Game map.

"elder sister!"

Mu Jing, who was relaxing and waiting at the entrance of the courtyard, saw Quan Heng and the others coming out, and immediately hurried up to greet them.

"Why does it take so long? Are you in danger?" Mu Jing looked up at her, "Am I too useless to look for clues with my sister?"

"No." Quan Heng squatted down and looked at Mu Jing's level.

"Our PK can't be said to be an advantage. The information gap must be used most efficiently - I will inevitably run into people from the PK side when I go to the North Campus. That's why I didn't let you follow me."

Mu Jing hugged the puppy toy tightly: "Does sister know that she will meet PK Fang?"

"I know, I have seen the information of these two people."

On the forum and in Lu Xiaoman’s notebook.

She will not underestimate the enemy, and she will never slack off in her preparations because of her arrogance.

"Lu Mang barely acts cautiously, but Haosi looks down on female gamers, likes to do shameless things, and is always arrogant - no matter what Lu Mang says, he will find an opportunity to come out tonight. 'The young lady is having difficulty giving birth' is a big problem Plot point, he will definitely come here to find us.”

Quan Heng said patiently, "Is it okay if I explain it this way?"

"Well..." Mu Jing nodded, "Then I will listen to my sister. If I don't show up now... my sister won't lie to me."

"I'm not going to lie to you." Quan Heng rubbed his head gently, "I really need your brand."

Only then did Mu Jing smile, and her heart that had been holding her down calmly let go.

"Oh, look at how worthless you are." Song Jingyun tutted.

Mu Jing wiped her tears and glared at Song Jingyun when Quan Heng stood up.

Song Jingyun stuck out his tongue at him carelessly.

"Oh, Miss Quan, I found you."

The young master of the Mu family, who was holding a red lantern, turned the corner and saw Quan Heng's figure. He said thankfully: "This dish has gone cold and you haven't come back yet. I thought you were gone."

"Why are you glad she didn't leave?" Song Jingyun turned around, "Why do you say it as if something big happened as soon as she left?"

"Mr. Song was joking." The young master of the Mu family flashed his eyes and said with a smile, "I just thought that Miss Quan left without seeing her off, so I felt very sorry."

"You'd better think so." Song Jingyun snorted coldly.

The young master of the Mu family stopped looking at him and turned to Quan Heng: "Miss Quan, do you want to go back to the house directly and let me have the food delivered to you, or do you want to eat in the living room again?"

"Then go back to the house, please, Master Mu."

"It should."

The young master of the Mu family twitched the corner of his mouth, his bony body involuntarily showing a stooped posture, and the smile on his face seemed to break through the layer of aging and wrinkled flesh.

"I will lead the way for Miss Quan."

After he finished speaking, he lifted up the lantern to lead the way. The lantern wrapped in red paper shone out with an eerie and eerie light.

He deliberately waited for Quan Heng, so Mu Jing and Song Jingyun were a few steps behind.

"So ugly," Mu Jing frowned tightly, "Did this monster get close to my sister on purpose?"

"No, he looks really shabby." Song Jingyun half-covered his mouth with his hands, quietly disgusted, "After reading this, I wish I could pluck out my own eyes, cut them into pieces and feed them to the pigs. I thought that Master Dao would do good deeds and accumulate good deeds in this life, so why not make good friends?" As for seeing him."

"That's right," Mu Jing whispered angrily, "the toad wants to eat the swan's meat, so if you find an opportunity, let the dogs kill him."

"Don't let the dogs bite people all the time. Calm down your anger. Quan Heng always values ​​​​being friendly and making money. You and your sister should learn from it." Song Jingyun glanced at Mu Jing, "She has always been angry with me, and now she adds you - don't glare. I didn’t say anything bad about her, are you Quan Heng Du Wei?”

There was a lot of noise in the back, and Quan Heng walked next to the monster.

"Which families are getting married on tomorrow's auspicious day?"

"There are many," the young master of the Mu family said, "most of the families in this town want to get married. Auspicious days happen every year, and the most special one is once every six years. They are all waiting for this time."


"Because it is a day that connects yin and yang," the young master of the Mu family said, "I forgot to ask, has Miss Quan been to Yuelao Temple?"

"Yelao Temple? Is there a Yuelao Temple in town?"

"Yes, there is also a portrait of Yue Lao, which is worshiped by every family." The young master of the Mu family said, "Our town was very poor back then, but now it is able to develop to the point where we have no worries about food and drink. It is all thanks to Yue Lao."

"The prosperity of the related to Yue Lao?"

"Yes, as long as there is no one who doesn't like our girl who comes to our place, it's all thanks to Yue Lao for helping us cover up..." The young master of the Mu family rolled his eyes and suddenly fell silent.

Sure enough.

Quan Heng's heart sank slightly. Although he had made some guesses before, the effect was different from the final decision.

If so many highly educated women were kidnapped and sold into this town, and they were related to Modern Rose and Fashion Ballet, how could they have not been discovered?

Unless something protects them.

Both of these two families are related to the Quan family, and if you look further up, they are also related to the big clubs in the game.

What is the connection between the Quan family and games...? Like her mother and her origins in gaming.

"Miss Quan seems to be very interested. Why don't I take Miss Quan to Yuelao Temple to have a look - but Yuelao Temple is not a place where outsiders can enter casually, so I can only take Miss Quan in."

He smiled and said, his two black eyes obviously hiding malice: "If Miss Quan really wants to go, then think about it."

Quan Heng chuckled: "I'm quite interested. I'll just go with Master Mu myself."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Song Jingyun, "Master Mu and I are going to Yuelao Temple. You take Xiao Wu back first."

Unexpectedly, Song Jingyun said nothing and just nodded.

