"Deputy Tang, Deputy Tang!"

The team members took the report and ran to Tang Junyi who was collecting the "bone cup".

"Did you find anything?" Tang Junyi straightened up instantly, his tone slightly solemn.


The team member immediately opened the folder, handed the list to Tang Junyi, and reported slightly quickly:

"We used special methods to search for missing persons in the past six years and narrowed the scope to people who worked, interned, and interviewed at Modern Rose. We found that every year there are more than ten interns, more than twenty interviewers, and several Regular staff members are missing.”

"so many people?"

Tang Junyi's eyelids twitched, "These missing persons are even related to this company, haven't investigators from the relevant departments discovered it?"

"That's the point, Vice."

The team member gritted his teeth and tightened his expression: "We searched Modern Rose in the last mission, but when we arrived, the patrol could no longer detect the contamination.

"The captain is worried. He asked us to search for the details of Modern Rose before entering the game. We also used special channels... but nothing was gained."

Tang Junyi's pupils shrank, and the conclusion in his mind and the team members' report resounded in his mind almost at the same time——

"We speculate that these clues were covered up with special items, and they are likely to be rule-level."

"...Rules level?" Tang Junyi's nerves suddenly tightened, "Send someone to seize Modern Rose and arrest the president Wen Xiran."

"Probably not, Deputy."

The team members looked embarrassed and found it difficult to say:

"When we were about to arrest Wen Xiran, Modern Rose's employees had a conflict with our team members and we were not allowed to take Wen Xiran away."

"What?" Tang Junyi even suspected that he heard wrongly.

"They said we were bribed by a rival company to sabotage it."

The team members couldn't help but lower their voices, feeling helpless, "Let us get out of here and don't destroy their 'Utopia'."


"You have no evidence at all! Just say yes! We have never heard of your department!"

"That's right! Why do you take them away just as you say?!"

"Our Modern Rose has already suffered losses due to the opening! Do you want to completely destroy her?!"

At the entrance of the Modern Building, the team members were blocked by rows of female staff.

These female employees are all highly educated strong women who have seen many ups and downs in the workplace and are not afraid of getting into trouble at all.

"Something happened during the opening of Modern Building yesterday, and today you just randomly used the name of 'murdering and abducting women' to arrest us, Sister Xiran. Why, are you trying to bring us down one after another?"

"How dare you say that you are planning to commit murder and kidnapping! If she harms a female employee, then there will be no good people in this world!"

"We have evidence, please cooperate."

The task force had no way of forcing their way in, so they could only endure and give a serious warning:

"Those who are clean will clean themselves up. If there are no crimes, they will be released safely. If we continue to hinder our actions, we can only completely seal off the modern building and detain everyone."

"Arresting people without evidence?" the leading female secretary snorted, "Detain hundreds of people!"

"It is said that those who are innocent will be innocent. If they really go in, they can still be innocent? All the shit basins have to be buckled up!"

The scene was noisy and chaotic, and the scene was once out of control.

The team members looked at the female staff who were still blocked in front of the building and were very embarrassed:

"Deputy team, what should we do? Blocking them like this is not the answer. If we break in by force, ordinary people will be hurt. Otherwise, we will tell them some of the evidence?"

"It's useless. We collected those clues using special methods. Ordinary departments have no records or clues."

Tang Junyi looked tense, "Even if you say it, there are loopholes in the logic. You can't deceive them at all, but it will be self-defeating."

What's more, there are many iron ladies here who sit at the negotiating table and conquer the world, and their thinking and reactions are even worse than them.

Tang Junyi pressed his eyebrows, and for some reason suddenly thought of Quan Heng——

That person should have a good way of dealing with these things, and being a woman also has an advantage, mainly because he also has a good way of speaking.

"Are they all brainwashed?" The team members couldn't help complaining as they looked at the female employees who were blocking the front and back doors and even patrolling the windows.

Tang Junyi shook his head and sighed: "There is part of the reason, but it is only part of it.

"When it comes to working hard in the workplace, women are actually more perseverant, resilient, and creative than men. However, stereotypes and gender discrimination have caused them to be disadvantaged in the workplace.

"Do you remember when we raided Fashion Ballet this morning and found those pay stubs?"

The team member was stunned for a moment and nodded hesitantly.

"Fashion Ballet is the same as Modern Rose. Except for the editor-in-chief, all the staff are female. It even has a good reputation from the outside world. There are many unsuccessful female literary workers applying for the job.

"But I asked someone to check the average salary and related positions in fashion magazines and compare it with the salary of fashion ballet. I found that for the same job, the salary that fashion ballet employees can get is 10% lower than the outside world."

"This is illegal. It has long been stipulated that men and women receive equal pay for equal work," the team member's eyes widened. "Even the inspection at the end of each year can find out!"

Tang Junyi sneered helplessly and angrily: "The premise of "equal pay for equal work" is that "the job position, rank, and content are the same," and it is not "absolutely the same." It is allowed to fluctuate.

"Female employees with the same ability or even better abilities are pushed down the position because of their gender, and they are reasonably "paid less for doing the same difficult work." Isn't this a loophole in the rules that has been exploited by someone with ulterior motives? It's a legitimate form of exploitation. "

"Then why are they still being wronged like this? Why don't they report it?!" the team member said angrily.

"Why not eat minced meat?" Tang Junyi looked at him, "If they have other places to go, or have a decent background, why go to fashion ballet?"

The team members were stunned and couldn't help but clench their fists: "How could this happen!" "It shouldn't be like this, but human nature is unpredictable."

Tang Junyi raised his head, looked at the top floor of the modern building as if he was aware of it, and squinted his eyes:

"So after creating a company culture of "preferential treatment and reuse of female employees" and accepting female executives who were excluded and exploited in other companies, Modern Rose became a true "utopia for female employees."

