[Seventy percent of the plot? Quan Heng has been suppressing the exploration rate! ]

[Ahhhhh! ! Sister is awesome! ! A scene full of buffs! Fortunately I didn’t change my vote]

[What's the use? You haven't reached the important level yet? Don’t forget how much better the ghost groom is than the ghost bride! How much better is Lu Mang Haoshi than Quan Heng and the others? Open the champagne at halftime, you guys are awesome]

[All my money has gone into my opponent’s plate! Does Quan Heng have any fucking plan to defraud the game currency? ]

The system notified the PK progress, and the number of barrages increased rapidly.

[Ding dong! KP Tip: Now the winning rate of your team has reached 40%! The betting market is being refreshed...]

Current PK situation: There have been 112598 bets, of which 85% of the game coins were bet on "the party who accepts the challenge wins" and 15% of the game coins were bet on "the party who invited the challenge wins"!

【Congratulations! Your PK betting market is improving rapidly! 】

As soon as KP's voice disappeared, there was a soft knocking sound outside the door, and something was quietly pushing the door open.

Quan Heng stood up and nodded to the Ghost Bride.

The ghost bride narrowed her eyes knowingly, and the strangeness on the old lady gradually disappeared.

The door of Yuelao Temple was pushed open through a gap, and a protruding eye peered in from the gap.

The eye peered in quietly, with only a black bean-like pupil. When he leaned back, he saw that the eye was located at the chin of the "face", and he was wearing the long robe of the young master of the Mu family.

Quan Heng looked at the monster calmly.

"Miss Quan," the monster stepped back and showed a bloody smile, "Change your clothes, there will be something important tomorrow."

As he spoke, he squeezed a dozen white paper figures through the cracks in the door, squeezed them flat and then stretched them out. They were all little maids with red cheeks.

They rushed into a corner with a smile and opened several red boxes.

A box was unlocked, and a pair of gleaming gold and jade earrings, a priceless phoenix crown hairpin, and an exquisite red jade gold walking stick were taken out.

The second box was opened, revealing a wedding dress embroidered with golden phoenixes in bright red, with layers of lotus-like skirt corners, beautiful clouds, and complicated embroidery work hidden on both the inner and outer shirts.

He picked up the three boxes. The silk-embroidered red gauze hijab was like clouds and smoke, the emerald bracelet was elegant and noble, and the bright red satin was tied with new flowers, which were tied to the wrist by the husband.

However, the four boxes were sealed and pushed to the door of Yuelao Temple by a little maid, and all they could hear was the clanging sound of clanging clang clanging clanging.

"Miss Quan, put it on."

The paper ghost boys each took out something, grinned their bright red lips, and moved toward Quan Heng. They chirped like noisy sparrows, but their voices were shrill and shrill.

"How beautiful this dress is! It's still an old item!"

"Ms. Quan, put it on, tomorrow is the 'Yin Yang Gate' that happens every six years!"

"We'll get dressed later before we go on the road! You have to dress up quickly, otherwise it will be too late when the suona sounds! You have to stay at Yuelaoshan Temple for a whole day to pray!"

"Oh, Miss Quan is so pretty that she doesn't need any rouge!"

The sharp sounds were mixed one after another, turning into countless musical notes and incantations in the void, invisible and endless, intertwined into a constant murmur.

Quan Heng's eyes were in a trance for a moment, and he was talking in a variety of words, constantly impacting his reason.

[Ding dong! KP tip: The murmuring attack of the "Yinyuan Pendant" derivative causes three disk fluctuations, causing mental confusion]

It turns out that these paper figures are all derivatives of "Yin Yuan Pei"...

Quan Heng closed her eyes, letting her disturbed murmurs sting her nerves, and struck down the Tianshu with her backhand the moment the paper man touched her!

Dark red electricity burst out, the paper maid screamed, and the paper body ignited in flames!

The murmurs around him stopped due to the sudden change.

Quan Heng opened his eyelids and saw the remaining monsters shrinking and looking at the paper maid who was covered in fire.

Quan Heng lowered his eyes indifferently, watching the paper monster burn to ashes amidst the screams, and the pair of gold and jade earrings he held in his hand were also stained with paper ashes.

"I don't have pierced ears, just forget about earrings." Quan Heng said in a calm voice: "Give me the rest and I will wear them myself."

The paper maids looked at each other, the fear of "Tianshu" still lingering in their big mung bean eyes.

"These are not ordinary ghost children. Ordinary fire cannot burn them," the young master of the Mu family outside the door suddenly said with inquiry and doubt, "Miss Quan's weapon is so powerful."

"Really?" Quan Heng curled his lips, "Then I also have a butterfly knife - besides being afraid of fire, this paper man should also be afraid of cutting, right?"

The paper maids took half a step back warily.

"I won't try it now." The young master of the Mu family outside the door said with a smile, "Since Miss Quan doesn't want to wear earrings and wants to change her clothes by herself, then you can come out - when the suona starts playing at this time, I will open the door to pick you up. you."

After he finished speaking, the paper maids put all the wedding clothes and jewelry on the altar and got through the door one after another.

Quan Heng put away the "Tianshu" and looked at the complicated clothes one after another calmly.

[Okay, there are so many and so many things, does Quan Heng know how to wear them at all? ]

[It’s so funny. Is there something that Quan Heng doesn’t know? I always feel that she knows everything, even if she is not proficient, she will only know a little bit]

[What are you thinking? Human beings who are not interested in studying these things basically don’t know how to wear them, let alone wedding clothes that are so formal]

Quan Heng glanced at the phoenix crown. She didn't have long hair that fell down her shoulders. She couldn't wear something like this.

[Ding dong! Please pay attention to those who invite PK battles! 】

Keeper's sudden beep interrupted her——

[The challenger has unlocked 60% of the plot and obtained important clues to the "Yinyuan Pendant"! 】

Quan Heng paused slightly.

"Damn it, why does this place smell so evil? You dare to lock the door? Throw a brick at it!"

At the same time, Song Jingyun's cursing knock on the door sounded.

"Quan Heng, are you in there? I know something is wrong with this place!"


"Oh, it turns out that this Yin Yuan Pendant was a gift from the Yue Lao God! The Mu family is favored only after they have accumulated good deeds and done good deeds!"

"No, no, you are all joking," the eldest young master of the Mu family smiled and waved his hands, "You are just pitying us poor people."

After getting the clue, Lu Mang smiled and glanced at the proud Haoshi beside him, motioning for him to continue asking.

"The young master is great, but why is this Yin Yuan Pendant only used every six years?"

"Well... the 'Yin Yuan Pendant' can indeed be used every time, but there is something special about the time of six years. It may be related to Tai Sui. It is the time when the Yin Qi is the strongest, and it is dark all day, so there is no need I purposely waited until dark the next day.”

The eldest young master lowered his voice.

"Although the auspicious time is tomorrow evening, the bride will be carried to the mountains in the early hours of tonight and will officially come in the evening.

"At that time, the Yin Yuan match can be really used, and the treasure is also in the mountain, not here.

"Just because tomorrow is the day with the heaviest yin energy, the evil ghosts in the back hills of this town will not be able to suppress it. I'd better trouble you two to come and save them. I think it's almost time now. You two and I will go and have a look later. , on the way to see the bride off."

After he finished speaking, a festive suona sound suddenly sounded outside the hospital——

"Hey, the suona is ringing! It's midnight!"

The eldest young master stood up with a smile, "Come on, let's go and watch the bride get on the sedan chair!"

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