"I heard that the Dragon City Amusement Park was closed yesterday, and many dead people's bones were dug up overnight."

"I know about this. Wasn't it broadcast on TV this morning? I heard that the people behind this amusement park are the Quan family."

"The Quan family? The old man's investment? Isn't this causing trouble?"

The banquet hall on the top floor of the modern building was filled with dignified corporate executives in suits and leather shoes. The male and female guests gathered together and chatted interestingly about the latest topics in the industry. Their words involved the appalling events in the province. event.

"I heard that after the new amusement park was closed down, all the interest chains behind it were cut off by the authorities, and many people were arrested, including associates of the Quan family. This time, the Quan family group's vitality was seriously damaged. It was directly confiscated and auctioned, it seems to have been auctioned off.”

The bosses gather together in small groups to talk, and internal information spreads faster than the public information.

"And it was photographed? Who dares to go to this amusement park," the rich second generation leaning aside said, "I'm scared to think about it! What kind of loss-making business?"

"Mr. Shao doesn't know. Although it was apparently bought by a small company," the person who spoke first lowered his voice, "But I heard from inside sources that it was actually the work of 'Wugang', a company that is a subordinate of Wugang." company."

"Wugang?" Shao Qi's expression changed, "Which Wugang?"

"Do you think there is another Wugang? Who else has done well in the past few years and transferred directly from the south," the speaker said with a smile, "Do you think Wugang will take over this amusement park and do it?" What happened?"

"what's up?"

"Convert the amusement park into a cemetery!"

"Cemetery?!" Shao Qi was stunned.

"No, the bones of those children were not completely collected. Besides, the souls of dead people are still there, so it is a good thing to bury them nearby."

The boss who spoke half sighed and half sighed:

"Besides, how can the person in charge of this amusement park dare to harass the rich and powerful families? The families who are looking for people are all ordinary people. They are basically driven crazy by the torture, and those who are not crazy are also driven to poverty. To do this, Where can I afford to buy a decent cemetery?

"Wugang paid for the burial of these children, and extended an olive branch to allow these parents who had long been out of work to work in the cemetery."

He couldn't help but shake his head as he spoke, his tone full of emotion:

"What if the development of Fog Harbor is not unreasonable? The amusement park will be turned into a cemetery. Not only will it be purchased at a low price, but the large facilities will not need to be demolished. The living people will not dare to play, so it will be left to the dead to enjoy - It's so difficult to approve private cemeteries, but the government immediately approved it and gave it a commendation! It's like the official is standing behind it, and the process is easy to follow.

"Furthermore, after such a big incident, cemetery management applications are all very expensive. This will ensure that we have a group of dedicated employees who will save time and effort and will be grateful to you."

Shao Qi couldn't help but pursed his lips: "This... is indeed amazing."

"Awesome is awesome," someone couldn't help but talk, "Hey... Wu Gang? How did I hear that the head of Wu Gang has a close relationship with the Quan family? Even if the relationship is officially severed, they are still a family. I thought it was an exit. , is it actually for domestic sales?”

"This matter cannot be mentioned. If you ask me, it is all the fault of the Quan family members."

"It's ugly to talk like that. She has been raised so much that she wants to start her own business. The family doesn't care about her at all. She hasn't repaid her kindness at all. Sooner or later she will be repaid."

"Mr. Shao is still young. If you go back and ask Director Ling Ci Shao, you will know that is not the case..."

A middle-aged woman next to him sighed: "Let's just say that the Quan family is not a small family. When our daughter drowned and fell into a coma, we didn't want to save her. She actually came to my office and asked me if I could find a way to extract eggs from the half-grown child. At home, Those who have children cannot hear this, but the poor little girl’s body is covered with injuries, and her legs were dragged to the point of death.”

"There is such a thing..."


The podium in front of the banquet hall made a sound. A woman in a formal black suit stood on the stage, and the hum of debugging sounded from the microphone in her hand.

Everyone in the banquet hall focused their attention on her.

"Welcome to the opening ceremony of Modern Building," the well-dressed female CEO said with a smile and a clear voice, "Xi Ran would like to thank you all for taking the time to attend." There was applause from all around. Wen Xiran was wearing delicate light makeup and long hair. Slightly curly, capable and mature.

"Wen Xiran, this woman is amazing."

Boss Zhao, who had been talking to Shao Qi just now, said:

"I started from scratch, making cosmetics for women's homes, and also engaged in clothing and wedding design. The most famous one is the matchmaker wedding. With the help of the trend of live broadcast platforms in recent years, it has become popular. In less than ten years, in Central District The modern building is booked."

"That's not why I came here," Shao Qi laughed. "I heard that she only recruits female employees. I was curious and wanted to see what kind of strong woman the boss of this company is."

"Isn't that good news for women in the industry? With this, she has poached countless female employees from her competitors, including senior executives."

"The name is what sells it," Shao Qi looked at the banner above Wen Xiran's head and squinted his eyes, "'Modern Rose - creating a stage for contemporary women to bloom their talents and charm'."

“We at Modern Rose have prepared a stage show for you tonight,” Wen Xiran said with a smile, her words humorous. “We are also showing you our latest clothing and makeup combinations. Gentlemen can also prepare fashionable gifts for their wives at home. "

There was friendly laughter from the audience.

Wen Xiran gave in with a smile: "Then I will give up the stage to the pillars of our company."

The lights on the catwalk dimmed, then lit up with music the next second, and female models appeared one after another.

The makeup is exquisite, light makeup and heavy makeup each have their own charm, minimalist style and gentle style, cheongsam integrated with modern patterns, wide sleeves combined with windbreaker, the unique design made the audience shine. Not only the designers who came to learn, but also the bosses couldn't help but look sideways. .

“It has both daily style and commuting style, and it also adds traditional elements. It’s really thoughtful.”

"Sure enough, the aesthetics of our ancestors are better. Otherwise, fashion is just a circle."

"With such a fusion, it can be worn at work every day. It's really exquisite - the reputation is really well established. It can promote products in high-level circles without making people bored."

"As expected of an industry focusing on women, the female designers understand women. This waist is designed for normal women to wear - the clothes match the person, not just the clothes for the person. There is no deformity at all."

"When you said this, I remembered again - no matter how good a female designer is in this design circle, she is not as popular as a male temptress. It's no wonder that these female designers have submitted their resumes to Modern Rose. They all just rely on their ability to get to the position. "

"The last piece is our modern rose finale design!" Wen Xiran smiled, "a neon wedding dress."

The golden embroidered lights flickered under the lights, and the exquisite and noble golden phoenix soared in the bright red satin, attracting the attention of the audience at the moment of its appearance.

The retro wedding dress looked like a grand scene from the prosperous times, and the layers of skirt were like lotus. The model covered with silk-embroidered red gauze stopped in front of the stage and stopped moving.

Wen Xiran was stunned for a moment, feeling something was wrong, and the audience off the stage also noticed something was wrong.

"what happened?"

"Why aren't you moving?"

When others were hesitating whether to go up, the open window suddenly blew in the wind and gently lifted the model's red gauze hijab.

Wen Xiran's pupils shrank sharply——

On the stage, I saw a woman in a wedding dress with a gray complexion. Under the light, the whites of her eyes took up all her eyes, and there were traces of blood flowing down her eyes.

Wen Xiran's scalp was numb, and he watched in horror as a twisted smile slowly appeared on the woman's bleeding face. The belt around her waist turned into a tight bloody hemp rope, and she suddenly rushed down and died on the stage pillar!

The banquet hall suddenly erupted in screams!

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