"Nirvana Group...?"

"Yeah, but I only know a superficial thing. I managed to survive that party. This so-called group not only includes the powerful people, chaebols, and academics within Furue, but also other regions, as well as the heads of the Honshu Yamanaka Chamber of Commerce. Fukuda and Yuko have a lot of connections.”

Xie Jinfeng pushed the hot water in front of the girl and was stunned when she heard the other party speak.

She knew a lot about the inside story of Modern Building. She knew that the promotion of this project was inseparable from fashion ballet. They were very close partners. She also thought that the employee who came here would know some inside information.

But unexpectedly, another big rat was dug up.

"My name is Ting Bai, from Ting in the courtyard, from Bai in the cypress tree. I have a very close colleague named Bu Ziyou... She is a very good journalist."

The girl sat in the special car, holding the hot teacup tightly, absorbing the heat, as if to support her own passion, and to warm her cold palms when she was desperate.

"I came here because I finally saw someone investigating these things. I am just an ordinary citizen with no power or voice, but I want to have the courage to speak out about this this time.

"I want to report the money and sex dealings of the president of Modern Building, and the president of Fashion Ballet who molested his subordinates and killed them to silence them!"

Xie Jinfeng frowned and said calmly: "Do you have any evidence?"

"I have evidence and witnesses, but what about you?" Timber said, "How can I guarantee that you can help me?"

"I'm not helping you, I want to fulfill my duty for my beliefs and people." Xie Jinfeng said, "But this matter involves too much, and my ability is limited."

"The two current organizations will definitely fall, but the Shuo Shu behind them is still watching. You can't be exposed - I want to preliminarily verify the authenticity of these things. If they are basically true, I will take you to see someone.

"I can say that in the entire Gu Jiang, she is the only one who can help you, and she will definitely help you."

Ting Bai took a deep breath and nodded steadily and forcefully: "I believe you, thank you, mayor."

Xie Jinfeng looked outside the building and saw that the sky above the modern building was covered with clouds.

The rain is coming.


"Huh, snap..."

In the game, the wind rattled the windows, and there was no trace of the moonlight. Only the sound of raindrops hitting the glass could be heard.

The old lady who was sitting crookedly next to the pillar suddenly gasped for a few seconds. Before she could tell any news about the Nirvana Group, she suddenly reached out and strangled her neck.

The eyes turned upward and turned white, covered with bloodshot eyes. The black pupils shrank to only two slightly dots and stared at Quan Heng.

Blood flowed from the seven orifices, and his expression was filled with resentment and hatred.

——Ghost Bride!

Quan Heng was too close to the old lady, and the ghost bride dug her fingers into claws to dig into Quan Heng's heart almost the moment she possessed her.

[Oh shit! Why so suddenly]

[Fuck! Holy Virgin White Lotus, you deserve to have your heart ripped out for whatever kindness you have.]

[Too close, Quan Heng, hide quickly! ]

Quan Heng didn't even take out his weapon, he didn't even retreat or hide.

He just raised his hand to block the high-damage attack aimed at the heart in anticipation, and the long bright red nails almost penetrated the fractured right hand.

——Blurred flesh and blood.

[Ding dong! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -3! 】

"I don't want to be your enemy."

Quan Heng whispered, letting the ghost bride's blood-red nails dig into the flesh, and the blood slowly dripped from the palms of her hands.

She didn't seem to feel any pain, and her right hand, which was already bruised and bruised, was bruised and staggered.

The Ghost Bride looked into her calm and gentle eyes and was slightly startled. The resentment in her eyes subsided a little unconsciously.

"Tell me where the coffin used to suppress you is," Quan Heng whispered, "Zi You, I'll let you out."

The ghost bride was stunned for a moment, and her eyes suddenly opened wide.


Frontier of Day and Night-Viewing Deck

"Damn it, I thought Quan Heng had lost his wits and followed the young master of the Mu family into the Yue Lao Temple!"

"Did she already guess that the Ghost Bride would come?!"

"Stop talking, I doubt she guessed that there will be a plot point in Yuelao Temple and knew that the old lady would be there!"

