suffers for her children? Isn't it right!"

Just like a banquet where the birthday girl is not allowed to attend the banquet, a light "should" nailed their fate.

The old lady's lips trembled and she closed her eyes, her face turned gray and tears could not stop flowing down her face.

The young master just looked at the midwife with a cold look, "Keep the baby safe."

"Ding dong! KP tip: Players promote the development of the plot, explore the map by 20%, and reward 800 game coins, far ahead of the opponent!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to players Lu Mang and Haosi for being recognized by the eldest son of the Mu family in Yinyuan Town. They will receive strong support from the Ghost Bridegroom NPC at important levels!"

Haosi winked at Lu Mang proudly.

[Oh, the old man is still awesome. Not only does he unlock the plot, but he also has NPC support! ]

[It’s just a game, anyone can stand, why are you so serious?]

[There are progress notifications for PK, and there will be penalties if you fall too far. Quan Heng must be anxious to death now, hahahahaha]


[Ding dong! PK inviters, please note that the challenger has unlocked 20% of the map plot and has the support of the Mu family's eldest son! 】

[KP tip: The winning rate of the team you lead now does not exceed 10%, and the PK betting market is being refreshed...

Current PK betting situation: 96598 people have placed bets, of which % of the game currency has been placed on "the party who accepts the challenge will win" and % of the game coins have been placed on "the party who invited the challenger has won"! 】

[KP Tip: Your PK bet is at a disadvantage. When the support rate of the bet is less than 1%, KP will increase the difficulty of the inviting party's task! 】

"20% unlocked?" Song Jingyun wondered, "We should have unlocked it too. Why haven't I heard KP's announcement yet?"

"Because we haven't unlocked any coherent plot, we are at a disadvantage now." Quan Heng said, "Of course, we can also choose to join forces now to temporarily reduce risks, but that goes against my plan." She looked quietly at Song Jingyun accurately captured the other party's uneasiness:

"Do you want to follow my command, or do you want me to change my plan and get immediate results?"

Song Jingyun was stuck and was questioned for a moment.

"Needless to say, the effect must be achieved quickly. What's the point of selling it?!"

"But I think the Ghost Bride has enough resentment, so it would be better to side with the Ghost Bride..."

"Ha, you are really an outsider. You are a newbie at the bottom. Don't you remember that this is role-playing? It fits the situation. Don't look at the problem from God's perspective."

The connector next to him sneered:

"What's the use of resentment? If Yin Yuan wears it, you can't make a difference!

"And as far as our country is concerned, after thousands of years, have women still had less resentment? How much trouble have they made? Don't take it for granted that you are thorough enough. A male-dominated environment like Yinyuan Town is undoubtedly the epitome of a patriarchal society. It may be a microcosm of modern society - if Quan Heng chooses the ghost bride, he will be siding with the weak side!"

"That's right," the person next to him agreed, "the purpose of standing in line is to get help. The weak side in standing in line will get little help, and even have to work hard to strengthen the strength of the bride's side. It will most likely be thankless and not even a splash. Why not How about choosing the strong one? If you choose the groom, completing the task will only take a few seconds."

"Yes, it's just a game. Sympathy is useless. It's better to pursue victory."

The connectors in front of the screen were talking a lot. The few connectors who had originally bet on Quan Heng looked around hesitantly, wanting to change their bets somewhat uneasily.

"Chief," Lu Xiaoman said anxiously, "is Sister Heng really going to lose?"

"No, Quan Heng...sees far away."

Listening to Quan Heng's question to Song Jingyun, the night watchman rubbed his chin with his index finger and commented with a smile.


Lu Xiaoman was confused and said with a hint of anxiety, "But Sister Heng is really at a disadvantage. They haven't unlocked anything!"

"It's only been going on for a few hours. How can a disadvantage at the beginning be considered a disadvantage?"

The night watchman smiled, feeling like a clear stream amidst countless noisy voices. He did not agree with others and did not follow the wind, but he expressed appreciation.

"Song Jingyun has never experienced PK, but global competitions are PK in disguise, and both sides will be notified of the task progress.

“This can easily cause psychological pressure on the team at a disadvantage. Not only will the mentality of the players change, it will even affect the command and even make poor judgments.

"If you want to enter the global competition, you must have a stable mentality and the commander's control over the team. If the players do not trust the commander wholeheartedly, it may cause immeasurable consequences."

"This kid named Mu Jing trusts Quan Heng very much, but Song Jingyun's thoughts cannot be as simple as a child's. In this case, it is very likely that his mentality will become unstable."

The night watchman relaxed his shoulders slightly and leaned back on the chair.

"Quan Heng plans to participate in S18, otherwise he won't be able to make a "life and death bet" of million - naturally, the sooner he develops command and control skills, the better. "

Song Jingyun on the screen took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, calming down:

"...I will listen to you and make your arrangements."

The night watchman was not surprised by this answer. His eyelids, tired from playing several games in a row, were slightly bent and had inconspicuous lines.

"Why isn't Double-Headed Eagle's sister here yet?" Lu Xiaoman looked around.

"It's coming soon, there's no rush."

The night watchman closed his eyes. Even though he had just communicated with Lu Xiaoman, his emotion remained at the first level of [green].

He has basically foreseen the development trend since he started watching the channel - this is also the level of control of the plot rhythm of every top conductor and the accuracy of analysis of each opponent.

"By the way, chief, what did you go out to do just now?" Lu Xiaoman expected, "Did you buy popcorn for Xiaoman?"

The night watchman's mouth twitched slightly: "...You are really a half-grown man who has defeated me. Don't eat junk food all the time. Keep watching, study more, and make beer duck for you when I get back."

Monthly ticket! ! Please give me a monthly pass! !

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