"Not to mention that their president Wen Xiran started from scratch and was oppressed by male bosses. He can be said to be a role model of sympathy for others.

"They are so vigilant and repulsive. First, they have the experience of being slandered and framed. Some people even induced confessions at the police station. These things involve too many people. There are several similar cases at Fashion Ballet; second, they are because of " "Utopia" maintenance and reluctance.

"Perhaps some of them have realized that something is wrong, but for this utopia... they just lie to themselves and want to maintain it, because it is more painful outside, and they may not have the courage to withstand another 'collapse'."

But the word "Utopia" is always the transliteration of "Utopia", which is "no place" and "utopia" in Chinese.

——It won’t last long and will eventually collapse.

On the top floor of the modern building, Wen Xiran watched all this with cold eyes through the one-way glass, shaking the goblet and taking a sip of red wine.

"This is not the way to go."

The man sitting on the sofa put down his glass of wine.

"Sooner or later they will come in - if you go to jail, I won't try hard to get you, I will just quickly cut off contact. Of course, your hard-working career will be in vain."

"What you said is so callous."

Wen Xiran sneered and looked back at the man on the sofa:

"Don't forget, you asked me to give Qiu Nichang to the rich man in the town. It was you who dug up the body of Qiu Nichang who died in childbirth and used the ashes to make the bone cup.

"——We are just grasshoppers on the same rope now, President Quan Linquan."

Quan Lin, who was sitting on the sofa, looked back at her coldly, "We are different. The Quan family can support other projects. Think carefully about how to explain it to Executive Meng. If you are useless, he will not protect you."

"But shouldn't he lend a helping hand before something happens?"

As soon as Wen Xiran finished speaking, it was noisy downstairs again.

A special car drove downstairs, the crowd in the square in front of the building cast their eyes, and a smartly dressed woman got out of the car.

Vice Mayor of Gujiang, Xie Jinfeng.

A city has multiple deputy mayors, who are divided into executive, industrial and transportation, agriculture, forestry, water, science, education, culture and health, construction, etc. Among them, the executive deputy mayor is a member of the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, which is lower than the secretary and mayor in terms of level, but also lower than the ordinary deputy mayor. Mayor Senior. In the division of labor, he is in charge of comprehensive departments such as finance, personnel, and planning, and has the greatest power.

Meng Changnian is the executive director of Gujiang City, and Xie Jinfeng is considered an ordinary deputy mayor, in charge of science, education, culture and health.

Tang Junyi was not familiar with the leadership team of Gujiang City yet, and was thinking about asking Mo Yan to take over, but was stunned when someone came over.

"Mayor Xie, why are you here?" The secretary responded. Their company had dealt with Xie Jinfeng a lot.

"Comrades from the Special Investigation Bureau contacted me and asked me to cooperate." Xie Jinfeng said, shaking hands with Tang Junyi first, "Captain Tang, I have long admired your name, and I am here to communicate."

Tang Junyi: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Secretary Su," Xie Jinfeng turned around and looked at the secretary who had been blocking him. "Law enforcement is serious. When you perform official duties, you represent the law and the state machine. They don't force entry because they care about you. It's not impossible."

"Furthermore, since it is a criminal investigation, there is no need to stick to the word benevolence, which is the same as benevolence and not to control soldiers. If the wrong arrest is really made, you can let him go, and the city will also make some financial compensation. Those who are clean will clean themselves. This way, the media will It will also ruin your reputation.”

Xie Jinfeng signaled the perimeter of the cordon, and the media fired shots.

The secretary tightened her lips.

"When the investigation is completed and employees can work safely, your company's listing application should be almost ready, and there will be an official announcement from the media." Xie Jinfeng said kindly.

Not talking about the boss, it’s the employees who are considerate.

There are interests, threats, and words.

The secretary couldn't hold it in any longer, and when he saw the female colleague behind him looking at each other, he was shaken by these two words.

"I will be there the whole time." Xie Jinfeng lowered his voice.

Secretary: "Then let's..."


There was a sudden scream in the building, tragic and shrill.

Immediately afterwards, the glass of the building exploded with a "pop!"

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on it, and they saw behind the floor-to-ceiling windows on the tenth floor, next to the broken glass——

A woman in a bright red wedding dress grabbed another female employee by the neck and hung her up outside a high-rise building!

Tang Junyi's eyes fell on the woman, and his eyes suddenly sharpened: "Nancy wedding dress."

The woman was wearing a neon wedding dress, which was the same wedding dress worn by the deceased model.

"Hahahahaha... you all deserve to die! You all deserve to die! You all have to pay with your life!"

The woman in the wedding dress laughed maniacally, but her eyes were filled with tears. Her entire eyeballs turned into blind whites intertwined with bloodshot eyes. Her orifices were bleeding, but she kept shouting:

"Those of you who stand by and watch are the same as Wen Xiran, they are all murderers!"

She said, letting go and letting the struggling and panicked woman fall!


The screams of despair and collapse stopped abruptly, and plasma splattered from the impacting flesh!

The female staff member who was intercepting was so frightened that she screamed.

"Medical personnel give first aid immediately!" Tang Junyi ordered, "One group is stationed to seal off the building, the second group immediately enters the building to check the situation, and the third group is responsible for arresting Wen Xiran!"

"Yes!" The task force immediately rushed into the modern building.

Xie Jinfeng stood in front of the building, looking meaningfully towards the top floor. When he turned to leave, he suddenly saw the girl coming out of the street panting. The work sign in front of her was shaking, and the words flashed by.

【Fashion Ballet】

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