There was a lot of discussion in the movie theater, and Lu Xiaoman didn't dare to blink. The Ghost Bride hesitantly pulled out the sharp nails that had been dug into Quan Heng's palms, and the subtle tearing sounds became clear as the speakers were played. "It hurts." Lu Xiaoman couldn't help but murmur. Seeing that Quan Heng's expression was still gentle, he even gently held the ghost bride's red nails and raised his hand.

【Ding! KP tip: Player Quan Heng’s health value is -2! 】

Quan Heng ignored KP's reminder and allowed the blood to flow. Instead, the possessed female ghost "looked" at the bleeding right hand.

"Sister, why don't you restore your right hand? It hurts so much." Lu Xiaoman frowned, "I'm most afraid of being attacked. I won't get hurt, but it still hurts."

His brand is immune to all external attacks, and the damage caused by all external attacks is cleared.

But the pain is still there, but the health value is "locked".

"I can't bear to let the child ensnare the wolf. Quan Heng wants to take advantage of the ghost bride's remaining humanity."

The night watchman smiled: "The Ghost Bride is just full of resentment, but she sobered up a lot when Quan Heng revealed her identity and pointed at the 'coffin' - grasping the core prayer of the NPC and amplifying the humanity he wanted, She did a great job at that.”

"Chief," Lu Xiaoman looked at him, "You admire Sister Heng, right?"

"Yes, she is excellent." Night Watch admitted, "But the most important thing is a good first impression. Didn't she help you and your brother?"

"Yeah, my brother and I are not very good at decrypting, and fighting is just about the same." Lu Xiaoman whispered, "Without a chief commander, decrypting is really difficult. Fortunately, there was Sister Heng at the time."

He said and looked at the night watchman, curiously asking: "Then if Sister Heng participates in S18, the chief can compete with her in the ring - you should both be conductors, who is stronger?"

"What do you think?" the night watchman asked with interest.

"Although I think my sister is very powerful, the chief is the "first sequence and command position" of S16 and S17. "

Lu Xiaoman was confused, "How about choosing the chief? There is a rare special item in the "First Sequence" - the Creation Card. I still hope you can win - because this year I also want a good pot that won't break. "

This, this feels very difficult for you...

"Then you can have two pots that won't break this year." The night watchman had already given the answer. His eyelids twitched and he warned, "Don't try to trick me again!"

Lu Xiaoman: "...Oh."

The night watchman pressed his eyebrows with a headache and turned to look at the screen.

"Let's see, the Ghost Bride will agree."


The ghost bride stared at Quan Heng's hand blankly, and suddenly opened her mouth and said "Ahhhh" several times.

Quan Heng was stunned and saw that her mouth was completely black - not only her teeth, but her tongue was gone.

The victims of ghost marriages must have their tongues pulled out before death and their mouths sealed with cinnabar and copper wire, so that they will not talk nonsense "over there".

Quan Heng's eyes darkened slightly, and he saw that the ghost bride, who could not speak, pointed at him anxiously——

The ghost bride was still possessing the old lady, but she didn't seem to realize it. She even picked up the corner of the old lady's clothes and shook it, and then used the fingers of her left hand to make a little figure walking on her right hand.

What the ghost bride wants to pull is not the old lady's clothes, but her own clothes.

Quan Heng understood what she meant and said warmly: "I have to follow the ghost bride's team to get to the place where you were sealed in the coffin."

The ghost bride nodded happily, and the excitement could be seen in the blind and bleeding eyes.

"It's not difficult." Quan Heng nodded lightly, "It will be fine tonight."

The Ghost Bride smiled with the face of the old lady still bleeding from all her orifices. It was unavoidable to be frightening to smile like this.

Quan Heng looked at her with a little smile in his eyes: "You must look good when you smile the way you look."

The ghost bride was startled and reached out to touch her face. Loneliness flashed in her eyes.

"It's okay," Quan Heng said, "I will help you, trust me."

The ghost bride said something "Ahh", and finally took Quan Heng's hand and wrote "Thank you" very lightly with her fingernails.

[Ding dong! ! Congratulations on getting the "Ghost Bride" NPC! 】

KP's brisk mechanical sound suddenly sounded——

[KP Tip: Players who invite the battle will receive strong support from the Ghost Bride NPC at important plot points! 】

[Ding dong! Congratulations to player Quan Heng for completing a series of plots and exploring 1400% of the plot! Reward game coins, already far ahead of the opponent! 】

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