"Okay, okay," the smile on Young Master Mu's face became more obvious, as if his skin was about to break out, "Miss Quan and I will come."


"Don't worry." Song Jingyun pulled Mu Jing and said, "Quan Heng went there on purpose. We just need to follow her plan now."

"Sister... did you do it on purpose?"

"Otherwise," Song Jingyun said, "It's just a month-old temple. If he doesn't let you go, you won't go. I'll just go against my will, so I'll go! Damn, enter the village quietly, don't let the shooter go! Let's go!"

Mu Jing groaned and followed Song Jingyun. …

"Grandma, be careful."

In the Yuelao Temple, the old lady who had changed into new clothes was carefully supported by a girl of 16 or 17 and walked to the Yuelao platform.

"Okay, I'm fine..." The old lady waved her hands and knelt on the futon with difficulty, "Let me pay my respects to Yue Lao."

As she spoke, she clasped her hands together and prayed devoutly to the Yue Lao statue in front of her.

The girl stood next to the old lady, quietly raising her head to peek at the statue of Yue Lao——

Different from the normal Yuelao statue, this is a mural that occupies the entire wall.

The invisible light red mist is rendered as the background of the mural, with only a few scarlet stars hidden in the fog. In the center of the mural is a crimson mandarin duck.

The color is depressing, but my mind suddenly went blank when I saw it for the first time.

It seemed that the blood mist in front of me was flowing and the stars were twinkling.

The little girl felt a sting in her head and lowered her eyes in panic. The slight roar in her head slowly disappeared.

"Bye bye too."

The old lady who was kneeling to pray suddenly spoke out, but her voice was low and soft.

"You are getting married tomorrow. This is a good day that happens once every six years. In another six years, you will be an old girl. You should be obedient and give birth to a son, so that in the future -"


The desire to survive and struggle was like a flood breaking through a floodgate, instantly defeating all the girl's defenses.

"I, I don't want to get married...please talk to my father, please..."

The girl knelt beside the old lady, neighing like a prison bird weeping blood.

The old lady looked straight at her, her eyes dazed for a moment, and she saw the same tear-stained face through a long time and space. Her collapsed soul screamed and struggled, and the extravagant desire that should not have sprouted broke its skin.

That was what she looked like more than sixty years ago.

"You, don't be afraid of getting married," the old lady put her trembling hand on the girl's hand, "There are many people getting has been like this for thousands of years. If you don't agree, we will be stabbed in the spine. You can't... "

"Why not! Why don't you think about it, grandma, you have always been in a weak position, squeezed, oppressed, and imprisoned. You cry and regret and are angry, saying that you feel like you are in a grave! Why do you still refuse me not to touch this coffin? !”

"I..." All the old lady's words were choked in her throat, and she could no longer speak. She turned her head and her eyes were blurred with tears.

Slowly slide down the corners of your eyes when you close your eyes.

"Lord Yue, please show mercy and save us."

The little girl looked at the statue of Yue Lao on the mural regardless, crying and praying with the pain in her brain, "Believers will always believe in you, please save us..."

"Mom, why are you here?!"

The door of Yuelao Temple was suddenly pushed open, and the face of the young master of the Mu family changed suddenly as he stepped in:

"You just went to see the birth, and it was stained with blood! What are you doing here in such a bad luck!"

The old lady panicked: "I..."

"What are you yelling at! Why are you yelling at grandma!"

The girl shed tears, her eyes were stubborn and bright.

"What are you yelling at? Don't you think it's unlucky for you?"

"Okay, great! You dare to talk back to your elders!"

The young master of the Mu family laughed angrily, turned around and said angrily: "Come here! Drag her out and send her to the woodshed!"

As he finished speaking, two white paper heads suddenly protruded from the door eaves, and the black dots rolled around, and the paper tongues fell straight to the center of the door frame.

Before Quan Heng could make a move, the girl pounced on her first.

"Sister, you don't want to be here!"

The girl suddenly grabbed Quan Heng's hand, her eyes red from crying and tears were falling down.

"Come on, why do you come to this town? This town -"

"Why don't you take the young lady away quickly! It's so ridiculous to be married!"

The face of the young master of the Mu family became ferocious, and his hypocrisy was completely torn away.

At the moment of the roar, his face turned gray. Standing in front of him, Quan Heng just caught a glimpse of the original appearance of the bleeding from the seven orifices. The facial features were distorted, and the nose, eyes and mouth were all moved, like a face that was randomly spliced ​​together after the flesh was smashed.

The flesh was bloody, with rotting maggots writhing in the flesh.

The paper servant violently slashed the girl's wrist with a knife, forcing her to loosen her hands in pain, and dragged her body and hair forcefully, as if playing with insignificant objects.

"There is no way for us to survive in this town. This is hell. Run! You -"

Her cry of blood was forcibly interrupted. The paper servant stretched out his hand to clamp the girl's neck, and dragged her out of Yuelao Temple with a grin.

"It's ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

The young master of the Mu family was still angry and looked at the dumb old lady.

"I know that the older you get, the more useless you become! This child has become like this since I gave it to you! My father was right before - a woman like you should die early. What's the use of having a child?!"

The old lady froze in place, trembling: "You, you... what did you say?!"

“You’re old and deaf, aren’t you!”

The young master of the Mu family sneered: "I said you should die early and go down early to work as a cow or horse for my father! Isn't it a torment for others to be alive after giving birth to a child? It's such a waste to be alive when you can't do a job and beg for food!"

The old lady trembled her lips and whined: "Why...why do I have to live to be eighty years old!"

Like an object, it is bought and sold, trampled on, and becomes a cheap appendage.


She threw her head up to the sky and cried hoarsely, hitting the pillar next to the mural.

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